73 research outputs found

    Involvement of Medicago truncatula glutamate receptor-like channels in nitric oxide production under short-term water deficit stress

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    Early stages of plant development are highly susceptible to environmental cues, and seedlings have to develop sophisticated mechanisms to sense and respond to abiotic stresses. We have previously identified that abscisic acid (ABA), nitric oxide (NO) and modulation of nitrogen metabolism are involved in adaptive responses in Medicago truncatula seedlings under water deficit stress. Here, we investigated whether glutamate receptor-like channels (GLRs) played a role in the developmental physiological processes of Medicago seedlings during post-germination after a short-term water deficit stress. Twenty-nine independent MtGLR genes have been identified and then divided into four clades following a phylogenetic analysis; seventeen of them exhibited specific domains which are characteristic of animal ionotropic glutamate receptors. Under drought stress, ABA-induced NO accumulation was significantly reduced in presence of a GLR competitive antagonist, suggesting that this water deficit-induced endogenous NO production was mediated through a MtGLR-dependent pathway. Water deficit-induced inhibition of embryo axis elongation was strongly reduced whereas loss of water content was alleviated when MtGLRs were inhibited. These results suggest that glutamate receptors-like channels are required, through their involvement in NO production, in adaptive responses under short-term water-deficit stress during Medicago seedling establishment

    Overexpression of a Medicago truncatula stress-associated protein gene (MtSAP1) leads to nitric oxide accumulation and confers osmotic and salt stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco

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    The impact of Medicago truncatula stress-associated protein gene (MtSAP1) overexpression has been investigated in Nicotiana tabacum transgenic seedlings. Under optimal conditions, transgenic lines overexpressing MtSAP1 revealed better plant development and higher chlorophyll content as compared to wild type seedlings. Interestingly, transgenic lines showed a stronger accumulation of nitric oxide (NO), a signaling molecule involved in growth and development processes. This NO production seemed to be partially nitrate reductase dependent. Due to the fact that NO has been also reported to play a role in tolerance acquisition of plants to abiotic stresses, the responses of MtSAP1 overexpressors to osmotic and salt stress have been studied. Compared to the wild type, transgenic lines were less affected in their growth and development. Moreover, NO content in MtSAP1 overexpressors was always higher than that detected in wild seedlings under stress conditions. It seems that this better tolerance induced by MtSAP1 overexpression could be associated with this higher NO production that would enable seedlings to reach a high protection level to prepare them to cope with abiotic stresses

    Medicago truncatula stress associated protein 1 gene (MtSAP1) overexpression confers tolerance to abiotic stress and impacts proline accumulation in transgenic tobacco

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    Stress associated proteins (SAP) have been already reported to play a role in tolerance acquisition of some abiotic stresses. In the present study, the role of MtSAP1 (Medicago truncatula) in tolerance to temperature, osmotic and salt stresses has been studied in tobacco transgenic seedlings. Compared to wild type, MtSAP1 overexpressors were less affected in their growth and development under all tested stress conditions. These results confirm that MtSAP1 is involved in the response processes to various abiotic constraints. In parallel, we have performed studies on an eventual link between MtSAP1 overexpression and proline, a major player in stress response. In an interesting way, the results for the transgenic lines did not show any increase of proline content under osmotic and salt stress, contrary to the WT which usually accumulated proline in response to stress. These data strongly suggest that MtSAP1 is not involved in signaling pathway responsible for the proline accumulation in stress conditions. This could be due to the fact that the overexpression of MtSAP1 provides sufficient tolerance to seedlings to cope with stress without requiring the free proline action. Beyond that, the processes by which the MtSAP1 overexpression lead to the suppression of proline accumulation will be discussed in relation with data from our previous study involving nitric oxide

    Amino acid synthesis under abiotic stress

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    Almost all plants have to deal with climatic factors and to develop strategies to adapt their metabolism, which may have been adversely affected, in order to acclimate and survive under these unfavourable growth conditions. Mechanisms of plant stress tolerance involve some changes in gene expression, protein modification and metabolic pathways. More particularly, plant amino acid (AA) composition is modified by environmental conditions and characterized by an elevated accumulation of specific AAs involved in plant stress tolerance. These free AAs are synthesized by various distinct metabolic networks and accumulate differentially in plant species exposed to various stresses. In response to these environmental constraints, AA metabolism plays an important regulatory role, not only because AAs are constituents of proteins but also because free AAs are potential regulatory and signalling molecules, and precursors for energy-associated metabolites, as well numerous secondary metabolites, that have several functions in plant growth and adaptive responses to various stresses. The AA synthesis pathways are complex and undergo tight regulation, particularly in respect of the metabolism of three specific AA family pathways when plants are exposed to abiotic stresses. First, the glutamate family pathway is strongly activated under stress, leading to the accumulation of proline and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), two stress-related molecules involved in metabolic responses to stress. Secondly, stimulation of the metabolism of the pyruvate family pathway mainly allows the production and accumulation of alanine, which is the most abundant amino acid under oxygen deficiency; it also leads to the accumulation of branched-chain amino acids, such as leucine and valine, which could play the role of compatible solutes and provide an alternative source of respiratory substrates. Thirdly, regulation of biosynthetic and catabolic fluxes through the aspartate family pathway appears to be essential for generating energy, mainly via lysine catabolism, as stress causes energy deprivation

    Unraveling the involvement of ABA in the water deficit-induced modulation of nitrogen metabolism in Medicago truncatula seedlings

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    Effects of water deficit and/or abscisic acid (ABA) were investigated on early seedling growth of Medicago truncatula, and on glutamate metabolism under dark conditions. Water deficit (simulated by polyethylene glycol, PEG), ABA and their combination resulted in a reduction in growth rate of the embryo axis, and also in a synergistic increase of free amino acid (AA) content. However, the inhibition of water uptake retention induced by water deficit seemed to occur in an ABA-independent manner. Expression of several genes involved in glutamate metabolism was induced during water deficit, whereas ABA, in combination or not with PEG, repressed them. The only exception came from a gene encoding 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) which appeared to be induced in an ABA-dependent manner under water deficit. Our results demonstrate clearly the involvement of an ABA-dependent and an ABA-independent regulatory system, governing growth and glutamate metabolism under water deficit

    Nitrate reductase and nitric oxide

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