20 research outputs found

    Plazma vodikovo redukcijsko pretaljivanje - opcija za izradu čelika u budućnosti

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    The steel industry is a mayor source of global CO2-emission. Lager reductions of greenhouse gases are the challenge to develop new processes, like Hydrogen Plasma Smelting Reduction (HPSR). The scientific basis and results of HPSR laboratory experiments led to the development of a concept for an HPSR-plant on industrial scale. A technology assessment shows the potential for a cheaper and most environmental friendly steelmaking in the future, when extensive development work has been done.Industrija čelika je glavni izvor globalne emisije CO2. Veće smanjivanje stakleničkih plinova predstavlja izazov za razvoj novih procesa poput plazma vodikovog redukcijskog pretaljivanja (HPSR). Znanstvena dostignuća I rezultati HPSR laboratorijskih pokusa doveli su do razvoja koncepta za HPSR postrojenja na industrijskoj razini. Tehnoloơki troơak pokazuje mogućnost jeftinije i ekoloơki povoljnijeg načina izrade čelika u budućnosti kada prestane intenzivni razvoj

    Chair of metallurgy

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    Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in the prevention of postoperative infectious complications and sub-optimal recovery from operation in patients with colorectal cancer and increased preoperative risk (ASA 3 and 4). Protocol of a controlled clinical trial developed by consensus of an international study group. Part three: individual patient, complication algorithm and quality manage.

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    GENERAL DESIGN: Presentation of a new type of a study protocol for evaluation of the effectiveness of an immune modifier (rhG-CSF, filgrastim): prevention of postoperative infectious complications and of sub-optimal recovery from operation in patients with colorectal cancer and increased preoperative risk (ASA 3 and 4). A randomised, placebo controlled, double-blinded, single-centre study is performed at an University Hospital (n = 40 patients for each group). This part presents the course of the individual patient and a complication algorithm for the management of anastomotic leakage and quality management. OBJECTIVE: In part three of the protocol, the three major sections include: The course of the individual patient using a comprehensive graphic display, including the perioperative period, hospital stay and post discharge outcome. A center based clinical practice guideline for the management of the most important postoperative complication--anastomotic leakage--including evidence based support for each step of the algorithm. Data management, ethics and organisational structure. CONCLUSIONS: Future studies with immune modifiers will also fail if not better structured (reduction of variance) to achieve uniform patient management in a complex clinical scenario. This new type of a single-centre trial aims to reduce the gap between animal experiments and clinical trials or--if it fails--at least demonstrates new ways for explaining the failures