42 research outputs found

    Model poverty reduction through social and economic institutional empowerment of poor communities in South Sulawesi

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    This research aims (1) to reviewing the extent to which the role of the Government in implementing the model of empowerment of marginal/poor communities through mentoring program in learning, (2). Reviewing and explain the benefits of implementing the poor's empowerment program to alleviate poverty, (3). To review how to implement the poverty alleviate model that is more in line with the local wisdom of the people of South Sulawesi.The Research results show that (1). Institutional social and institutional Economics that exist in the community in the region Mamminasata South Sulawesi in generally not have the ability to empower the community because it has not received optimal support from the government and private. (2). In general, the education and skills of the community are still low so that people face limitations in living their lives, especially in economic activities, so tend to be unproductive and powerless and become poor

    The Effect of Quality of Service, Image, and Business Ethics on Satisfaction and Loyality of Patients in Hospitals in Makassar City

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    Research related to the Effect of Service Quality, Image, and Business Ethics on Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty at Hospitals in Makassar City. This research was conducted which aims to: (1) test and analyze the effect of service quality, image, business ethics on patient satisfaction, (2) test and analyze the effect of service quality, image, business ethics on patient loyalty, (3) test and analyze the effect satisfaction with patient loyalty, (4) test and analyze the indirect effect of service quality, image, and business ethics on patient loyalty through mediating patient satisfaction. This study uses primary data through distributing questionnaires to a total of 203 inpatients as samples from the total number of patients in 2018 totaling 69.337, data collection was carried out from December 2019 to January 2020. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with program assistance AMOS and SPSS. The results showed that (1) service quality, image, and business ethics had a positive and significant direct effect on patient satisfaction, (2) service quality, image, and business ethics had a positive and significant direct effect on patient loyalty, (3) satisfaction has a positive and not significant direct effect on patient loyalty, (4) an indirect relationship of service quality, image, and business ethics, through mediation satisfaction has a positive and not significant effect on patient loyalty. This means that the provision of good quality services, the application of the hospital's image, and the application of ethical behavior will have a direct role in patient satisfaction and loyalty. Patient satisfaction does not significantly affect patient loyalty due to the existence of a system of tiered referral system which makes it impossible for patients to directly choose the hospital, except in an emergency. Quality of service, image, and business ethics through satisfaction has a positive and not significant effect on patient loyalty. This shows that patient satisfaction is not able to mediate to have a significant influence on patient loyalty