15 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemberdayaan Staf Dalam Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produktivitas Organisasi Pada Sekretariat Daerah Kota Tomohon

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    Leadership is the one of the important things in organization. It will work by cooperating leader and staff to reach many goals planned. Facts show that existency of the staff is less concerned. They are just as the tools of organization. This research using correlation method. Data is collected by using quetionaires and interviews. Respondent are 50 employees worked at the Secretary Office of Tomohon City. The conclusions are: (1) Staff empowerment correlates significantly with the organization productivity at 0,4761. (2) Decision making process correlates significantly with the organization productivity at 0,2704. (3) Staff empowerment correlates significantly with the decision making process ar 0,49. (4) Staf empowerment and decision making process simultancy correlates with the organization productivity at 0,4790. It means organization productivity improvement is influenced by the staff empowerment and decision making process. Based on these results, it is suggested that the government of Tomohon City for effective empowerment of staff in the decision making process needs to be applied with the best principles of complete staff work (completed staff work). Because with this method is the responsibility of staff to help make things easier for the leadership decision will be greater

    Pemberdayaan Pegawai di Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Perlindungan Masyarakat Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    This study aims to determine how Empowerment Of Employees In The Agency PublicProtection Of National unity North Sulawesi. The data collection was conducted throughinterviews with 8 informan consist of : 1 leadership of agency heads, 2 heads of field, 1head of sub fileds, 1 heads subpart, 3 staff. Based discussion Empowerment Of EmployeesIn The Agency Public Protection Of National unity North Sulawesi yet fully basedenabling and facilitating, but rather support by aspects conculting and collaborating.Therfore recommended that the Empowerment Of Employees adjustment need employeeswith different political,social,legal and national defense. And perform additionaloperational funds for stengthening the capacity of resource activities operatur, office alsoshould include more employees in training activities socialization according to the field ofwork that the task could be running properly

    Pemenuhan Dimensi-dimensi Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Abstrac : Public service is the right of every citizen that must be given by the government. But the fact is the one who should serve the citizens haven\u27t done it well. It seems that they still don\u27t have much concern about their responsibility moreover, their (government employees\u27 or civil official\u27s) accountability still can\u27t be accounted for even to their leader in terms of public serving. Because they still have some significant problem.This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive. Informant research by as much as 10 (ten) informant: 1 person head of Department, 1 Secretary, 1 head of the sub. the General section and the staffing, 1 civil State apparatus, 3 people community. data collection techniques used i.e., interview techniques, techniques of observation/observation, and technical documentation. data analysis techniques used, namely the reduction of data, data presentation, and conclusion

    Peranan Kepala Suku Moni dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jalan di Distrik Wandai Kabupaten Intan Jaya Provinsi Papua).

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    As it is known that the Organization of Indigenous Peoples is one container to collectand bamboozle indigenous peoples so that the role of traditional leaders more directly in supportingthe wheels of government in the implementation of development and provide guidance to the publicas mandated. In Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua Province. Containing organizeand manage their own household / own government. Chieftain, is not set in legislation, but in the Act.No. 21, 2001, Article 1 Paragraph 13 of the "Consultative Council of Kampung or called by any othername is a group of people who form a unity composed of various elements, in the village as well aselected and recognized by local residents to provide advice and consideration to local government.The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Chief Moni in the implementation of roadinfrastructure development in the District Wendai Intan Jaya district of Papua province. Researchusing qualitative methods. Informants in this study were 10 people employed several elements takenfrom the head of the district, members of the traditional council, village heads, chiefs, religious figure,and the common people. Collecting data with interview techniques; while the data analysis usinganalytical techniques interactive model of Miles and Hubernann.The results showed the role of chieftain Moni in the construction of road infrastructure is realizedin three aspects: a role in decision making, a role in providing information to the public, and a rolein encouraging and mobilizing community participation. Based on the results of these studiesconclude that the chief Moni has a significant role in the implementation of development in theDistrict of Intan Jaya district Wandai.Based on the Conclusions of the research results it is suggested that the government districts andvillages should always involve; the chiefs in decision-making, in providing information to the public,and to encourage and Mobilize community participation in the construction of road infrastructure inthe District Wandai

    Dampak Kebijakan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dilingungan Pemerintah Kecamatan Siau Timur Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro (suatu Studi di Kantor Kecamatan Siau Timur)

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    This study is based on the results of the initial observation that the performance of employeesgovernment environments Eastern District of Siau indicated relatively low. This condition is presumablyrelated to the implementation of policies not optimal development of human resources quality civil servantsin the region. Thus, this study aims to: (1) Examine the impact of the quality of human resource developmentpolicy environment of government civil servants Eastern District of Siau Island District Sitaro. (2) to analyzedifferences in the performance of employees government environments Eastern District of Siau IslandDistrict Sitaro between before and after participating in education and training (Training).This research applies descriptive and quantitative approach combined with a qualitative approach, thesample of respondents purposively set as many as 44 employees. After analyzing the data collected byapplying the product moment correlation technique and simple linear resgresi.The results of data analysis showed that (1). The average implementation of the development policy ofhuman resource quality of civil servants and the gains of government employees districts Siau Timur, bothare in the category of "medium" or not achieve optimal results. (2) Policy development of quality humanresources dilingkingan government civil servants Eastern District of Siau positive and significant impact onemployee performance improvement.The conclusions that can be drawn from this research is that an employee who has been following thedevelopment program through education and training (training) showed a much higher performance thanbefore following the employee development program. Advice can be given is conveyed to the government ofRegency Sitaro for more intensive follow-include civil servants, either at the district or sub-district / villagein educational activities and training, and much needed concrete efforts of the local government districtSitaro in the form of rotation, transfer, training in the workplace and others

    The Impact of the Policy of Imposing Restrictions on Community Activities of Culinary Business Actors in the Coastal Area of Manado City

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    Activity restrictions are an effort made by the government in controlling Covid 19 and regulating community activities in various aspects of their lives. Business management is one of the restricted community activities. Culinary business community activities are part of the implementation of this policy. This study was conducted to analyze the impact of the policy of imposing restrictions on the activities of the culinary business community in the Coastal Area of Manado City. Data were collected directly through interviews with business actors and city governments who have responsibilities in micro, small and medium enterprises, made direct observations of various activities carried out in culinary business management and electronically collected documents on various publications related to research topics. . The data were analyzed inductively so that it was found that the policy of imposing restrictions on the activities of the culinary business community had a bad impact due to a decrease in income and an increase in expenses related to the price of business raw materials. However, it has a good impact in terms of managing business activities, especially in marketing because culinary business actors apply drive-thru sales systems and digital marketing

    Evaluasi Kebijakan PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan di Kecamatan Essang Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results and impact of policy PNPM Rural inDistrict Essang Talaud Islands. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Informants were takenfrom PNPM Rural actors at the district level, the PNPM Rural actors at the village level, and the citizensPokmas members in several villages. Informants who were interviewed as many as 10 people. Datacollection techniques used were interviews. Data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysistechniques-interactive model of Miles and Hubernann.Based on research results ditariki conclusions: (1) The results of PNPM Rural in DistrictEssang generally pretty good views of some aspects such as: the allocation and disbursement of funds,the management / implementation activities and the realization of the activities. (2) PNPM Rural inDistrict Essang impact on poverty reduction seen from several aspects such as: pencipaan / increaseempowerment of the economy of the poor, creation / enhancement of independence of the poor, realize orimprove the quantity and quality of facilities prasanara basic social and economic community, increasethe participation of the various parties in efforts to reduce poverty, and increase the welfare of society orof poor households.Based on the results of this penellian then it can be recommended some suggestions asfollows: (1) the PNPM Rural Policy would that be continued by the present government\u27s. (2) The resultsof PNPM Mandiri in Rural Areas that have been created / materialized during cerned shall continue to bemaintained and preserved to improve social welfare / poor households