56 research outputs found

    The Impact of Different Environmental Conditions during Vegetative Propagation on Growth, Survival, and Biochemical Characteristics in Populus Hybrids in Clonal Field Trial

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    To have a cleaner environment, good well-being, and improve the health of citizens it is necessary to expand green urban and suburban areas using productive and adapted material of tree species. The quality of urban greenery, resistance to negative climate change factors and pollution, as well as efficiency of short-rotation forestry in suburban areas, depends primarily on the selection of hybrids and clones, suitable for the local environmental conditions. We postulate that ecogenetic response, phenotypic plasticity, and genotypic variation of hybrid poplars (Populus L.) grown in plantations are affected not only by the peculiarities of hybrids and clones, but also by environmental conditions of their vegetative propagation. The aim of the present study was to estimate growth and biochemical responses, the phenotypic plasticity, genotypic variation of adaptive traits, and genetically regulated adaptability of Populus hybrids in field trials which may be predisposed by the simulated contrasting temperature conditions at their vegetative propagation phase. The research was performed with the 20 cultivars and experimental clones of one intraspecific cross and four different interspecific hybrids of poplars propagated under six contrasting temperature regimes in phytotron. The results suggest that certain environmental conditions during vegetative propagation not only have a short-term effect on tree viability and growth, but also can help to adapt to climate change conditions and grow successfully in the long-term. It was found that tree growth and biochemical traits (the chlorophyll A and B, pigments content and the chlorophyll A/B ratio) of hybrid poplar clones grown in field trials, as well as their traits’ genetic parameters, were affected by the rooting-growing conditions during vegetative propagation phase. Hybrids P. balsamifera × P. trichocarpa, and P. trichocarpa × P. trichocarpa have shown the most substantial changes of biochemical traits across vegetative propagation treatments in field trial. Rooting-growing conditions during vegetative propagation had also an impact on coefficients of genotypic variation and heritability in hybrid poplar clones when grown in field trials

    Performance and Genetic Parameters of Poplar Hybrids and Clones in a Field Trial Are Modified by Contrasting Environmental Conditions during the Vegetative Propagation Phase

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    This study investigates epigenetics-like phenomena: how performance phenotypic plasticity, genotypic variation, and the heritability of growth traits and total phenolic compounds of Populus hybrids and clones in field trials may be modified by contrasting temperature conditions at their vegetation propagation phase. The significant effect of rooting–growing conditions on further tree performance in field trials was found for height increment in 2020, although the interaction hybrid by rooting–growing conditions was highly significant for phenolic compounds, tree height, and diameter, meaning that the performance of some hybrids was affected by rooting–growing conditions, thus demonstrating epigenetic-like effects. For phenolic compounds, interactions were also significant at the clonal level. High estimates of ecovalency indicate that some hybrids are ecologically sensitive, and epigenetic-like phenomena might occur. Hybrid P. balsamifera × P. trichocarpa is characterized by high ecovalency and specific adaptations according to mean tree height when vegetatively propagated under different rooting–growing conditions. Low estimates of P. deltoides × P. trichocarpa ecovalency demonstrate a general adaptation according to mean tree height in a field trial. Vegetative propagation conditions have also altered the genetic variation of traits in trees being planted in field trials

    Population Structure of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) in Lithuania Based on Analysis of Chloroplast DNA Haplotypes and Adaptive Traits

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    Dabartinė klimato kaita ir jo permainingumas, ąžuolynų ir ąžuolo želdinių pažeidimų didėjimas dėl šalnų pakenkimo ir ligų bei vabzdžių masinių antplūdžių kelia grėsmę populiacijų išlikimui, genetinių išteklių išsaugojimui ir selekcijos plėtros galimybėms. Tyrimų tikslas buvo įvertinti poledynmečio migracijos ir populiacijų kilmės įtaką populiacinei struktūrai ir genetinei įvairovei sąryšyje su genetinės adaptacijos ateities klimatui galimybėmis, genetinių išteklių išsaugojimu ir selekcija. Paprastojo ąžuolo 29-ių Lietuvos populiacijų, kiekvienoje - 7-ių genotipų pavyzdžių chloroplastų DNR (cpDNR) tyrimai atlikti PGR-RFLP metodu atskleidė tris skirtingas populiacijų grupes. Rytų Lietuvos Semeliškių (Trakų), Dūkštų ir Paežerių (Vilniaus) bei Ignalinos ąžuolo populiacijos priklauso C linijos 2-jam haplotipui, migravusiam į Lietuvą iš pietų Italijos ledynmečio prieglobsčio zonos. Centrinėje - pietų Lietuvoje dominuoja 7-tasis haplotipas iš A linijos, kilęs iš šiaurės-vakarų Balkanų. Šiaurės vakarų Lietuvoje būdingi 5 ir 6-asis haplotipai iš A linijos, atkeliavę iš pietryčių Balkanų. Šis haplotipų pasiskirstymas gerai sutampa su ąžuolo kilmės rajonais, nustatytais pagal ąžuolynų našumo ir morfologinius požymius bei geografinių regionų ekoklimatinius parametrus. Tai rodo, kad poledynmečio migracijos srautai iš skirtingų ledynmečio prieglobsčio zonų populiacijų suformavo stambaus mastelio dėmių geografinę struktūrą - savitus kilmės rajonus, kuriuose, matyt, atsispindi ledynmečio laikotarpio populiacijų, išlikusių prieglobsčio zonose pietų Europoje, savybės. Tuo tarpu nerasta panašumų su populiacine struktūra, nustatyta pagal palikuonių svarbiausio adaptacinio požymio - fenologijos analizęPresent climate change and increased amplitude of its variation, increasing damages of pedunculate oak stands and plantations caused by spring frosts, fungi and insect outbreaks, threatens the survival of populations and rises the concern for gene conservation and tree breeding. This study aimed at defining the role of postglaciai migration routes and origin of populations on population structure and genetic variation in relation to possibilities for genetic adaptation for uncertain future climate, gene conservation and tree breeding. The PCR-RFLP analysis of chloroplast DNA of samples from 7 trees from each of 29 Lithuanian pedunculate oak populations revealed three distinct groups of populations. East Lithuanian populations Semeliskes (Trakai), Dukstos and Paezeriai (Vilnius) and Ignalina belong to the cpDNA haplotype 2 from C lineage that migrated to Lithuania from South Italian glacial refuge zone. Haplotype 7 from A lineage of the northern Balkans origin dominates in Central-South Lithuania, while haplotypes 5 and 6 from A lineage originating from the South-East Balkans are typical for West-North Lithuanian populations. This haplotype distribution in Lithuania well corresponds to the oak provenance regions that have been defined based on oak stands productivity and morphologic traits and on eco-climatic parameters of geographic regions. It indicates that separate migration routes of pedunculate oak from different ice age refuge populations across Lithuania contributed to formation of large scale patchy geographical structure, provenance regions in Lithuania and probably reflect features of the former ice age populations that survived in refuge zones in southern Europe. However, no similarities were found with population structure that was defined by analysis of phenology, most important adaptive traitVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Plasticity and genetic variation of different poplar hybrids and clones under effect of severe stressors-simulated frost and drought

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    Keičiantis klimatui, dėl didėjančios temperatūros, CO, koncentracijos ir gausėjančių kritulių daugelio lapuočių medžių rūšių augimo sąlygos Lietuvoje turėtų gerėti. Tačiau, klimato kaita taip pat sukelia daug medžiams nepalakių reiškinių - meteorologinių sąlygų ekstremumų - stiprių pavasarinių šalnų, sausrų, karščio bangų ir kt. Šie reiškiniai iškreipia medžių augimo ritmą, neigiamai veikia augimą ir gyvybingumą, keičia įvairių medžių požymių genetines variacijas. Atliktų tyrimų tikslas buvo įvertinti skirtingų tuopų hibridų klonų plastiškumą ir augimo bei kitų adaptacinių požymių genetines variacijas veikiant stipriai išreikštiems stresoriams - dirbtinėms šalnoms ir sausroms. Tyrimui naudotos 7 skirtingų tuopų hibridų 44 veislės ir jų eksperimentiniai klonai, kurie buvo vegetatyviškai padauginti sumedėjusiomis gyvašakėmis ir dvejus metus auginti vazonuose durpių substrate Dubravos EMMU medelyno šiltnamyje. Dalis sodinukų vegetacijos sezono pradžioje klimatinėje kameroje buvo paveikti (20 min.) dirbtinai sukelta - 4 C šalna. Kita dalis bandymo medžiagos vegetacijos sezono viduryje buvo veikiama dirbtinai sukeltos sausros, dvi savaites nelaistant ir auginant šiltnamyje. Sodinukų aukštis buvo matuojamas tris kartus - antrojo augimo sezono pradžioje, viduryje ir pabaigoje. Stiebo skersmuo ties šaknies kakleliu matuotas augimo sezono pradžioje ir pabaigoje, nedelių išlikimas vertintas rugsėjo mėnesį. Variacinė gautų duomenų analizė (ANOVA) parodė, kad stresinio poveikio - dirbtinės pavasarinės šalnos ir hibrido bei klonono įtaka (vertinant atskirai) medžių aukščiui buvo reikšminga. Daugelio hibridų ir klonų augimas ženkliai pablogėjo. Stresinės aplinkos sąlygos keičia įvairių požymių ekologinės ir genetinės variacijos proporcijas ir tai lemia paveldėjimo koeficientų pokyčius. nebaigtaWith climate change, the rising temperature, CO, concentration and an increase of precipitation, growth conditions for many species of deciduous trees in Lithuania should improve. Hovvever, climate change also causes a number of adverse events - extremes of vveather conditions - strong springtime frost, drought, heat waves, etc., which distorts a tree growth rhythm, has a negative impact on grovvth and vitality of trees, change genetic variation of various traits. The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic variation of growth and other adaptive traits of different poplar hybrids und< simulated frost and drought. Vegetatively propagated trees of 44 clones of 7 poplar hybrids have been studied in a nursery trial and climat chamber. Trees were grown for two years in pots filled with a peat substrate in the greenhouse of Dubrava Fore Enterprise. One batch of trees was affected by simulated spring frost in a climatic chamber (trees were frozen by -4° temperature for 20 min.). Another batch of trees was affected by simulated summer drought: in the middle of the growir season trees have not been watered for two weeks. Tree height of each tree was measured three times: in the beginnin middle and at the end of the growing season, tree diameter at root collar - in the beginning and at the end of growir season, mortality - at the end of growing season. Results of multivariate ANOVA showed significant impact of stress factor - spring frost, hybrid and clor (separately) on tree height. Growth of most hybrids and clones has deteriorated. Stresfull environment conditions change proportions of environmental and genetic variation subsequenta changing heritability coefficients. Substantial decrease of heritability coefficients for stem diameter in drought and fro treatments and for survival in frost treatment shows that ecological variation increases relatively to genetic variationLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Miškų institutasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Miškų institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Ecogenetic plasticity and genetic variation in populus hybrids under the impact of simulated climate change related stressors

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    To meet the needs of carbon sequestration and production of raw materials from renewable natural resources for the timber market of the European Union, it is necessary to expand forest plantation areas. The efficiency of short rotation forestry depends primarily on the selection of hybrids and clones, suitable for the local environmental conditions. We postulate that ecogenetic response, ecogenetic plasticity and genotypic variation of different hybrids of poplars (Populus L.) depend both on the type of stressors (spring frosts, summer drought, increased UV-B radiation, warm winters) and peculiarities of the cross-bred species as well as on their genetic preadaptations to native environmental conditions of their origin. The aim of the study was to estimate the ecogenetic plasticity, genotypic variation of adaptive traits and adaptability of Populus hybrids under simulated conditions of the expected climate change. The research was performed with the cultivars and experimental clones of three different intraspecific hybrids of poplars (P. nigra L., P. deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh, and P. trichocarpa Torr. & Gray.) and four interspecific hybrids of poplars (P. deltoides L. × P. nigra, P. deltoides × P. trichocarpa, P. maximowiczii A. Henry × P. trichocarpa, and P. balsamifera L. × P. trichocarpa). Simulated spring frosts and summer drought treatments had a substantial impact on growth of trees, but the hybrid and clone effects were also significant and showed that many hybrids and clones in general retain their features/differences under stressful environmental conditions. A strongly expressed hybrid and clone interactions with simulated frost and drought effects (genotype-environment interaction, G × E) showed different ecogenetic response, plasticity and specific ecological preferences of the clones and hybrids. The sensitivity of hybrids to UV-B radiation varied and depended on the origin of their [...]Kauno kolegijaLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Miškų institutasMiškų ir ekologijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Molekulinė genetika ir miško medžių genetinė modifikacija : modulio mokomoji medžiaga. D. 1; veiklos kodas MF-3

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    Aut. nurodyti skaidrių apačiojeBibliogr. sk. galeVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Performance of Twenty Four European Fraxinus excelsior Populations in Three Lithuanian Progeny Trials with a Special Emphasis on Resistance to Chalara fraxinea

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    The main aim of the present study was to estimate genetic variability and the level of genetic control of disease resistance in common ash populations based on progeny testing, and to select resistant populations, families and genotypes for production of reproductive material resistant to dieback caused by Chalara fraxinea. A total of 320 half-sib families from ten Lithuanian and fourteen foreign European Fraxinus excelsior populations have been tested in three progeny trials established in Telsiai, Pakruojis, and Kedainiai State Forest Enterprises. Because of severe attacks by C. fraxinea, only 10% >f irees survived in all progeny trials at the age of eight years. Variance analysis of health condition scores revealed significant effect of genetic factors i.e., populations and families. Differences in resistance among populations were significant and ranged up to 52.8-55.1% in a degree of damage and survival rale of populations varying from 0.13 to 0.59. At the age of eight years, genetic family variance components ranged 5.3-7.5%, while the additive coefficients of genetic variation ranged 29.9-38.7% indicating the existence of strong genetic differences in progenies' resistance to C. fraxinea both at populational and family levels. There was a significant site effect on the level of damage which could be due to site conditions and'or different infection pressure from the surrounding stands. However, genotype by environment interaction (G x E) for resistance traits was weak and nonsignificant which indicated that populations and families do not differ much in their performance across environments and thus specific adaptations and genetic variation in ecological response are not pronouncedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij