126 research outputs found

    MRI vacuum-assisted breast biopsies

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    AbstractThe indications, technique, results and limitations of MRI vacuum-assisted breast biopsies are discussed from a review of the literature. This was initially a home-grown technique and its development was slowed down by several factors. As a result of major technical advances, it has become a reliable and very consistent procedure with a low rate of underestimation. It is now an undisputed technique when suspicious MRI enhancement is seen with no corresponding mammography or ultrasound features


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    Si plusieurs travaux consacrés aux traditions de l’Afrique du Nord font une large place à la magie, il existe peu d’études qui en traitent spécifiquement. De plus la complexité du phénomène, lequel entretient des liens avec nombre d’activités humaines, se laisse difficilement saisir, et on continue encore aujourd’hui de se poser la question de sa définition. Les sources disponibles couvrent quatre périodes historiques : les sources antiques, qui, bien que parcellaires, évoquent certains aspec..

    Macrobiopsies diagnostiques : monoblocs ou fragmentaires ?

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    Chapitre 2. Les liens entre Charles-Ange Laisant et Jules Houël entre 1870 et 1880 : les sociétés savantes, les hommes et les textes

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    Nous partons du constat de Jérôme Auvinet au début de son article « Empreintes d’échanges au sein de la Société mathématique de France dans les pages de son Bulletin : le cas de Charles-Ange Laisant » :Lorsque Laisant rejoint les membres de la SMF (il se présente le 5 février 1873 soit trois mois après le premier conseil de la Société et est élu le 19 février), il est âgé de 30 ans et débute véritablement son parcours de mathématicien. Après son passage à l’École polytechnique en 1859 puis à..

    Le poeme 72 de Catulle: problemes de rythme

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    Theexistence of clitic words which escape standard rules of accentuation is one of the main obstacles when one studies rhythm in Latin poetry. However, the poetry specialist Henri Meschonnic takes into account not only syntactic accents but also the emphatic effect of repeated sounds in his analuses of the rhythm of French texts. His example is often followed in order to find practica! solutions to a certain number of accentuation problems. This practice brings into light rhythmic devices ("counter­accentuation," i.e. adjacent syllabes which are stressed), and allows the art of the poet to be more fully appreciated. Thus, in carmen 72, which is a fictitious conversation, the play on sounds and rhythms is -beyond mere rhetoric-a further means to conjure up a most convincing scene of love making.Dans l' étude rythmique de la poésie latine, l' existen ce de mots clitiques échappant a la regle générale d'accentuation est un des principaux obstacles. Or, pour analyser le rythme des textes franais, le poéticien Henri Meschonnic tient compte non seulement des accents syntaxiques, mais aussi de l'effet emphatique des récurrences phoniques. On s'inspire de cet exemple pour résoudre pragmatiquement certaines difficultés de <<rythmisation>>: la tache est facilitée par l'importance que Catulle accorde aux réseaux phoniques. Cette démarche permet de mettre en lurniere des figures rythmiques {<<contre­accents>>, i.e. contigui'tes de syllabes accentuées) rendant justice a la virtuosité du poete. Ainsi, dans le carmen 72 qui est une conversation fictive, les jeux sonores et rythmiques apparaissent comme des moyens pararhétoriques, aptes a suggérer une dramaturgie amoureuse tout a fait convaincante

    Mauvais Ĺ“il [tiáą­]

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    Sbaḥ-kum lxir a kra ignen da Salut à ceux qui reposent ici Azgen immut s tiṭ [dont] la moitié est morte du mauvais œil Azgen s tegḍiṭ [et] l’autre moitié d’entérite [infantile] Cette formule kabyle que l’on prononce en passant près d’un cimetière contient l’explication étiologique de la mortalité infantile : le mauvais œil aurait été responsable de la mort des premiers enfants ainsi que de la moitié des morts d’enfants depuis le début des temps. L’idée que les cimetières sont pleins de morts..

    The utilization of an ultrasound-guided 8-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy system as an innovative approach to accomplishing complete eradication of multiple bilateral breast fibroadenomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy technology is extremely useful for diagnostic biopsy of suspicious breast lesions and for attempted complete excision of appropriately selected presumed benign breast lesions.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A female patient presented with 16 breast lesions (eight within each breast), documented on ultrasound and all presumed to be fibroadenomas. Over a ten and one-half month period of time, 14 of these 16 breast lesions were removed under ultrasound guidance during a total of 11 separate 8-gauge Mammotome<sup>® </sup>excision procedures performed during seven separate sessions. Additionally, two of these 16 breast lesions were removed by open surgical excision. A histopathologic diagnosis of fibroadenoma and/or fibroadenomatous changes was confirmed at all lesion excision sites. Interval follow-up ultrasound imaging revealed no evidence of a residual lesion at the site of any of the 16 original breast lesions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This report describes an innovative approach of utilizing ultrasound-guided 8-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy technology for assisting in achieving complete eradication of multiple bilateral fibroadenomas in a patient who presented with 16 documented breast lesions. As such, this innovative approach is highly recommended in similar appropriately selected patients.</p

    Ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy methodology: retrospective comparison of the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy approach versus the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy technology represents the current standard of care for the evaluation of indeterminate and suspicious lesions seen on diagnostic breast ultrasound. Yet, there remains much debate as to which particular method of ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy provides the most accurate and optimal diagnostic information. The aim of the current study was to compare and contrast the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy approach and the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy approach.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective analysis was done of all ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy procedures performed by either the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy approach or the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy approach by a single surgeon from July 2001 through June 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 1443 ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy procedures performed, 724 (50.2%) were by the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy technique and 719 (49.8%) were by the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy technique. The total number of false negative cases (i.e., benign findings instead of invasive breast carcinoma) was significantly greater (P = 0.008) in the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy group (8/681, 1.2%) as compared to in the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy group (0/652, 0%), with an overall false negative rate of 2.1% (8/386) for the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy group as compared to 0% (0/148) for the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy group. Significantly more (P < 0.001) patients in the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy group (81/719, 11.3%) than in the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy group (18/724, 2.5%) were recommended for further diagnostic surgical removal of additional tissue from the same anatomical site of the affected breast in an immediate fashion for indeterminate/inconclusive findings seen on the original ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy procedure. Significantly more (P < 0.001) patients in the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy group (54/719, 7.5%) than in the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy group (9/724, 1.2%) personally requested further diagnostic surgical removal of additional tissue from the same anatomical site of the affected breast in an immediate fashion for a benign finding seen on the original ultrasound-guided diagnostic breast biopsy procedure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In appropriately selected cases, the 8-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy approach appears to be advantageous to the spring-loaded 14-gauge core biopsy approach for providing the most accurate and optimal diagnostic information.</p
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