7 research outputs found

    Komunikacja lekarza z pacjentem w opinii studentów kierunku lekarskiego

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    Interpersonal communication in medicine is a very important topic that requires constant development and training of health care physicians. The article is a report from a study the aim of which was to find out the opinions of medical students from Polish universities on this subject. The study involved 56 female students and 38 students who answered questions about: communication techniques in the doctor-patient relationship, protocols for passing on unsuccessful information, concerns related to contact with a given patient, communication barriers, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on interpersonal communication, departments with which the greatest communication problems are associated, the usefulness of optional classes during the education of students in the field of medicine. The conclusions were presented in the discussion, along with the possibilities of solving potential communication problems in the patient-doctor relationship.Komunikacja interpersonalna w lecznictwie jest bardzo ważnym tematem, wymagającym trwałego rozwoju i dokształcania lekarzy ochrony zdrowia. Artykuł jest raportem z badania, którego celem było poznanie opinii studentów kierunku lekarskiego z polskich uczelni akademickich na ten temat. W badaniu wzięło udział 56 studentek i 38 studentów, którzy odpowiadali na pytania dotyczące: technik komunikacyjnych w relacji lekarz – pacjent, protokołów przekazania niepomyślnej informacji, obaw związanych z kontaktem z danym pacjentem, barier komunikacyjnych, wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na komunikację interpersonalną, oddziałów, z którymi są wiązane największe problemy komunikacyjne, użyteczności zajęć fakultatywnych podczas kształcenia studentów na kierunku lekarskim. Wnioski zostały przedstawione w dyskusji, wraz z możliwościami rozwiązania potencjalnych problemów komunikacyjnych w relacji pacjent – lekarz

    The Morphology of the Pituitary Gland: A Meta-Analysis with Implications for Diagnostic Imaging

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    The objective of this meta-analysis was to present transparent data on the morphology of the pituitary gland (PG) using the available data in the literature. The main online medical databases, such as PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science, were searched to gather all relevant studies regarding PG morphology. The mean overall volume of the PG was found to be 597.23 mm3 (SE = 28.81). The mean overall height of the PG was established to be 5.64 mm (SE = 0.11). The mean overall length of the PG was found to be 9.98 mm (SE = 0.26). In the present study, the PG’s overall morphology and morphometric features were analyzed. Our results showed that, on average, females from Asia have the highest volume of PG (706.69 mm3), and males from Europe have the lowest (456.42 mm3). These values are crucial to be aware of because they represent the normal average properties of the PG, which may be used as reference points when trying to diagnose potential pathologies of this gland. Furthermore, the present study’s results prove how the PG’s size decreases with age. The results of the present study may be helpful for physicians, especially surgeons, performing procedures on the PG