470 research outputs found

    Excited states of the helium-antihydrogen system

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    Potential energy curves for excited leptonic states of the helium-antihydrogen system are calculated within Ritz' variational approach. An explicitly correlated ansatz for the leptonic wave function is employed describing accurately the motion of the leptons (two electrons and positron) in the field of the helium nucleus and of the antiproton with arbitrary orbital angular momentum projection Λ\Lambda onto the internuclear axis. Results for Λ\Lambda=0, 1 and 30 are presented. For quasibound states with large values of Λ\Lambda and rotational quantum numbers J>ΛJ>\Lambda no annihilation and rearrangement decay channels occur, i. e. they are metastable

    Renormalization of the two-photon vacuum polarization and the self energy vacuum polarization for a tightly bound electron

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    The renormalization method of Bogoljubov-Parasiuk-Hepp-Zimmermann (BPHZ) is used in order to derive the renormalized energy shift due to the gauge invariant K\"all\'en-Sabry diagram of the two-photon vacuum polarization (VPVP) as well as the self energy vacuum polarization S(VP)E beyond the Uehling approximation. It is outlined, that no outer renormalization is required for the two-photon vacuum polarization and that only the inner renormalization has to b e accomplished. It is shown that the so-called nongauge invariant spurious term is absent for a wide class of vacuum polarization (VP) diagrams if one applies the widely used spherical expansion of bound and free-electron propagat or. This simplifies significantly calculations in bound state quantum electrodynamis . As one result of our paper the use of the BPHZ-approach in bound state QED is established.Comment: 25 pages, latex, 12 figure

    Nuclear-polarization effect to the hyperfine structure in heavy multicharged ions

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    We have investigated the correction to the hyperfine structure of heavy multicharged ions, which is connected with the nuclear-polarization effect caused by the unpaired bound electron. Numerical calculations are performed for hydrogenlike ions taking into account the dominant collective nuclear excitations. The correction defines the ultimate limit of precision in accurate theoretical predictions of the hyperfine-structure splittings

    Nuclear polarization in heavy atoms and superheavy quasiatoms

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    We consider the contribution of nuclear polarization to the Lamb shift of K- and L-shell electrons in heavy atoms and quasiatoms. Our formal approach is based on the concept of effective photon propagators with nuclear-polarization insertions treating effects of nuclear polarization on the same footing as usual QED radiative corrections. We explicitly derive the modification of the photon propagator for various collective nuclear excitations and calculate the corresponding effective self-energy shift perturbatively. The energy shift of the 1s1/2 state in 92238U due to virtual excitation of nuclear rotational states is shown to be a considerable correction for atomic high-precision experiments. In contrast to this, nuclear-polarization effects are of minor importance for Lamb-shift studies in 82208Pb