19 research outputs found

    D-Ribose Induces Cellular Protein Glycation and Impairs Mouse Spatial Cognition

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    BACKGROUND: D-ribose, an important reducing monosaccharide, is highly active in the glycation of proteins, and results in the rapid production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in vitro. However, whether D-ribose participates in glycation and leads to production of AGEs in vivo still requires investigation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we treated cultured cells and mice with D-ribose and D-glucose to compare ribosylation and glucosylation for production of AGEs. Treatment with D-ribose decreased cell viability and induced more AGE accumulation in cells. C57BL/6J mice intraperitoneally injected with D-ribose for 30 days showed high blood levels of glycated proteins and AGEs. Administration of high doses D-ribose also accelerated AGE formation in the mouse brain and induced impairment of spatial learning and memory ability according to the performance in Morris water maze test. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that D-ribose but not D-glucose reacts rapidly with proteins and produces significant amounts of AGEs in both cultured cells and the mouse brain, leading to accumulation of AGEs which may impair mouse spatial cognition

    ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations

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    Sports nutrition is a constantly evolving field with hundreds of research papers published annually. For this reason, keeping up to date with the literature is often difficult. This paper is a five year update of the sports nutrition review article published as the lead paper to launch the JISSN in 2004 and presents a well-referenced overview of the current state of the science related to how to optimize training and athletic performance through nutrition. More specifically, this paper provides an overview of: 1.) The definitional category of ergogenic aids and dietary supplements; 2.) How dietary supplements are legally regulated; 3.) How to evaluate the scientific merit of nutritional supplements; 4.) General nutritional strategies to optimize performance and enhance recovery; and, 5.) An overview of our current understanding of the ergogenic value of nutrition and dietary supplementation in regards to weight gain, weight loss, and performance enhancement. Our hope is that ISSN members and individuals interested in sports nutrition find this review useful in their daily practice and consultation with their clients


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    Abstract. It is shown that there are `2n−r−1 ´ noncrossing parti-n−r tions of an n-set together with a distinguished block of size r, and n ´`n−r−1 ´ of these have k blocks, generalizing a result of Bóna k−1 k−2 on partitions with one crossing. Furthermore, specializing natural qanalogues of these formulae with q equal to certain dth roots-of-unity gives the number of such objects having d-fold rotational symmetry. Given a partition π of the set [n]: = {1, 2,..., n}, a crossing in π is a quadruple of integers (a, b, c, d) with 1 ≤ a < b < c < d ≤ n for which a, c are together in a block, and b, d are together in a different block. It is well-known [10, Exercise 6.19(pp)],[4] that the number of noncrossing partitions of [n] (that is, those with no crossings) is the Catalan number Cn = 1 � � 2n n+1 n, and the number of noncrossing partitions of [n] into k blocks is the Narayana number 1 � � � � n n n k−1 k. Our starting point is the more recent observation of Bóna [2, Theorem 1] that the number of partitions of [n] having exactly one crossing has the even simpler formula � � 2n−5 n−4. Bóna’s proof utilizes the fact that Cn is also well-known to count triangulations of a convex (n+2)-gon; this allows him to biject 1-crossing partitions of [n] to dissections of an n-gon that use exactly n −4 diagonals. The proof is then completed by plugging d = n −4 into the formula 1 � � � � n+d−1 n−3 d+1 d d of Kirkman (first proven by Cayley; see [7]) for the number of dissections of an n-gon using d diagonals. The goal here is to generalize Bóna’s result to count 1-crossing partitions by their number of blocks, and also to examine a natural q-analogue with regard to the cyclic sieving phenomenon shown in [8] for certain q-Catalan and q-Narayana numbers. The crux is the observation that 1crossing partitions of [n] biject naturally with noncrossing partitions of [n] having a distinguished 4-element block: replace the crossing pair o

    Unterschiede bei der Ablagerung von Radionukliden auf verschiedene Blattgemuesearten

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    The dry deposition of gaseous elemental radio-iodine and particulate radio-caesium on mature leafy vegetable was studied in chamber experiments. The simultaneous exposition of endive, head lettuce, red oak leaf lettuce and spinach (spring leafy vegetable) rsp. curly kale, white cabbage and spinach (summer leafy vegetable) was performed under homogeneous and controlled conditions. The sample collective of each species was such large that for the expected variation of the results a statistically firm analysis was possible. Significant differences were observed for the "1"3"1I deposition on spring vegetable: the deposition on spinach was roughly 3times that on leaf lettuce, 4times that on endive and 9times that on head lettuce. For "1"3"4Cs, there was no significant difference between spinach and leaf lettuce, about twice the amount was deposited on both species as on endive and 3times as on head lettuce. All summer vegetables showed differences in deposition. For lodine, the deposition on spinach was roughly 3times (6times) that on curly kale and 35times (100times) that on white cabbage in the 2 experiments. For caesium, the deposition to curly kale was highest, about twice that on spinach and 35times (80times) that on white cabbage. The deposition velocity could be estimated, in average it was about 8times higher for "1"3"1I than for "1"3"4Cs. The influence of the particle size on the deposition velocity was small in the considered size range. Washing could reduce the contamination by about 10% for "1"3"1I and 45% for "1"3"4Cs. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RO 3190(635) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Unterschiede bei der Ablagerung von Radionukleiden auf verschiedene Blattgemuesearten

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    To quantify the variability in deposition to several species, the dry deposition of gaseous elemental radio-iodine and particulate radio-caesium on mature leafy vegetables was studied inside a deposition chamber by comparative experiments. The simultaneous exposition of endive, head lettuce, red oak leaf lettuce, curly kale, white cabbage and spinach was performed under homogeneous and controlled conditions ("1"3"1 vertical stroke _2-portion, particle median, stomata opening, air humidity and temperature). Significant differences were observed for the "1"3"1 vertical stroke deposition on spring vegetables: the deposition on spinach was roughly 3times that on leaf lettuce, 4times that on endive and 9times that on head lettuce. For "1"3"4Cs, there was no significant difference between spinach and leaf lettuce, about twice the amount was deposited on both species as on endive and 3times as on head lettuce. All summer vegetables showed differences in deposition. For Iodine, the deposition on spinach was roughly 3times (6times) that on curly kale and 35times (100times) that on white cabbage in the 2 experiments. For Caesium, the deposition to curly kale was highest, about twice that on spinach and 35times (80times) that on white cabbage. The deposition was always the lowest on the closed heads of white cabbage and head lettuce. The many open stomata of spinach increased the efficiency of gaseous deposition. In addition, rough and crimpy leafs increased the particle deposition efficiency. The estimation of the deposition velocity showed that dry deposition was in average about 8times higher for "1"3"1 vertical stroke than for "1"3"4Cs. The influence of the particle size on the deposition velocity was small in the considered size range. Washing could reduce the contamination by about 10% for "1"3"1 vertical stroke and 45% for "1"3"4Cs. (orig.)Um die Variabilitaet zwischen einzelnen Arten zu quantifizieren, wurde in vergleichenden Experimenten in einer Depositionskammer die trockene Ablagerung von elementarem, gasfoermigem Radiojod und partikelgebundenem Radiocaesium auf erntereife Blattgemuesearten untersucht. Die gleichzeitige Exposition von Endivie, Kopfsalat, Pfluecksalat, Gruenkohl, Weisskohl und Spinat fand unter homogenen Bedingungen mit Kontrolle der relevanten Parameter ("1"3"1 vertical stroke _2-Anteil, Partikelmedian, Stomataoeffnung, Luftfeuchte und -temperatur) statt. Bei der (gewichtsbezogenen) Jodablagerung wurden fuer alle Fruehlingsarten signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt: Auf Blattspinat wurde grob 3mal mehr "1"3"1 vertical stroke abgelagert als auf Pfluecksalat, 4mal mehr als auf Endievie und 9mal mehr als auf Kopfsalat. Bei Caesium konnte nicht zwischen der Disposition auf Spinat und Pfluecksalat unterschieden werden, auf beide Arten wurde signifikant grob doppelt so viel "1"3"4Cs wie auf Endivie und 3mal so viel wie auf Kopfsalat abgelagert. Bei den Sommerarten wurden fuer alle Spezies signifikante Unterschiede gemessen. In beiden Experimenten ergab sich, dass "1"3"1 vertical stroke auf Spinat am meisten deponiert wurde, grob 3mal bzw. 6mal mehr als auf Gruenkohl und 35mal bzw. 100mal mehr als auf Weisskohl. Caesium wurde jedoch am meisten auf Gruenkohl deponiert, gut doppelt so viel wie auf Spinat und 35mal bzw. 80mal so viel wie auf Weisskohl. Auf die geschlossenen Koepfe von Weisskohl und Kopfsalat wurde also immer am wenigsten abgelagert, bei der Gasdeposition erwiesen sich die vielen geoeffneten Stomata bei Spinat als effizienzerhoehend, bei der Partikeldeposition zusaetzlich die gekraeuselten, rauhen Blaetter von Gruenkohl und Endivie. Die Abschaetzung der Depositionsgeschwindigkeiten ergab, dass die Ablagerung von "1"3"1 vertical stroke _2 im Mittel etwa eine Groessenordnung effektiver als die von partikulaerem "1"3"4Cs war, wobei allerdings die Joddeposition bei Spinat besonders hoch ausfiel. Die Verdopplung des Partikeldurchmessers bei sonst gleichem Experimentdesign bewirkte nur eine geringe Erhoehung der Deposition. Durch Waschen des Gemueses konnte die Kontamination mit den Radionukliden reduziert werden, bei Radiojod zwar nur um etwa 10%, beim partikulaeren "1"3"4Cs jedoch um etwa 45%. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RO 2674(11/03) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman