47 research outputs found

    Projektowanie kursu ESP

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    Designing an ESP course in an academic setting is a multidimensional challenge. To meet it, we should address the needs and interests of our students, which in most cases means incorporating subject-specific content (specialized vocabulary, typical genres, authentic materials, discourse communities practices) into a language course. This on the practitioners' part involves tackling their lack of disciplinary expertise, which might be very diffi cult for various factors. One of them might be diffi culty in gaining expertise due to a wider curriculum and institutional policies (like teaching many ESPs at the same time). Another might be finding the right balance between discipline-based knowledge and pure language on such a course. It seems that the adequate language teaching expertise which the practitioners should possess in order to help students start using the language as a communication tool for their academic and occupational purposes, can be achieved through a careful choice of the syllabus type to be adopted, the academic skills and genres to be practised, the specialized topics for the language to be presented and reliable sources of materials to raise motivation and serve as an example. This paper describes taking the aforementioned elements into account when designing specialized English language courses for BSc and MSc students of Biology, Geography and Physics, at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. It analyses which language course elements can be shared across the mentioned sub-disciplines of EST, and where their syllabi start to diverge

    Rola i znaczenie organizacji wspierania biznesu w transgranicznym wsp贸艂dzia艂aniu gospodarczym MSP

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    Economic interaction SMEs both at the national, cross-border or international is an interesting research topic. Undoubtedly, an important link in supporting exploration, networking and building relationships with stakeholders especially from outside the country are business support organizations. The article presents the activities of such organizations, business support as PARP, KIG and EEN pointing tools to help you make lasting economic relations across borders. Cooperative exchanges are described in detail as a way to directly associate companies

    Structural phase transitions and their influence on Cu+ mobility in superionic ferroelastic Cu6PS5I single crystals

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    The structural origin of Cu+ ions conductivity in Cu6PS5I single crystals is described in terms of structural phase transitions studied by X-ray diffraction, polarizing microscope and calorimetric measurements. Below the phase transition at Tc=(144-169) K Cu6PS5I belongs to monoclinic, ferroelastic phase, space group Cc. Above Tc crystal changes the symmetry to cubic superstructure, space group F-43c (a=19.528); finally at 274K disordering of the Cu+ ions increases the symmetry to F-43m, (a=9.794). The phase transition at 274K coincides well with a strong anomaly in electrical conductivity observed in the Arrhenius plot. Diffusion paths for Cu+ ions are evidenced by means of the atomic displacement factors and split model. Influence of the copper stechiometry on the Tc is also discussed.Comment: conference pape

    Cross-border clusters of cross-border as a form of economic cooperation between

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    Pogranicze jako obszar transgraniczny to specyficzne miejsce prowadzenia dzia艂alno艣ci gospodarczej. Funkcjonuj膮ce tam przedsi臋biorstwa maj膮 mo偶liwo艣ci wsp贸艂dzia艂ania z partnerami pochodz膮cymi z s膮siaduj膮cego kraju. Transgraniczne wsp贸艂dzia艂anie gospodarcze jest coraz cz臋艣ciej wspierane przez programy wsp贸艂pracy transgranicznej. Celem artyku艂u jest zaprezentowanie specyfiki pogranicza oraz wskazanie mo偶liwo艣ci, jakie tworz膮 programy wsp贸艂pracy transgranicznej w zakresie budowania trwa艂ych relacji gospodarczych mi臋dzy firmami. Ponadto przedstawiono ide臋 klastra transgranicznego wraz z przyk艂adem jako form臋 transgranicznego wsp贸艂dzia艂ania gospodarczego.Borderland as the cross-border area is a specific place of business. The existence of the businesses have opportunities to work with partners coming from a neighboring country. Cross-border economic cooperation is increasingly being supported by crossborder cooperation programs. The article presents the specificity of the border, create opportunities for cross-border cooperation programs and characterized the idea of crossborder cluster with an example as a form of cross-border economic cooperation

    New Cytoplasmic Virus-Like Elements (VLEs) in the Yeast Debaryomyces hansenii

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    Yeasts can have additional genetic information in the form of cytoplasmic linear dsDNA molecules called virus-like elements (VLEs). Some of them encode killer toxins. The aim of this work was to investigate the prevalence of such elements in D. hansenii killer yeast deposited in culture collections as well as in strains freshly isolated from blue cheeses. Possible benefits to the host from harboring such VLEs were analyzed. VLEs occurred frequently among fresh D. hansenii isolates (15/60 strains), as opposed to strains obtained from culture collections (0/75 strains). Eight new different systems were identified: four composed of two elements and four of three elements. Full sequences of three new VLE systems obtained by NGS revealed extremely high conservation among the largest molecules in these systems except for one ORF, probably encoding a protein resembling immunity determinant to killer toxins of VLE origin in other yeast species. ORFs that could be potentially involved in killer activity due to similarity to genes encoding proteins with domains of chitin-binding/digesting and deoxyribonuclease NucA/NucB activity, could be distinguished in smaller molecules. However, the discovered VLEs were not involved in the biocontrol of Yarrowia lipolytica and Penicillium roqueforti present in blue cheeses

    On mean - Value at Risk portfolio analysis

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    Praca dotyczy analizy portfelowej, w kt贸rej ryzyko jest mierzone warto艣ci膮 zagro偶on膮 (VaR), a wektor st贸p zwrotu walor贸w ryzykownych ma rozk艂ad normalny. Przy za艂o偶eniu, 偶e kr贸tka sprzeda偶 walor贸w ryzykownych jest dopuszczalna zbadano przypadki, gdy nie ma waloru pozbawionego ryzyka i gdy taki walor istnieje. Przeanalizowano model Blacka i zmodyfikowany model Tobina, stosuj膮c VaR jako miar臋 ryzyka. Om贸wiono podobie艅stwa i r贸偶nice mi臋dzy modelami stosuj膮cymi odchylenie standardowe jako miar臋 ryzyka, a tymi stosuj膮cymi VaR. Zwr贸cono uwag臋 na fakt, 偶e od poziomu ufno艣ci przyjmowanego do wyznaczania VaR zale偶y istnienie portfeli efektywnych. Wyniki uzyskane dla modelu z walorem bezryzykownym i miar膮 ryzyka VaR nie wyst臋puj膮 w literaturze.The article concerns portfolio analysis where risk is measured by value at risk (VaR) assuming that the returns are normally distributed and short-selling of risky securities has no limitations. Two models have been analysed: one with the assumption that no risk-free security exists in the economy, another assuming just one risk-free security. An analysis of Black Model and Modified Tobin Model has been carried out using VaR as the measure of risk. Models with VaR as a measure of risk and standard deviation as measure of risk have been compared. It is shown that, depending on the confidence level used to calculate VaR, an efficient portfolio might not exist. The results for the model with one risk-free asset and VaR as a measure of risk have not been published before and are the original contribution of this paper

    Synthesis and properties of new metaloderivatives of chlorophylls.

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    Chlorofile charakteryzuj膮 si臋 znacz膮c膮 absorpcj膮 艣wiat艂a w zakresie widzialnym i bliskiej podczerwieni oraz wysok膮 wydajno艣ci膮 stan贸w trypletowych. Dlatego stanowi膮 potencjalne fotosensybilizatory w terapii fotodynamicznej. Celem pracy by艂a synteza i poszukiwanie kompleks贸w przej艣ciowych pochodnych chlorofili, w kt贸rych centralny jon magnezu jest zast膮piony przez jon palladu (II) lub platyny (II). Zwi膮zki kompleksowe wymienionych metali s膮 u偶ywane w terapii antynowotworowej, dlatego spodziewane jest dodatkowe cytotoksyczne dzia艂anie ich kompleks贸w z chlorofilami. Ponadto, insercja jonu metalu o wysokiej liczbie atomowej sprawia, i偶 barwnik zyskuje korzystne w艂a艣ciwo艣ci takie jak lepsze dopasowanie energii wzbudzenia do okna terapeutycznego, czy zwi臋kszon膮 wydajno艣膰 generowania tlenu singletowego. G艂贸wnym celem by艂a optymalizacja metody otrzymywania platynowej pochodnej chlorofilu a. Syntez臋 prowadzono u偶ywaj膮c zmodyfikowanej metody octanowej przy u偶yciu tetrachloroplatyny (II) sodu. Znaleziono optymalne warunki prowadzenia syntezy i rozdzia艂u produkt贸w. Produkt charakteryzuje si臋 zwi臋kszon膮 rozpuszczalno艣ci膮 w wodzie, nisk膮 intensywno艣ci膮 emisji fluorescencji oraz wysok膮 absorpcj膮 艣wiat艂a w zakresie okna terapeutycznego, co umo偶liwia jego zastosowanie w terapii fotodynamicznej. Kolejnym celem by艂o poszukiwanie kompleks贸w przej艣ciowych palladowych pochodnych chlorofili. Zaobserwowano widma absorpcji dw贸ch kompleks贸w przej艣ciowych powstaj膮cych podczas syntezy palladowej pochodnej chlorofilu a z u偶yciem chlorku palladu (II) w metanolu.Chlorophylls exhibit significant absorption in the visible and near-infrared region and high quantum yield of triplet state. Therefore, they are promising photosensitizers applicable in photodynamic therapy. The purpose of the project was the synthesis and search for intermediate complexes of chlorophylls in which the central magnesium ion is substituted for palladium (II) or platinum (II) ion. Complexes of mentioned metals are used in cancer therapy, therefore an additional cytotoxic activity for the their complexes with chlorophylls is expected. Moreover, as a result of insertion of the metal ion with high atomic number pigments gain new interesting properties such as better suit to therapeutic window and enhanced quantum yield of single oxygen generation. The main aim was to develop synthetic and purification techniques for obtaining platinum derivative of chlorophyll a. The synthesis of this pigment was conducted using modified acetate method with the use of sodium tetrachloroplatinate (II). Optimal conditions of conducting the reaction and product purification was found. Obtained product exhibit enhanced water solubility, decreased fluorescence emission and enhanced light absorption in therapeutic window, which is why it is potent photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy. The next aim was the search for intermediate complexes of palladium (II) derivatives of chlorophylls. Absorption spectra of two intermediate complexes of palladium derivative of chlorophyll a were observed during its synthesis with the use of palladium (II) chloride in methanol

    The importance of slow food on the background of trends in consumer behaviour on the regional products market in Poland

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    Celem pracy by艂a analiza trend贸w obserwowanych w zachowaniach konsument贸w na skutek zmian zachodz膮cych na rynku 偶ywno艣ciowym. W cz臋艣ci teoretycznej pracy ukazano kluczowe aktualne trendy wyst臋puj膮ce w zachowaniach nabywc贸w produkt贸w 偶ywno艣ciowych i analiz臋 uwarunkowa艅 Ruchu slow food w Polsce. Za pomoc膮 kwestionariusza zebrano dane w艣r贸d konsument贸w, z kt贸rych wynika, 偶e wiedza na temat zar贸wno 偶ywno艣ci tradycyjnej i regionalnej, jak i slow food kszta艂tuje si臋 na niskim poziomie.The aim of the thesis was to analyse trends in customers behaviour that appear due to changes occurring on the food market. The theoretical part of thesis includes the the analysis of current trends amongst food products buyers and description of the slow food movement in Poland. The results of a survey that was conducted with the use of a questionnaire indicate that the customers knowledge about traditional and regional food as well as slow food is a at low level

    The role of social enterprises in solving problems of disabled people

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    Celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie roli jakie pe艂ni膮 przedsi臋biorstwa spo艂eczne w 偶yciu os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych. W cz臋艣ci teoretycznej pracy ukazano kluczowe zagadnienia oraz definicje zwi膮zane z ekonomi膮 spo艂eczn膮 z uwzgl臋dnieniem zarysu historycznego przedsi臋biorczo艣ci spo艂ecznej w Polsce. Rozdzia艂 drugi po艣wi臋cony zosta艂 problematyce os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych. Zawiera on r贸wnie偶 informacje na temat dzia艂alno艣ci oraz inicjatyw podejmowanych na rzecz os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych w Krakowie. Rozdzia艂 trzeci oparty jest o metodologi臋 bada艅 w艂asnych, analiz臋 wynik贸w, a tak偶e wnioski i rekomendacje. W pracy u偶yto techniki wywiadu, kt贸ry pozwoli艂 wnioskowa膰, i偶 przedsi臋biorstwa spo艂eczne odgrywaj膮 znacz膮c膮 rol臋 w 偶yciu os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych. Firmy spo艂eczne przyczyniaj膮 si臋 do aktywizacji spo艂eczno -zawodowej os贸b zagro偶onych wykluczeniem spo艂ecznym oraz do kreowania ich pozytywnego wizerunku w spo艂ecze艅stwie i budowania spo艂ecznego solidaryzmu.The main aim of this thesis is to consider how the roles of the social enterprises impact the life of disabled people. In the theoretical part, there are main issues and definitions depicted that are connected to social economy and historical outlines of social enterprises in Poland. The second paragraph includes a description of the main issues of disabled people. Also, it includes information about the activities and initiatives that were taken for to help disabled people in Cracow. The third paragraph is based on personal research methodology and an analysis of its results. Also, it includes a conclusion and recommendations. The interview methodology that is used in the thesis can be a reasonable ground to summarize that social enterprises have a significant role in the life of people with disabilities. The social enterprises spur potentially excluded people into action and help to create a positive image for them in the society and to build social solidarity