3 research outputs found

    Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Among High-Grade Glioma Patients Receiving TTFields Treatment: A Two Center Observational Study

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    Study design: A two center, observational study. Introduction: Patient reported outcome (PRO) plays an increasingly important role in the evaluation of novel therapies for tumor patients. It has been shown that tumor treating fields (TTFields) in combination with standard therapy prolong survival in high-grade glioma (hgG) patients. But critics claim that TTFields significantly impacts patients' everyday life due to side effects and average daily time on therapy (18 h) in a patient population with very limited life expectancy and high symptom burden. However, very limited data exist on PRO for TTFields treatment. Methods: This two center, observational study describes PRO of 30 hgG patients receiving TTFields in combination with chemotherapy. We introduced a device-specific questionnaire (DSQ) addressing device-specific restrictions and impact on daily live after 2 months of therapy. Additionally following questionnaires were used: EORTC (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer), QLQ-30 (Quality of life of cancer patients), QLQ BN20 (Quality of life brain cancer module), QLQ FA13 (Cancer-related fatigue), and SSUK-8 (social support). Results: Surveys have been completed by 91% of enrolled patients. EORTC QLQ-30 revealed better physical, emotional, and cognitive function than social and role function of study cohort. TTFields users reported frequently on positive social support and a low level of detrimental interactions. Seventy one percent of patients felt affected in daily life due to TTFields at least 2-3 times per week up to several times per day while maintaining high therapy compliance. Most frequent device-specific restrictions were duration of therapy (74%), size (66%), and weight (70%) of the device and changing time and bonding of the transducer arrays (66%, mean duration: 43.6 min). Restrictions on exercise of hobbies/work (63%/61%), body care (71%), and sexuality/relationship (64%) were most relevant. Seventy percent would recommend TTFields to others and 67% would reuse TTFields treatment again based on their current experience. Conclusion: The study shows that although TTFields treatment frequently affects everyday life in all aspects, therapy compliance was high and 67% of patients would reconsider TTFields for themselves. We propose that findings of PRO be taken into account for medical consultation about TTFields and in future device development to deliver high-value patient-centered care

    Transformation of Seafood Side-Streams and Residuals into Valuable Products

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    Seafood processing creates enormous amounts of side-streams. This review deals with the use of seafood side-streams for transformation into valuable products and identifies suitable approaches for making use of it for different purposes. Starting at the stage of catching fish to its selling point, many of the fish parts, such as head, skin, tail, fillet cut-offs, and the viscera, are wasted. These parts are rich in proteins, enzymes, healthy fatty acids such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ones, gelatin, and collagen. The valuable biochemical composition makes it worth discussing paths through which seafood side-streams can be turned into valuable products. Drawbacks, as well as challenges of different aquacultures, demonstrate the importance of using the various side-streams to produce valuable compounds to improve economic performance efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture. In this review, conventional and novel utilization approaches, as well as a combination of both, have been identified, which will lead to the development of sustainable production chains and the emergence of new bio-based products in the future