970 research outputs found

    Redukované zpracování půdy. Možnosti využití pro ekologické zemědělství.

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    Bioinstitut vydal překlad praktické příručky (orig. FiBL Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung, 2014), ve které je představeno redukované zpracování půdy jako důležitý příspěvek k zachování půdní úrodnosti. Šetrné hospodaření, s ohledem na půdní strukturu i organismy vyžaduje, s ohledem na lokalitu, upustit od hlubokého a intenzivního kypření. V publikaci jsou popsány výhody a požadavky spojené s redukovaným zpracováním půdy a představeny různé metody použití a mechanizace vhodné pro redukované zpracování půdy v podmínkách ekologického zemědělství

    Case report of mucha-habermann disease

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    Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA), also known as a Mucha-Habermann disease, is an uncommon, idiopathic, and acquired dermatosis. The disease is characterized by erythematous, scaly, papules, and polymorphic lesions which often progresses to hemorrhagic necrosis and heals with varioliform scarring. A febrile ulceronecrotic variant of PLEVA, also termed pityriasis lichenoides (PL) with ulceronecrosis and hyperthermia (PLUH) or febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease (FUMHD), is a severe variant of PLEVA. The disease is characterized by the acute onset of large, more destructive, coalescent papules, leading to ulceronecrotic skin lesions associated with high fever and other systemic symptoms. In spite of the presence of multiple treatment modalities with variable success rate, the disease has poor prognosis. Here, we report the case of a 17-year-old male patient who presented with typical features of FUMHD and responded well to systemic administration of corticosteroid therapy

    Learning Subgrid-Scale Models in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations

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    The growing computing power over the years has enabled simulations to become more complex and accurate. However, high-fidelity simulations, while immensely valuable for scientific discovery and problem solving, come with significant computational demands. As a result, it is common to run a low-fidelity model with a subgrid-scale model to reduce the computational cost, but selecting the appropriate subgrid-scale models and tuning them are challenging. We propose a novel method for learning the subgrid-scale model effects when simulating partial differential equations using neural ordinary differential equations in the context of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization. Our approach learns the missing scales of the low-order DG solver at a continuous level and hence improves the accuracy of the low-order DG approximations as well as accelerates the filtered high-order DG simulations with a certain degree of precision. We demonstrate the performance of our approach through multidimensional Taylor--Green vortex examples at different Reynolds numbers and times, which cover laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimes. The proposed method not only reconstructs the subgrid-scale from the low-order (1st-order) approximation but also speeds up the filtered high-order DG (6th-order) simulation by two orders of magnitude.Comment: 15 figures, 2 tables, 22 page

    On-site assessment of best management practices| A component of cumulative watershed effects in the Flathead River Basin

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    ISO Classical Pronunciation Guide 1992 & 1993

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    Pronunciation guides used by the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra staff to insure accurate pronunciation of composer’s and performer’s names as well as those of certain compositions

    Memorial literature description of All-russian peasant union locations activity in Ukraine during the years of Russian revolution of 1905

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    Розглядається комплекс мемуарної історико-революційної літератури, що висвітлює діяльність регіональних структур Всеросійського селянського союзу. Аналізується оцінка мемуаристами значення селянської організації, її взаємодія з політичними партіями, а також рух за створення Українського селянського союзу.Рассматривается комплекс мемуарной историко-революционной литературы, освещающей деятельность региональных структур Всероссийского крестьянского союза. Анализируется оценка мемуаристами значения крестьянской организации, ее взаимоотношения с политическими партиями, а также движение за создание Украинского крестьянского союза.The complex of memorial historical and revolution literature revealing All-Russian Peasant Union (ARPU) regional structures activity is examined. The article purpose is to analyze basing on the memorials of agrarians (participants of the movement) various aspects of regional locations of Peasant Union social and political activity in Ukraine as well as a struggle for Ukrainian Peasant Union creation. It is distinguished that the definition of the ARPU nature differed depending on the political background of memoirists - from accepting the Union as proper peasant organization disposed to act in legal field (E.Chikalenko, D.Doroshenko) to formless structure without clear program, how it was understood by a part of Russian social-democrats. Therefore came different degrees of parties’ members participation in the operation of the Union. In Ukraine the most active role in the creation and development of ARPU played the representatives of Ukrainian Liberal camp together with the representatives of Socialist-Revolutionary party. In spite of being encouraged by parties’ activists, Peasant Union stayed fully independent organization guided by peasant interests. Memoirists who belonged to the former Union activists estimated it as a valid political power and an equal partner of other political organizations and, in case of Sumy ARPU committee, as a leading political party of the region. The memorials recreate the picture of ARPU cells, which were mostly established from the bottom upwards according to the chain reaction. In this regards, authors’ positive attitudes to massive influxes of peasants to organization are stated. In memoirs conduction of peasant congresses, which demonstrated the prevailing homogeneity of the peasants’ position on payless cession of landlords’, imperial and church lands to peasants was noted as well as positive perception of revolution democratic tasks - convention of information meetings, implementation of democratic freedoms, release of political prisoners, etc. The attention to economic measures of local Union Committees described by authors is emphasized. The role of peasant intelligence in the operation of Union units is reviewed. Ukrainian political leaders’ activity aimed at Ukrainian Peasant Union (UPU) creation is studied separately together with the roles of sertain political activists in this process. It is concluded that the memoirs point at the list of important aspects of ARPU activity: successful functioning of Peasant Union Units was due to a strong collaboration of intelligence and peasant activists; substantial contribution in establishment and activity of ARPU commettees was made by opposition political organizations, though their influence on peasantry and its organization was not considerable; the creation of Peasant Union itself became possible due to the peasantry politization and origin of public society