18 research outputs found

    Arbeitsanforderungen im Wandel, Kompetenzen für die Zukunft : eine folgenkritische Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Positionen (Changing job requirements, competences for the future : an examination with current items which takes consequences into account)

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    "Catchphrases such as shifts and changes in work, removal of the boundaries of work, as well as globalisation, internationalisation and increasing information technology are supposed to be characteristic of the emerging dynamics of the labour markets that will speed up even more in the future. Here phases with changes between employment, further training and unemployment as well as changes of occupation, moves to different branches of industry etc. are just as characteristic of the current occupational biography and even more so of the future occupational biography as are do-it-yourself work and unpaid voluntary work. These developments which are generally described as 'natural' are rarely examined from the personal point of view, with the result that currently neither the requirements to be met nor the necessary qualifications are sufficiently transparent. It is assumed as something of a matter of course that the future so-called 'managers of their own labour' will always be flexible and mobile and will in some cases have seemingly absurdly excessive qualifications and competences including marketable personal characteristics. He or she is also expected to take personal responsibility for acquiring these qualities and to keep them available. It is probably not possible to assume that such changes have no consequences for the people affected. It is generally assumed that there would be better prospects in the changed 'world of living and working'. It should not be overlooked, however, that such developments can always also be associated with considerable risks and dangers arising from uncertainty, insecurity, excessive demands, loss of control, experience of threat, fear, stress etc. Estimating and taking into consideration in particular the risk factors could help to tackle problems regarding the 'change in work' with a closer look at the consequences and also orientated more towards intervention." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Zukunft der Arbeit, Arbeitsanforderungen - Strukturwandel, Arbeit - Flexibilität, Arbeitskraftunternehmer, Tätigkeitswandel, Kompetenz, Qualifikationsanforderungen

    Behinderung und das Problem mit der Einfacharbeit (Disability and the problem with low-skilled work)

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    "Low-skilled work has been a controversial subject for some time now, not only in the organisation concepts of companies, service facilities etc., but also in the theory and practice of various sciences dealing with problems of labour. From a political point of view, for instance from the point of view of labour market policy, this subject is already scarcely looked at from the aspects of effective activities promoting health and learning, but more under the general aspect of the integration of the labour force into work. In this connection one frequently comes across the actually problematic opinion that the disabled could be better integrated into work if more jobs with low-skilled work were available. Thus there is first a detailed discussion, backed up with empirical findings, of the fact that low-skilled work can by no means be regarded as being insignificant in its conditions and effects, but can really have negative consequences for people, especially for disabled people. The information available on this should not only be reflected in specialist sciences but should in particular be reflected in considerations related to employment policy matters. The latter would certainly succeed more if this knowledge were available in the form of a stock of suitable and ready-to-use solutions for an efficient and at the same time socially acceptable structuring of work. This is the case to a large extent but not across the board. Accordingly there is a subsequent description of how working structures which promote health and learning can be achieved by implementing solutions related to the organisation of work, and what positive effects these can be proved to have on coping with the demands of work, on motivation and strain as well as on the reduction of the amount of work lost due to sickness. This is followed by a discussion, covering aspects of contents and methods, of consequences for the occupational deployment of disabled people. Here, in particular for those who have successfully completed training in a state-recognised occupation, the main priority is to secure a work profile orientated towards their level of training or qualifications. In this way it is possible not only to combat effectively the loss of value of qualifications ('disuse effect') which occurs as a result of the qualifications and skills gained not being put to use, but also to achieve the positive effects mentioned above. Such successful occupational deployment of disabled people would, however, probably only be possible in most cases if it were done not merely 'on the basis of impressions' but as methodically as possible. The main stages of action for this are named and reference is made to the methodical procedures to be employed in individual cases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Behinderte, berufliche Integration, Einfacharbeit, Arbeitsanforderungen, Arbeitsplatzqualität, Arbeitsorganisation, adäquate Beschäftigung

    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Erkenntnisgewinns durch Evaluation aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik (Possibilities and limits of the gain in knowledge as a result of evaluating active labour market policy)

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    "Taking as an example the vocational training of unemployed people, problems of evaluation are discussed. The main problems are that there is still insufficient insight into the dynamics and the action mechanisms of the processes on the labour market and of the possibilities of intervention using labour market policy. The knowledge required on this subject can not be obtained at short notice and can not be extracted from the existing data either. The thesis is that evaluations and evaluation research will not improve this situation. This is mainly because the debate is dominated by economics and is basically conducted under econometric and statistics-related aspects. It always starts only when the preceding problems should already have been solved. Although this is demonstrably not the case, no attention is paid to it. The consequence must be to increase the 'empirical research' in this field again after the fascination resulting from the existing data led to this necessity being largely missed or ignored for more than two decades. The empirical research will have to focus mainly on two subjects: on the requirements of practical further vocational training and on the conditions that lead to the creation of additional employment which could then become the basis of the expected integration success. In spite of all the criticism of the possibilities and promises associated with the analyses of 'available data' that are discussed, this paper advocates enabling also external researchers to gain access to the data, supporting them in their analyses and thus intensifying these evaluations. In this respect both co-operation with the IAB and any support from the IAB and the Federal Employment Services would be possible. Only if the announced analyses are realised as rapidly as possible will it be possible to prove whether the promises can be kept or whether the authors are right in their assumption that they can not provide practitioners and policy-makers with any information about possibilities of action. Then they would also be unable to show policy-makers any really well-founded points of departure regarding intervention. In agreement with the editors of this journal we hope that this paper can contribute to the examination of other views, arguments, suggestions and criticism previously expressed, and can as a result get the long overdue interdisciplinary research under way." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Wirkungsforschung - Kritik, Weiterbildungsförderung - Erfolgskontrolle

    Probleme der Erfolgsfeststellung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation (Problems in assessing the success of occupational rehabilitation)

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    "Assessing the success of occupational rehabilitation is problematic from both theoretical and methodical viewpoints to. Some of the relationships and determinants to be considered in this respect are discussed in the report. As the depth of analysis that can be reached is also clearly significant for the dignity of the assessment of success, this should be taken into consideration in the evaluation of occupational rehabilitation. This applies in particular to the value-related assessment of success. Taking empirical findings into account, it is thus shown in four stages what statements are possible with what complexity at the various methodical levels and to what extent any restrictions would have to be asserted. Orientational analyses favour the use merely of social statistics criteria and situational characteristics, which in the case of successful placement in employment make it possible to obtain statements on the occupational destination, differentiated according to age, qualification level, gender etc. These analyses do not permit a number of fundamental statements on the assessment of success - such as for example on occupational and social integration. Possible solutions could be found in differentiating and extended analyses regarding contents, which for example include the relationship between requirements and abilities. Preliminary considerations on this matter are introduced to some extent. The advantages of multi-method approaches, as are used for example in the context of a systematic casuistry, can be found in the possible linking of meaningful data from several criteria areas which is possible with case analyses, e.g. of the endurance test, social education assistance and occupational guidance. These advantages seem to be associated for the present mainly with so-called concrete, object-related studies (i.e. in vocational training centres for young people, occupational rehabilitation centres, rehabilitation clinics etc.). Nevertheless, from the perspective of a top-down approach, which follows the paradigm of a methodical step-by-step programme, a procedure would be conceivable which, going beyond the 'aggregate level', includes further levels, even the 'case level'. Reference is made to first examples of this procedure, such as in the study of dropouts from initial vocational training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))berufliche Rehabilitation, Wirkungsforschung - Methode

    Qualifikation und Qualifizierung älterer Arbeitnehmer (Qualification and training of older workers)

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    "In the first part of this paper key data on the qualification and training of older workers are presented and in the second part fundamental scientific concepts and findings are discussed. On the basis of recent data and surveys it can be proved that it is no longer possible to speak of a lower level of formal qualifications among older workers compared with younger workers or of a further training abstinence among older workers. Older unemployed people are, however, represented to a far lower proportion in further training measures promoted under the Social Code III than corresponds to their share among all the unemployed. Also the so-called deficit hypothesis of ageing, the assumption that abilities decline 'naturally' with age, which is frequently represented by firms and even sometimes accepted by workers, is not substantiated empirically. The greatest performance and learning barriers for older workers are rather activities performed long-term in which there is nothing to learn, with the result that in addition to losing abilities previously gained, the workers even forget how to learn (disuse effect). Taking as an example different qualification levels, the paper goes into the criteria that work and organisation structures should fulfil in order to do justice to the demand for an organisation of work that promotes learning and health. The concepts of work-integrated and life-long learning are the focus of attention here. At the same time the problems that arise for the further vocational training of the unemployed are addressed. Key words in this context are transfer problems in putting into practice the skills gained in training and 'training for the stockpile'. As vocational training must always concern gaining competence to act, the paper finally discusses the importance of knowledge gained through experience, which is an essential component of occupational ability with so-called modern technologies, too. Knowledge gained through experience results from the duration of time that an activity is performed, which means that older workers usually have a greater amount of knowledge gained through experience at their disposal than younger ones. The question is asked as to what knowledge gained through experience actually is, what it achieves and how it can be passed on to others." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))ältere Arbeitnehmer, Qualifikation, Qualifizierung, Erfahrungswissen, Personalpolitik, Weiterbildungsbereitschaft, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Leistungsfähigkeit, Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, Handlungsfähigkeit

    Zu einigen Problemen der Forschung über Behinderte : eine Einführung (On some of the problems in research on the disabled)

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    "The subject of 'The Disabled in Training and Occupation' is dealt with by the authors of this issue with remarkably varied articles. In order to facilitate more transparency an attempt is made, by way of introduction, to organise these articles according to questions, problem areas and fields of work. With this same intention, fundamental problems in this actually interdisciplinary field of research are considered in various contexts and some of them are also examined critically. Here labour market policy objectives and measures aimed at the occupational integration of disabled people are linked together with theoretical, methodological and methodical aspects of research on the disabled in such a way that the specific points of emphasis of political matters and scientific handling remain as comprehensible as possible." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Behinderte, Forschung, Forschungsansatz, Interdisziplinarität, berufliche Integration

    Beruf und berufliche Verweisbarkeit : kritische Reflexionen zu einer Herausforderung an die Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung

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    "Mit 'Beruf' ist eine breit gefächerte Thematik benannt, die zu wesentlichen Teilen seit langem auch von der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung bearbeitet wird. Auf Grund eines aus der Praxis aktuell gestellten Problems zur 'beruflichen Verweisbarkeit' wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob und inwieweit aus dem Fundus der Berufsforschung Beiträge zur Lösung eines derartigen Problems erbracht werden können. Entsprechend der Auffassung der Autoren, daß 'berufliche Verweisbarkeit' letztlich nicht nur ein sozialrechtliches Anliegen darstellt, sondern im Kern des Problems darüber hinaus grundlegende Untersuchungsfelder der Berufsforschung tangiert, wurden diese auf die Gewinnung bzw. Ableitung anliegenspezifischer Aussagen hin durchforstet. Hierzu wurden vornehmlich diejenigen Arbeiten gesichert, die den Themenbereich berufliche 'Substitution', berufliche 'Mobilität' und berufliche 'Flexibilität' zuzuordnen sind. Als wesentliche Schlußfolgerung aus dieser 'Inventur' egibt sich, daß die eingesetzten Methoden und die gewonnenen Ergebnisse nicht spezifisch genug sind, um, im Sinne einer Mindestvoraussetzung, Vergleiche von Berufen oder von Berufstätigkeiten mit hinreichender Genauigkeit vornehmen zu können. Daher erfolgt eine Orientierung im Nahstellenbereich zu Nachbardisziplinen mit dem Resultat, daß insbesondere seitens der Arbeitswissenschaft bzw. der Arbeitspsychologie eine relativ geschlossene und gesicherte Analyse- und Bewertungsmethodik mit hinreichender Spezifik bereitgestellt werden kann. Dabei sind die Probleme der 'wissenschafltichen Andockung' der einen Nachbardisziplin an die andere sowie der sinnvolle 'interdisziplinäre' Umgang mit dem Dilemma zwischen wünschenswerter Analysebreite und notwendiger Analysetiefe zukünftig noch eingehender zu diskutieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)Berufskonzept, berufliche Substitution, berufliche Flexibilität, Tätigkeitsmerkmale, Berufsverwandtschaft

    Abbruch der Erstausbildung in der beruflichen Rehabilitation (Premature termination of initial training in occupational rehabilitation)

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    "In order to be able possibly to influence the occurrence of premature termination by means of appropriate and timely measures, it is necessary among other things to have a knowledge of the type of terminations occurring and of the conditions which can lead to a trainee dropping out of a training course. This necessitates, in addition to theoretical clarifications and empirical studies of the phenomenology of the occurrence of premature terminations, also statistical analyses of cases of premature termination of initial training in occupational rehabilitation. Thus in the general planning of the study, two types of study were designed: differentiating studies on the cause-related analysis of premature terminations of training and on the development of an appropriate methodical instrument, as well as orientation studies on the analysis of data from the 'statistics on occupational rehabilitation from the Federal Employment Service' (Bundesanstalt für Arbeit) (Reha statistics St 37). The contents of this article deal with the results of the orientation study. It concerns the analysis of the following issues: the proportion of young people who dropped out of initial vocational training which commenced in 1991 (drop-out rate); distribution of the drop-outs over the period of the vocational training; ratio of drop-outs occurring in the first year of training; differences in the occurrence of dropping out of training in the first year of training for the years 1991 to 1994; differences between the old and new federal states in these years; connection between cases of dropping out of training and features of the rehabilitation statistics. With the drop-out rate a distinction is made between 'gross drop-out rate' and 'net drop-out rate'. For the evaluation of the relevant data from the rehabilitation statistics both descriptive and multivariate statistical procedures were used. However, as the results reveal, definite statements can only be obtained with regard to some of the subjects or questions. This leads to the assumption discussed from various points of view, that at the level of orientation studies it is hardly possible to obtain systematic statements regarding the conditions, main emphasis, unusual features or peculiarities of the termination of the training course. Thus to begin with differentiating studies should be favoured in particular for reasons connected with establishing criteria which have sufficient reliability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))berufliche Rehabilitation, Abbrecher, Jugendliche, Ausbildungsabbrecher - Quote, Ausbildungsabbruch - Determinanten, regionaler Vergleich, Westdeutschland, Ostdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Verbleib sowie berufliche und soziale Integration jugendlicher Rehabilitanden nach der beruflichen Erstausbildung (Destination and occupational and social integration of young handicapped people after their initial vocational training)

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    "The crux of this article is the occupational situation of young handicapped people after their initial vocational training completed in rehabilitation centres or in private firms - in other words the type and conditions of their first job, their occupational consolidation, and also integration which is not matched with training, unemployment etc. (Their vocational training was financed by the Federal Employment Services in the context of the Employment Promotion Act con-cerning vocational rehabilitation.) An attempt is made when considering the further career of these young people, to distinguish between 'destination' on the one hand and occupational and social 'integration' on the other hand. 'Destination' is usually understood as what becomes of the person conserned following a certain event in their life (here the successful completion of their vocational training). It can be demonstrated, for example, that at the time the survey was carried out (second half of 1994) some three quarters (76%) of the young handicapped people were in employment, just under a quarter (24%) were not gainfully employed; around half of these were unemployed. On the basis of these statements a number of results from various groups of questions are presented. 'Integration', in contrast, concerns the integration of people into the 'structure of certain systems' (employment system, social system), which can only by assessed using operationalised (integration) criteria. In this sense occupational integration concerns not simply the practice of an occupation as such, but the integration into occupational activities in such a way that - also in accordance with the ideas of the legislator (Employment Promotion Act) - amongst other things, the 'aptitude', in particular abilities acquired so far, and the 'propensity' of the person concerned are taken into account. In a similar way with social integration, criteria on the integration into social networks, on acceptance, recognition, confirmation etc. should be taken into account. In order to assess the occupational and social integration of young handicapped people such criteria, separated for the individual forms of integration, are linked with each other according to the methodical principle of step-by-step criteria addition, so that they correspond to the pattern of logical 'and'-relations. This procedure was chosen because it must first be assumed that all of the criteria included have to be equally fulfilled in order to be able to determine integration. Accordingly, in the case of occupational integration, for example, the number of young handicapped people who fulfil all of the criteria at the same time and can consequently be defined as integrated, falls by more than half compared with the destination feature 'in employment' which was considered separately above (which was 76% when not broken down into categories). In the case of social integration, similar effects are found, although less markedly. Such findings could be an occasion for the relevant bodies to 'scrutinise' the integration process of the handicapped individuals concerned more closely with regard to 'frictions' or shortcomings. In contrast with simple destination analyses, this approach, which is being realised for the first time with regard to occupational and social integration, provides the advantage of a subtly differentiated insight into the working and living situation of young handicapped people, due to the degree to which it is elaborated. Such an insight makes it easier to locate and justify any intervention measures to be planned or introduced." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))berufliche Rehabilitation, Absolventen, Jugendliche, beruflicher Verbleib, berufliche Integration, Berufseinmündung, soziale Integration, Behinderte, Arbeitslosigkeit, adäquate Beschäftigung, Arbeitszufriedenheit, betriebliche Integration

    Konzepte und Probleme der Evaluation aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik am Beispiel Fortbildung und Umschulung

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    "In einer Bestandsaufnahme zur Wirkungsforschung wird versucht, den Fundus vorliegender Erkenntnisse einer kritischen Zwischenbilanz zu unterziehen. Dabei werden zunächst die gesellschaftlichen und gesetzlichen Ausgangsbedingungen, die theoretischen Implikationen und vor allem die methodischen Probleme der Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen zur Evaluation aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik beleuchtet. In diesem Kontext sind die in ihren wesentlichen Hauptlinien dargestellten Ergebnisse denn auch weniger an Sachaussagen orientiert als vielmehr an der Verdeutlichung der jeweiligen Problemlage. Aus diesem Hintergrund werden Erfordernisse sowie erste Ansätze einer konzeptionellen Neubesinnung skizziert und unter Einbezug alternativer Überlegungen erörtert." (Autorenreferat)Wirkungsforschung - Konzeption, Weiterbildung - Erfolgskontrolle, Umschulung - Erfolgskontrolle, beruflicher Verbleib