39 research outputs found


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    The current financial and economic crisis has affected many sectors, and also the construction sector. The construction market has been and will be an important source of income for the entire Europe, totaling about 1.650 thousand billion euro, which is more than the GDP of Italy. Building no doubt brings significant percentage in the GDP of any European country, which of course is different from country to country. In Western European countries, the residential market is almost 50% from the construction market, while in Eastern European countries the majority is held by the civil and non-residential constructions. In addition, in the West the medium budget per capita spent on construction is 3-4 times higher than that spent in Eastern countries. But, according to previsions in the coming years the countries that will witness a growth, albeit small, will be the Eastern ones. The paper highlights the impact of the economic and financial crisis in the construction industry on a European and national level, as the sustainable constructions that may represent the sector’s future.construction market, economic crisis, sustainable constructions, residential constructions


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    Construction, one of the major economic sector of activity in Europe, was severely affected by the actual global recession, although the impact of the crisis and the moment when it occurred varied widely between the EU Member States. In Romania, the first effects of the economic crisis in the construction sector occurred since early 2009, being visible both in physical volume of construction works and in the volume and value of investments in this sector. The crisis in the construction works had a strong impact on the entire Romanian economy. With the present research paper „A strategic approach of the construction sector in Romania” we aim to highlight the competitive advantage the companies in the field have on the national market. To this end we will use the SWOT model of strategic analysis and M. Porter’s five competitive forces model, in order to highlight the main problems faced by these companies

    Analysis of consumer behaviour in self-service stores from Craiova

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    Consumption is a universal phenomenon. In other to exist, all living beings must consume. In a complex and dynamic environment, the ability to process marketing information is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. In the last two decades, there has been a significant increase in research concerns directed towards understanding both the market knowledge contributions to the company’s marketing performance increase and the process by which such knowledge is generated. This paper highlights the results of a study, that of determining customer behaviour in self-service stores from Craiova.consumer behaviour, marketing research, self-service stores


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    . In Romanian hisoriography, the beginnings of the modern idea of political unity, of the national state, are placed in the years of the rule of the native princes (1822-1828) and of the Russian occupation, when the first modern manifestations in this sense appeared, concerning the union of the Wallachia with Moldavia, as a Romanian state, a buffer state between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, based on the historical rights in relation with the Porte, a state with modern institutions, according to the understanding and interests of the elite of the time. An interesting conclusion, resulting from a contextual analysis of the transformations of the period, without benefiting from too many explicit documentary references. Nevertheless, previous proposals concerning the establishment of a principality or kingdom of Dacia have been intensively discussed by Romanian and foreign historians, but, in our opinion, insufficient clarification has been provided regarding the extent to which these proposals belong or not to the history of the modern Romanian national project. In order to be able to make some reasoned conclusions we propose to conduct a comparative study. On the one hand, the "Dacia project" promoted by Russia in the years following the Treaty of Kuciuk Kainardji and the Ainalî Kavak Convention, subsequently associated with some Russian plans for the reorganization of the Balkans promoted especially by Ioannis Kapodistrias, deserves special attention. On the other hand, after 1821, in a historical context influenced by the outbreak of the Greek revolution and the efforts of the Great Powers to find solutions for the organisation of a Greek Christian principality, the first Romanian proposals for the Union of Moldavia with Wallachia into a national state were to appear, the most important being the proposal of January-February 1830 to achieve the union with a foreign prince, in the person of Gustav of Vasa, former Crown Prince of Sweden


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    The current financial and economic crisis has affected many sectors, but companies have tried to implement marketing strategies adapted to the context. Telecommunication field was affected to a lesser extent, given the customers’ need for communication, need that doesn’t go away, but that can be achieved through orientation to other service providers. As a research methodology, we used qualitative methods and empirical data on the evolution of Orange mobile operator under crisis conditions, and compared with other operators. The main advantage of these methods is the adaptation to existing resources and external identifying limitations. The objective of this study is to understand how to manage effectively a crisis by applying different marketing strategies adapted to the changing customer needs.telecommunications; strategy; crisis; opportunity;option


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    In this paper we conceptually discussed the brands’ role in the society, the dimensions of branding and the relationship between the brand and the products. We adhere to the main ideas expressed in the literature, that the brand is more than a product. However the product is needed to render the brand tangible. The product is the magic box that delivers the brand experience. Without the product, the brand meaning would have difficulties in attracting customers. More studies are needed to investigate the brand-product relationship

    Impact of expenditures with human and non-human resources on medical efficiency indicators

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    The most valuable resource of an organization is the human resource, especially in the area of health care. The specific problem of the public medical systems is that some managers of hospital institutions do not have strategies for employees’ compensation. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the impact of significant changes in the levels and the structure of budgetary allocation on the medical efficiency indicators of a public hospital from Romania, as well as the effects of changing reward policies on the hospital efficiency indicators. The paper provides a useful tool for hospital managers, which allows them to assess the impact of budgetary allocations for human and non-human resources (HNHR) on medical efficiency indicators of a public hospital

    Evaluating the Effects of Employee Recruitment and Selection Practices on the Organizational Change Process

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    The recruitment and selection process can be a valuable tool to enhance organizational adaptability and flexibility. Companies and organizations must quickly adapt to new requirements in a constantly changing business environment. By selecting candidates with relevant skills and experience, companies can increase their ability to cope with environmental changes and adapt to new market demands. In this context, the paper aims to evaluate the effects of practices regarding the recruitment and selection of human resources on the added value of organizational change in the employees' perception of organizations in Romania. These two aspects have a close relationship, and their integrated approach can lead to organizations' continuous development and improvement. Therefore, organizations can achieve success and excellent performance in an ever-evolving environment by recruiting and selecting suitable candidates and developing a changing culture

    Analysis of the Influences of Professional Training and Personal Development Practices Exercised in the Change Process

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    Professional training and personal development are two essential aspects of modern life that have become more relevant with rapid technological and business changes in recent decades. People are forced to adapt quickly to these changes to remain relevant in their fields of activity. In this context, the paper aims to investigate the influences of practices regarding professional training and personal development on the added value of organizational change in the employees' perception of organizations in Romania. The results show that professional training and personal development are essential to developing the skills and abilities needed to cope with changes in the business environment. Change can be difficult for individuals and organizations but can bring significant added value, leading to new opportunities and increased adaptability. Therefore, individuals and organizations must remain open to change and invest in professional training and personal development to cope successfully

    Evaluating the Effects of HRM Practices on Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture

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    Human resource management (HRM) is a critical field in business and organizations, and practices in this field can significantly influence employee engagement and organizational culture. The paper proposes a model for evaluating the effects of HRM practices on employee commitment and organizational culture. The empirical study in which the model is tested was carried out among 294 employees from Romanian organizations who answered the questionnaire questions. Structural equation modeling was used to process the data and obtain the results. HRM practices can directly influence employee engagement and organizational culture. Involving employees in the decision-making process, offering opportunities for career development, properly managing labor relations, and promoting diversity and inclusion are HRM practices that can increase employee engagement and develop a positive organizational culture. The study has important managerial implications by highlighting HRM practices that substantially affect employee engagement and organizational culture. Employees more involved and loyal to the organization are more likely to respect its values and goals, so the organizational culture becomes more substantial and better defined. Therefore, organizations must implement HRM practices that help increase employee engagement and develop a more robust and better-defined organizational culture