33 research outputs found

    Methodological advances in imaging intravital axonal transport.

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    Axonal transport is the active process whereby neurons transport cargoes such as organelles and proteins anterogradely from the cell body to the axon terminal and retrogradely in the opposite direction. Bi-directional transport in axons is absolutely essential for the functioning and survival of neurons and appears to be negatively impacted by both aging and diseases of the nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The movement of individual cargoes along axons has been studied in vitro in live neurons and tissue explants for a number of years; however, it is currently unclear as to whether these systems faithfully and consistently replicate the in vivo situation. A number of intravital techniques originally developed for studying diverse biological events have recently been adapted to monitor axonal transport in real-time in a range of live organisms and are providing novel insight into this dynamic process. Here, we highlight these methodological advances in intravital imaging of axonal transport, outlining key strengths and limitations while discussing findings, possible improvements, and outstanding questions

    XLIV Konferencja Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN: nauka, technologia i innowacje w żywności i żywieniu

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    Streszczenia w jęz. angielskimWydarzenie: XLIV Konferencja Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN; Łódź, 3-4 lipca 2019 r.; http://pan.binoz.p.lodz.plOrganizator konferencji: Wydział Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności PŁ; Komitet Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN; Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów ŻywnościProjekt graficzny okładki: Grzelczyk, J.Projekt graficzny okładki: Klewicki, R.Skład: Oracz, J.Za treść zamieszczonych materiałów odpowiadają ich autorzy.Sesje Naukowe Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu Polskiej Akademii Nauk (KNoŻiŻ PAN) są organizowane przez krajowe ośrodki akademickie związane z naukami o żywności i żywieniu w dwuletnich cyklach. Sesje te stanowią największe w skali kraju forum prezentacji najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych i technologicznych w dziedzinie technologii żywności i żywienia człowieka, jak również wymiany poglądów oraz doświadczeń pracowników jednostek naukowych i przedstawicieli przemysłu spożywczego. Tematyka XLIV Sesji dotyczyć będzie szeroko pojętej problematyki związanej z oddziaływaniem żywności i odżywiania na zdrowie człowieka

    On the joint limiting distribution of times spent in particular states by a Markov process

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    The reliability of a compound system under consideration of the system elements prices

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    On certain problems connected with a division of a normal population into parts

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    Variance of the mean in a certain sampling scheme

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    Prospektywne równanie Kołmogorowa dla niemarkowskich procesów stochastycznych

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    Biofilms - a danger for food industry

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    Bacterial biofilm is a complex structure of microorganisms with variable qualitative composition depending on the raw materials used, parameters of the production process and localization in hardly accessible places for antimicrobial agents. At the same time, the life of bacteria in the biofilm structure increases the resistance of pathogens and the probability of their survival in adverse conditions. However, the effectiveness of biofilm removal is still not satisfactory, despite the constant improvement of the cleaning and disinfection procedures of industrial surfaces. The methods of biofilm eradication used so far can be divided into three groups (physical, biological, chemical). Numerous in vitro studies indicate that alternatives to commonly used disinfectants may be natural substances such as essential oils that have bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity. The present review will focus on describing biofilm formation and performance. In addition, the paper describes an overview of the methods used to prevent and eradicate biofilms

    Extreme Nonlinear Optics in Terms of Riccati-Type Equation

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    In an approach based on the nonlinear Riccati-type differential equation for the ratio of the level population amplitudes, rather than on the optical Bloch equations, we describe the response of a two-level system to a few-cycle light pulse of intensity from the regime of extreme nonlinear optics, i.e., when the Rabi and transition frequencies are comparable. Emphasis is put on the dependence of the spectra of the scattered light on the carrier-envelope phase, duration and strength of both resonant and off-resonant pulses