3 research outputs found


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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas racionalus profesijos pasirinkimas paauglystėje, kaip individosėkmingos karjeros prielaida. Kadangi Lietuvoje atliktuose profesijospasirinkimo tyrimuose neskirta pakankami dėmesio specifinei vaikų grupei –globos namų auklėtiniams, šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos globos namuosegyvenančių paauglių profesijos pasirinkimo problemos. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: globos namų auklėtiniai, paaugliai, profesijos pasirinkimas

    The effect of sports activities on the self-esteem of socially excluded men

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               Background. Self-esteem is one characteristic of personality, a construct of self-confidence, self-respect, and harmonious interaction with oneself (Breslin, Leavey, 2019). Research devoted to the analysis of men's self-esteem reveals that a positive self-evaluation of men requires an image of a physically active man, which the man could compare with other men who demonstrate physical strength (Conzelmann, Schmidt, 2019). A man's physical self-perception is part of the assessment of a physically healthy and strong person and an aspect that ensures his sociality (Crawford, 2017). Scientific research establishes clear links between a man's physical attractiveness (Anderson-Butcher, 2019), sociability and self-esteem (Anderson, White, 2017). Men who systematically engage in active physical activity are physically healthier and more attractive (Burrmann, 2018). They are also emotionally more stable, their emotional self-control is more focused and their self-confidence is higher (El Ghali, 2018). Aim of the research. To reveal the effect of sports activities on the self-esteem of men experiencing social exclusion. Methods. To determine men's self-esteem changes The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was chosen,  and the Data were processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), version 22.0. Results. A study in which men experiencing social exclusion participated in independent and team sports activities for half a year revealed a positive change in their self-esteem. When analyzing the changes in men's self-esteem before and after the activities, the distance between the estimates of the Rosenberg test before the experiment and 6 months after it ended is 1 standard deviation on the z-scale of the standard normal distribution. According to Cohen's concept of effective size, such a difference between standardized means can be considered as large. Despite the relatively small sample (N=30), the test met the very strict condition of statistical reliability (p≤0.001). Conclusion. The study revealed that when socially excluded men were included in sports activities held for half a year, their self-esteem changed from 15 points (low self-esteem) to 25-30 points (high self-esteem). Keywords: social exclusion, self-esteem, sports activities

    The Effect of Sports Activities on The Self-Esteem of Socially Excluded Men

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               Background. Self-esteem is one characteristic of personality, a construct of self-confidence, self-respect, and harmonious interaction with oneself (Breslin, Leavey, 2019). Research devoted to the analysis of men's self-esteem reveals that a positive self-evaluation of men requires an image of a physically active man, which the man could compare with other men who demonstrate physical strength (Conzelmann, Schmidt, 2019). A man's physical self-perception is part of the assessment of a physically healthy and strong person and an aspect that ensures his sociality (Crawford, 2017). Scientific research establishes clear links between a man's physical attractiveness (Anderson-Butcher, 2019), sociability and self-esteem (Anderson, White, 2017). Men who systematically engage in active physical activity are physically healthier and more attractive (Burrmann, 2018). They are also emotionally more stable, their emotional self-control is more focused and their self-confidence is higher (El Ghali, 2018). Aim of the research. To reveal the effect of sports activities on the self-esteem of men experiencing social exclusion. Methods. To determine men's self-esteem changes The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was chosen,  and the Data were processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), version 22.0. Results. A study in which men experiencing social exclusion participated in independent and team sports activities for half a year revealed a positive change in their self-esteem. When analyzing the changes in men's self-esteem before and after the activities, the distance between the estimates of the Rosenberg test before the experiment and 6 months after it ended is 1 standard deviation on the z-scale of the standard normal distribution. According to Cohen's concept of effective size, such a difference between standardized means can be considered as large. Despite the relatively small sample (N=30), the test met the very strict condition of statistical reliability (p≤0.001). Conclusion. The study revealed that when socially excluded men were included in sports activities held for half a year, their self-esteem changed from 15 points (low self-esteem) to 25-30 points (high self-esteem). Keywords: social exclusion, self-esteem, sports activities