250 research outputs found

    pregled migracijskih gibanj (1950-1970)

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    Electronic structure basis for the titanic magnetoresistance in WTe2_2

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    The electronic structure basis of the extremely large magnetoresistance in layered non-magnetic tungsten ditelluride has been investigated by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Hole and electron pockets of approximately the same size were found at the Fermi level, suggesting that carrier compensation should be considered the primary source of the effect. The material exhibits a highly anisotropic, quasi one-dimensional Fermi surface from which the pronounced anisotropy of the magnetoresistance follows. A change in the Fermi surface with temperature was found and a high-density-of-states band that may take over conduction at higher temperatures and cause the observed turn-on behavior of the magnetoresistance in WTe2_2 was identified


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    Abstract Public informing and participation in decision-making related to environmental protection as an important element of engaging stakeholders often excludes crisis planning. In environmental impact assessment procedures, there is often an organizational crisis involving three or four participants, normally the investor/applicant, the county office or ministry managing impact the assessment, the police overseeing the protests, and the judiciary as a result of rights given to the general and concerned public by the Aarhus Convention. Indications of a crisis appear some time before the situation threatens the organization or its partners, and consist of minor incidents that the organization has ignored or deemed insignificant for the final objectives. Unexpected crises bring uncertainty and risks ā€“ organizations cannot identify causes or consequences, all efforts are ineffective, while the threats to the entire project and the final objectives are increased. This paper analyses the differences in informing/participation of the general and concerned public in debates on decision-making in urban planning, and public debates on decision-making in environmental impact studies in the case of Lećevica Waste Management Center in Split-Dalmatia County. Methods for the collection of empirical data included problem-focused, in-depth interviews and participating observation. Grounded theory was used in analyzing the empirical material with initial, axial and selective coding. The frequency and absolute and relative cumulative value of coded responses were calculated using descriptive statistics. Results repeatedly showed shortcomings in adopting urban planning documents. Direct/indirect pressures from the politicians and the quiet administrative support or obstruction of administrative bodies are noticeable, including the changes in politics depending on the position of the ruling party/opposition at the state/local level


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    Alleviating the effects of and adapting to climate change present some of the main global objectives and challenges facing modern governments responsible for working towards sustainable development in both economy and society. Energy risks in the economy brought about by attempts to adapt to climate change and the drastic reduction in carbon gas emission require new approaches to using fuels with a lower carbon emission factor than the existing fossil fuels. New technologies and new methods of energy consumption, those which would not contribute to climate change, must be found. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, as well as the only greenhouse gas emitted by the cement industry in large quantities. Reduction, according to the guidelines defined by the Kyoto Protocol for the cement industry, is to be achieved by substituting fossil fuels with replacement fuels made from waste, which contain the largest possible amount of biomass. In this paper, the results of an empirical study of public awareness and opinions on the measures for achieving the desired goals in adapting to climate change will be presented. The study was conducted on a purposive, non-random sample using the methods of in-depth interview and participant observation. In the study of empirical data the qualitative method of grounded theory was used. Descriptive analysis and quantification of the coded, qualitatively analysed sample of the conditional matrix were carried out as a prerequisite for further analysing the differences. The coded material underwent quantitative analysis and was processed using the Statistica software package, ver. 11.00. The aim of the study was to determine how informed the concerned public was and what its opinions were on whether the use of waste fuel by the company CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. was acceptable under optimal conditions and with strict control and supervision. An analysis of the results revealed that the representatives of the target and sector groups differ in their relation to the variables used in the study depending on the group to which they belong.Ublažavanje i prilagodba klimatskim promjenama jedan je od glavnih globalnih ciljeva i izazova u provedbi danaÅ”njih vlada i njihovoj odgovornosti za održivi razvoj gospodarstva i druÅ”tva. Energetski rizici gospodarstva zbog prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama i oÅ”trog smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova, zahtijevaju nove pristupe u koriÅ”tenju goriva sa nižim emisijskim faktorom ugljika u odnosu na postojeća fosilna goriva. Potrebno je pronaći nove tehnologije i načine koriÅ”tenja energije bez prijetnji klimatskim promjenama. Ugljični dioksid je glavni staklenički plin koji pokreće globalne klimatske promjene te je jedini staklenički plin kojeg industrija cementa emitira u značajnoj količini. Smanjenje se, prema mjerama koje je definirao Kyoto protokol za cementnu industriju, postiže supstitucijom fosilnog goriva sa zamjenskim gorivima proizvedenim iz otpada, koje u sebi sadrži Å”to veći udio biomase. U ovom radu predstavljaju se rezultati empirijskog istraživanja informiranosti i stavova javnosti kroz ciljne i sektor grupe prema mjerama za dostizanje postavljenih ciljeva u prilagodbi klimatskim promjenama. Istraživanje je provedeno na ciljanom uzorku metodom dubinskog intervjua i sudjelujućeg promatranja. U analizi empirijskog materijala koriÅ”tena je kvalitativna metoda utemeljene teorije. IzvrÅ”ena je deskriptivna obrada i kvantifikacija kodiranog kvalitativno obrađenog uzorka kondicionalne matrice, radi daljnje provedbe analize razlika. Kodirani materijal je kvantitativno obrađen i izračunat s računalnim paketom Statistica ver 11.00. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi informiranost i stavove zainteresirane javnosti o prihvatljivosti koriÅ”tenja goriva proizvedenog iz otpada u tvrtki CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. u optimalnim uvjetima sa strogom kontrolom i nadzorom. Analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da se predstavnici ciljnih i sector grupa između sebe razlikuju u koriÅ”tenim varijablama u zavisnosti o skupini kojoj pripadaju


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    Abstract Public informing and participation in decision-making related to environmental protection as an important element of engaging stakeholders often excludes crisis planning. In environmental impact assessment procedures, there is often an organizational crisis involving three or four participants, normally the investor/applicant, the county office or ministry managing impact the assessment, the police overseeing the protests, and the judiciary as a result of rights given to the general and concerned public by the Aarhus Convention. Indications of a crisis appear some time before the situation threatens the organization or its partners, and consist of minor incidents that the organization has ignored or deemed insignificant for the final objectives. Unexpected crises bring uncertainty and risks ā€“ organizations cannot identify causes or consequences, all efforts are ineffective, while the threats to the entire project and the final objectives are increased. This paper analyses the differences in informing/participation of the general and concerned public in debates on decision-making in urban planning, and public debates on decision-making in environmental impact studies in the case of Lećevica Waste Management Center in Split-Dalmatia County. Methods for the collection of empirical data included problem-focused, in-depth interviews and participating observation. Grounded theory was used in analyzing the empirical material with initial, axial and selective coding. The frequency and absolute and relative cumulative value of coded responses were calculated using descriptive statistics. Results repeatedly showed shortcomings in adopting urban planning documents. Direct/indirect pressures from the politicians and the quiet administrative support or obstruction of administrative bodies are noticeable, including the changes in politics depending on the position of the ruling party/opposition at the state/local level


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    Sustainable development starts with changes in our personal values and continues with the transfer of those changes to all areas of our life. Democracy, transparent behaviour and responsible management on national and local levels are the necessary foundation for the realisation of sustainable development. The participation of all social stakeholders in making decisions through advisory processes, dialogue and creation of partnerships is one of the key implementation tasks. A significant place in such a sustainable development concept is taken by special plans and strategic development documents of the local community, for which it is necessary to ensure the participation of all the parties interested in the decision-making processes, from the national and local authorities, civil society organisations to the business sector and promotion of dialogue and gaining of trust in order to develop social capital. In order for the local community to integrate it all in its system, it is necessary to make strategic thinking and planning with the aim of efficient connection of different sector policies, place concrete, realistic and measurable goals in medium and long-term plans and establish partner relations. This paper presents the results of the empirical research of the interested and informed public, including what their positions are with regard to the sustainable development principles and if they are applied and recognised in the process of creation and adoption of local community physical and development plans. A quality research on a target sample has been implemented by the deep interview method and participant observation. In the analysis of empirical material, the method of founded theory was used, and the quantification of qualitatively processed and encoded material was made. The majority of the examinees express a negative view and are of the opinion that the sustainable development principles are not sufficiently applied and recognised in the procedures of creating and adopting local community physical and development plans.Održivi razvoj počinje s promjenama naÅ”ih osobnih vrijednosti i nastavlja se prijenosom tih promjena u sva područja naÅ”eg života. Demokracija, transparentno ponaÅ”anje i odgovorno upravljanje na nacionalnoj i lokalnoj razini nužan su temelj za ostvarivanje održivog razvoja. Sudjelovanje svih druÅ”tvenih dionika u donoÅ”enju odluka putem savjetodavnih procesa, dijaloga i stvaranja partnerstava jedan je od ključnih zadataka provedbe. Značajno mjesto u takvom konceptu održivog razvoja zauzimaju posebni planovi i strateÅ”ki razvojni dokumenti lokalne zajednice, za koje je potrebno osigurati sudjelovanje svih zainteresiranih strana u procesima donoÅ”enja odluka, od nacionalnih i lokalnih vlasti. organizacije civilnog druÅ”tva do poslovnog sektora i promicanje dijaloga i stjecanje povjerenja kako bi se razvio druÅ”tveni kapital. Da bi lokalna zajednica sve to integrirala u svoj sustav, potrebno je strateÅ”ko razmiÅ”ljanje i planiranje s ciljem učinkovitog povezivanja različitih sektorskih politika, postavljanja konkretnih, realnih i mjerljivih ciljeva u srednjoročnim i dugoročnim planovima i uspostavljanja partnerske odnose. U radu su prezentirani rezultati empirijskog istraživanja zainteresirane i informirane javnosti, te njihova stajaliÅ”ta o principima održivog razvoja te njihova primjena i prepoznavanje u procesu kreiranja i usvajanja prostornih i razvojnih planova lokalne zajednice. Kvalitativno istraživanje na ciljnom uzorku provedeno je metodom dubinskog intervjua i promatranjem sudionika. Pri analizi empirijskog materijala uvažavane su teorijske spoznaje te je napravljena kvantifikacija kvalitativno obrađenog i kodiranog materijala. Većina ispitanika izražava negativno stajaliÅ”te i smatra da se načela održivog razvoja ne primjenjuju i ne prepoznaju u postupcima izrade i usvajanja prostornih i razvojnih planova lokalne zajednice


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    Ugljični dioksid (CO2) je glavni staklenički plin koji pokreće globalne klimatske promjene te je jedini staklenički plin kojeg industrija cementa emitira u značajnoj količini. Smanjenje se, prema mjerama koje je definirao Kyoto protokol za cementnu industriju, postiže supstitucijom fosilnog goriva (koji je najveći emiter CO2) sa zamjenskim gorivima proizvedenim iz otpada, koje u sebi sadrži Å”to veći udio biomase. Razlog uvođenja zamjenskih goriva u tvrtki CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. je ispunjavanje zakonskih obveza Kyoto protokola vezano za smanjenje emisije ugljičnog dioksida. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj koriÅ”tenja komine kao zamjenskog goriva u procesu proizvodnje cementa kroz emisije ugljičnog dioksida, sumpornog dioksida, duÅ”ičnih oksida, dioksina, furana i teÅ”kih metala, kao i usporedbu kalorijske vrijednosti promatranih goriva, u procesu proizvodnje cementa tvrtke CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. Na uzorku entiteta od 120 dnevnih prosječnih mjerenja emisije ugljičnog dioksida, sumpornog dioksida, duÅ”ičnih oksida (60 dana mjerenja u kojima je koriÅ”teno isključivo samo fosilno gorivo (petrol-koks) - 30 dana iz 2013 i 30 dana iz 2014 godine) i povremenih mjerenja dioksina, furana i teÅ”kih metala, te 60 dana u kojima je koriÅ”tena definirana količina komine kao zamjensko gorivo (30 dana iz 2013 i 30 dana iz 2014), utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u definiranim klasterima. Univarijantna analiza varijance (ANOVA) ukazuje na statistički značajnu razliku između klastera mjerenja kada se koristila komina i kada nije, u emisijama CO2, dok vrijednosti emisija ostalih promatranih pokazatelja također ukazuju na smanjene vrijednosti emisija, ali ne i statističku značajnost.Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a main greenhouse gas that initiates global climate changes and it is the only greenhouse gas that is emitted by the cement industry in a significant level. The decrease, defined by the measures of the Kyoto protocol for the cement industry, is achieved by the substitution of the fossil fuels (which are the largest CO2 emitter) with the substitution fuels made from waste, largely consisting of biomass. The reason for the introduction of alternative fuels in the CEMEX Croatia Ltd. company is compliance with the legal obligations of the Kyoto protocol, related to the decrease of the carbon dioxide emission. The aim of this work was to determine the influence of the usage of olive pomace as a substitution fuel in the process of cement production, through the emissions of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dioxins, furan and heavy metals, as well as the comparison of the calorific value of the observed fuels, in the process of cement production in CEMEX Croatia Ltd. company. A statistically significant difference of the defined clusters was determined by using the sample of entities consisting of 120 daily average measures of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides (60 days of measuring during which only fossil fuel (petroleum coke) was used ā€“ 30 days in year 2013 and 30 days in year 2014) and occasional measuring of dioxins, furan and heavy metals, as well as 60 days in which a defined amount of pomace was used as a substitution fuel (30 days in year 2013 and 30 days in year 2014). The univariant variance analysis (ANOVA) indicated the statistically significant difference between the clusters of measuring that used pomace and those that had not use it in the CO2 emissions, while the values of the emissions of the remaining observed indicator also indicated the decreased values of the emissions, but no statistical significance

    Komparativna analiza zaŔtitnih slojeva kapitala hrvatskih i europskih banaka : ZavrŔni rad

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    Kapital se definira kao sjedinjenje ljudskih i drugih materijalnih i nematerijalnih sila jednakih troÅ”kovima proizvodnih ulaganja. Glavna funkcija kapitala je pokriće rizika bankovnog poslovanja i negativnih učinaka sistemskih poremećaja. Kapital banke jamči deponentima sigurnost uloga te dugoročnu stabilnost sustava. Minimalna regulatorna stopa utvrđena uredbom o kapitalnim zahtjevima (CRR) iznosi 4,5% redovnog osnovnog kapitala. Banke su osim minimalne stope dužne održavati zaÅ”titni kapital i protuciklički kapital kako bi tijekom uspjeÅ”nog razdoblja akumulirale dovoljno osnovnog kapitala i pokrile gubitke u slučaju krize. Europske banke nastavile su graditi solidnu kapitalnu poziciju i jačati svoje bilance. Napori na dokapitalizaciji koje su poduzele europske banke nakon financijske krize 2008., učinile su europski bankarski sektor otpornijim i snažnijim. U 2017., u RH zabilježeno je povećanje stope ukupnog kapitala banaka na dosad najveću vrijednost od 23.8%. Regulatorni kapital banaka ojačao je i porastao u 2017. za 2.0% pod utjecajem zadržavanja dobiti iz prethodne godine. Osnovni kapital povećao se za 3.3%, a dopunski kapital smanjio se za 13.8%. Stopa redovnog osnovnog kapitala, osnovnog i ukupnog kapitala pokazuju da je kapitaliziranost banaka u RH daleko iznad prosjeka EU. Testiranje otpornosti na stres na razini RH dovode do rezultata koji potvrđuju otpornost sustava na moguće gubitke do kojih bi doÅ”lo u slučaju zamiÅ”ljene globalne krize čak i u uvjetima postojećih strukturnih ranjivosti gospodarstva.Capital is defined as the union of human and other material and immaterial forces equal to the cost of productive investment. The main function of capital is to cover the risks of banking and the negative effects of systemic disorders. Bank's capital guarantees depositors security of stake and long-term stability of the system. The minimum regulatory rate established by the CRR is 4.5% of ordinary share capital. In addition to the minimum rate, banks are required to maintain protective capital and countercyclical capital in order to accumulate sufficient share capital during the successful period and cover losses in the event of a crisis. European banks have continued to build a solid capital position and strengthen their balance sheets. The recapitalization efforts undertaken by European banks following the 2008 financial crisis have made the European banking sector more resilient and stronger. In 2017, the Republic of Croatia recorded an increase in the total capital rate of banks to the highest value so far of 23.8%. The regulatory capital of banks strengthened and increased in 2017 by 2.0%, driven by the retention of profit from the previous year. The share capital increased by 3.3% and the supplementary capital decreased by 13.8%. The rates of ordinary share capital, core and total capital show that the capitalization of banks in the Republic of Croatia is far above the EU average. Stress testing at the RH level leads to results that confirm the resilience of the system to the potential losses that would occur in the event of an imagined global crisis, even in the context of the existing structural vulnerabilities of the economy
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