27 research outputs found
Forest, forest, forest. Sometimes we sleep. Walking, sleep, walking, sleep. Itās dangerous on this way. Naoružani migrantski krajolici na periferiji Europske unije
Hidden migrant routes through Croatia lead through forest areas (among other types of
terrain) which include those along state borders, but also forests in the interior of the territory.
Those forests can variously be seen as shelters for migrants, albeit harsh, or as green
tunnels leading to desired destinations, and as scenes of suffering and violence. This article
approaches the forests in question as landscapes that have been transformed from a neutral
natural environment into active factors for creating and maintaining border control regimes
and deterring and expelling unwanted migrants. Based on our long-term field research and
publicly available (archival, media and other) sources, we seek to document, interpret, and
interconnect the objects and practices involved in constructing the forest as a hostile terrain
and perilous environment for migrants, and as an important element in controlling unwanted
migrations. These are, on the one hand, objects and practices that intervene into forests,
such as setting up cameras or cutting down trees, and, on the other, interventions that take
place in forests, such as police interception or expulsion. Apart from these external interventions,
in this context of remodeling forests into dangerous environments, one can also
discuss the role of nature itself and its characteristics, as well as the causes of why migrants
find themselves in nature in the first place. Although, at first glance, it seems that people on
the move choose the forest as the place and route of their movement of their own volition,
they are pushed and expelled into these forests by exclusionary policies (visa regimes, asylum
systems, etc.). This, ultimately, classifies forests in Croatia as weaponized landscapes of
exclusion and death, such as the desert (e.g., De LeĆ³n 2015), mountain (Del Biaggio et al.
2020), maritime (e.g., Albahari 2015) or archipelago (Mountz 2017) landscapes.Skriveni migrantski putevi kroz Hrvatsku vode, meÄu ostalim, i kroz Å”umske predjele koji
ukljuÄuju Å”umska podruÄja uz državne granice, ali i Å”ume u unutraÅ”njosti teritorija. Å ume se
može vidjeti kao, makar i surova, skloniŔta za migrante ili kao zelene tunele koji vode do željenih
odrediÅ”ta, ali i kao popriÅ”ta stradanja i nasilja. Älanak Å”umama o kojima je rijeÄ pristupa
kao krajolicima koji su od nepristranog prirodnog okoliÅ”a pretvoreni u aktivne Äinitelje
stvaranja i održavanja režima kontrole granice, odvraÄanja i istjerivanja neželjenih migranata.
Na temelju viŔegodiŔnjih terenskih istraživanja i javno dostupnih (arhivskih, medijskih
i drugih) izvora nastojimo dokumentirati, interpretirati i povezati predmete i prakse koji
sudjeluju u konstruiranju Ŕume kao neprijateljskog terena i opasnog okruženja za migrante
i kao važnog elementa u kontroli neželjenih migracija. RijeÄ je s jedne strane o predmetima
i praksama kojima se intervenira u Å”ume, poput postavljanja kamera ili sjeÄe stabala te
s druge strane o intervencijama u Ŕumama, poput policijskog presretanja ili protjerivanja.
Osim o tim intervencijama izvana u kontekstu kreiranja Ŕume kao opasnog okruženja može
se govoriti i o ulozi same prirode i njezinih osobina, kao i o uzrocima migrantskog bivanja u
prirodi. Iako se na prvi pogled Äini da ljudi u pokretu sami biraju Å”umu za mjesto i trasu svojeg
kretanja, oni su politikama iskljuÄenja (viznim režimom, azilnim sustavom i dr.) u nju
gurnuti i istjerani. Time se, u konaÄnici, i Å”ume u Hrvatskoj svrstavaju u naoružane krajolike
iskljuÄenja i smrti poput onih pustinjskih (npr. De LeĆ³n 2015), planinskih (Del Biaggio et
al. 2020), maritimnih (npr. Albahari 2015) ili arhipelaŔkih (npr. Mountz 2017)
The author examines the possibilities of defining her own research of electronic correspondence as fieldwork, and describes and interprets certain aspects and stages of that research. She deals with two connected aspects of fieldwork research: the issue of physical groundedness of the field and the issue of her relationship with "the subjects of the research" ā placing them in a context of researching an Internet topic, email.PropitujuÄi moguÄnost odreÄenja vlastitog istraživanja elektroniÄkog dopisivanja kao terenskog, autorica opisuje i interpretira pojedine aspekte i faze toga istraživanja. Bavi se dvama meÄusobno povezanim aspektima terenskog istraživaÄkog rada ā pitanjem fiziÄkog utemeljenja terena i pitanjem odnosa sa "subjektima istraživanja" ā smjeÅ”tajuÄi ih u kontekst istraživanja jedne internetske teme, elektroniÄke poÅ”te
Every Mother Breastfeeds Her Child, Only if She Has Enough Milk: How We Read the Ethnographic Accounts from the Turn of the 19th to the 20th Century
Etnografski zapisi s kraja 19. i poÄetka 20. stoljeÄa, nastali u suglasju s Osnovom za sabiranje i prouÄavanje graÄe o narodnom životu te objavljeni u Zborniku za narodni život i obiÄaje južnih Slavena, nude moguÄnost razgradnje popularnog narativa o zlatnom dobu dojenja u proÅ”losti, prije razvoja industrije dojenaÄkih mlijeÄnih pripravaka, te podupiru razumijevanje dojenja, suprotno diskursima o njegovoj prirodnosti, kao kulturno i druÅ”tveno utemeljene prakse. Na temelju Äitanja spomenutih etnografskih zapisa ovaj se tekst bavi odstupanjima od norme postavljene u Osnovi, a prihvaÄene i u struÄnoj literaturi, po kojoj (u seoskoj sredini na prijelazu stoljeÄa) (svaka) majka doji svoje dijete. Tekst se tako bavi problemima vezanim za dojenje i laktaciju s kojima su se susretale majke novoroÄenÄadi i dojenÄadi te tzv. umjetnom prehranom najmanje djece, a upuÄuje i na prakse davanja djeteta na dojenje, kombiniranja ženskog rada i brige o malome djetetu i sl. Å”to sve govori i o uvjetima u kojima se dojenje odvijalo a koji su bili, za žene i djecu, izrazito nepovoljni. Tekst takoÄer upuÄuje na potencijal povezivanja uvida koje nudi Zbornik za narodni život i obiÄaje sa suvremenim diskursima o dojenju.Ethnographic accounts from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century that were written in accordance with the Osnova za sabiranje i prouÄavanje graÄe o narodnom životu (Foundations for Collecting and Studying Materials about Folk Life) and published in the Zbornik za narodni život i obiÄaje južnih Slavena (Journal of Folk Life and Traditions of South Slavs) offer a possibility to explore contemporary narratives about the golden age of breastfeeding in the past, before the development of infant food industry. Based on the reading of these accounts, this paper deals with divergences from the norm as defined in the Osnova (Foundations) and accepted in the professional literature, according to which (in rural areas at the turn of the century) (each) mother breastfed her child. The paper deals with breastfeeding and lactation problems encountered by mothers of newborns and infants, the so-called artificial feeding, and also points to the practice of wet-nursing, combining womenās work with caring for infants, etc. which reveals the social context of breastfeeding that was often extremely disadvantageous for the mother and the child. The paper also shows the potential of connecting the insights offered in the Journal of Folk Life and Traditions of South Slavs with contemporary breastfeeding discourses
U ovom se radu na temelju etnografskih zapisa nastalih u suglasju s Osnovom za sabiranje i prouÄavanje graÄe o narodnom životu iz 1897. nastoje dati obrisi osobite prakse vezane uz dojenje djeteta u seoskoj sredini na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeÄe. RijeÄ je o dojenju tuÄeg djeteta, odnosno o prepuÅ”tanju dojenja ženi koja nije djetetova majka. Etnografskim zapisima iz Zbornika za narodni život i obiÄaje južnih Slavena koji su, s ponekim retrospektivnim uvidima, uglavnom usmjereni na ondaÅ”nju suvremenost, pristupa se kao izvorima za etnologiju i povijest svakodnevice. MeÄusobno povezujuÄi odlomke o dojenju iz razliÄitih zborniÄkih zapisa, ali i one koji se na dojenje referiraju posredno, tekst meÄu ostalim upuÄuje na važnost razlikovanja izmeÄu kontinuiranog davanja djeteta na dojenje zbog bolesti majke ili njezinih problema s dojenjem i povremenog prepuÅ”tanja dojenja ženi koja nije djetetova majka poradi majÄine privremene, kratkotrajne odsutnosti. Tekst se zanima i pitanjem (materijalne) naknade za dojenje ili njezinim izostankom te, s time povezano, odnosom izmeÄu nastojanja na zaradi s jedne strane i solidarnosti s druge te eventualnom profesionalizacijom dojenja koja pitanjima iz Osnove nije obuhvaÄena, a u samim zapisima je tek naznaÄena.Based on a reading of the ethnographic accounts that were written in accordance with the Osnova za sabiranje i prouÄavanje graÄe o narodnom životu (Foundations for Collecting and Studying Materials about Folk Life) published in 1897, this paper attempts to outline some of the features of wet-nursing as specific breastfeeding related practices in rural areas at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. Ethnographic accounts published in the Zbornik za narodni život i obiÄaje južnih Slavena (Journal of Folk Life and Traditions of South Slavs) that are, with some retrospective insights, mainly focused on what were then contemporary practices, are approached in this paper as sources of the ethnology and the history of everyday life. Through connecting passages on breastfeeding and also passages that refer indirectly to breastfeeding, this paper underlines the importance of differentiation
between the practices of regular wet-nursing (caused by a motherās illness or her problems with breastfeeding) and occasional wet-nursing (because of a motherās temporary, short-term absence). This paper also deals with the issue of (material) compensation for wet-nursing and, connected to this, with the relation between womenās efforts to earn an income on the one hand and womenās solidarity on the other. It also deals with the issue of the professionalization of wet-nursing that is not covered in the questions from Osnova (Foundations for Collecting and Studying Materials about Folk Life) and is only indicated in ethnographic accounts from the Zbornik (Journal of Folk Life and Traditions of South Slavs)
U radu se autorica bavi temom samoimenovanja ā odabira korisnÄkih imena ā u forumskoj razmjeni na temelju praÄenja nekoliko domaÄih web-foruma namijenjenih pripadnicima seksualnih i rodnih manjina, a u vezi s temom identitetske igre i navodne internetske anonimnosti. UnatoÄ utemeljenim kritikama identitetske igre kojima, kao i samoj zamisli o identitetskoj igri, u radu posveÄuje odreÄenu pažnju, autorica upuÄuje na vrijednost jedne od varijanti identitetskog eksperimentiranja u osobitom internetskom okruženju, onom posveÄenom seksualnim manjinama. RijeÄ je o iskuÅ”avanju identiteta, odnosno pojedinih njegovih aspekata koji su u takozvanom stvarnom životu prikriveni ili modificirani. Uvodi i zamisao o simboliÄnom iskoraku na mreži te o razliÄitim razinama anonimnosti u forumskoj razmjeni.The author deals in this paper with the theme of self-designation ā in selection of a user name ā in forum exchange, basing her research on monitoring several domestic web-forums intended for members of sexual and gender minorities, from the aspect of the theme of identity games and ostensible Internet anonymity. Despite well founded criticism of identity games to which she devotes certain attention, as well as to the thought itself of the identity game, the author indicates the worth of one of the variants of identity experimentation in a particular Internet environment, the one dedicated to sexual minorities. This is an instance of putting identity to the test and/or its individual aspects that are hidden or modified in the so-called real world. She also introduces the notion of symbolic coming out on the net as well as considering various levels of anonymity in forum exchange