11 research outputs found

    Serum beta-glucuronidase determination in normal subjects and in neurological and mental patients, a provisional report

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    Using the method given by GOLDSTEIN (1961)9 for the determination of serum beta-glucuronidase activity, this value was determined in both normal and patients with epilepsy, neuroses, psychoses and multiple sclerosis. Of the patient groups examined, the group of those suffering from epilepsy is the only one showing any difference of statistical significance for all four methods of determination. The group of patients suffering from neuroses differs significantly from the normal group as regards the results got by the method of heat coagulation for removal of the proteins. The material is however too small to provide any explanation of the results, but it appears to show that a determination of serum glucuronidase activity may be of interest in groups of diseases other than malignant tumors.</p

    Studies on "Trace Elements" in the Blood, especially with Regard to the Occurrence of Copper and Zinc (a preliminary paper)

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    By far the majority of studies and speculations on metabolism in man and animals have been concerned with the fate of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Even when interest was awakened in enzymes and vitamins, the transformation of the organic substances was still studied. Gradually, however, various methods of the analysis and measuring instruments used have been so perfected that other problems can now be included in the field of biological and medical researches, namely, the significance of inorganic substances for the living organism.</p

    Lipoyl dehydrogenase activity of erythrocytes in Spielmeyer-Vogt-Batten's disease

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    Using the method for the determination of the lipoyl dehydrogenase activity in intact erythrocytes described by Seet and Lee (1975), it was demonstrated that in patients with Spielmeyer-Vogt-Batten's disease, this activity was around the lower limit of normal. In these patients, the enzymatic activity is significantly reduced to such an extent that it may affect the function and metabolism of the erythrocytes.</p

    Some investigations on glucose tolerance in epileptics and patients with psychoses

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    An abnormal glucose tolerance is often found in patients with psychiatric or neurologic diseases, and the problem is then, what does this abnormal glucose tolerance mean and what is the relation between this and the patient's psychic state.</p