136 research outputs found

    A New Measurement of Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee

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    The Dual Imaging Cerenkov Experiment (DICE) was designed and operated for making elemental composition measurements of cosmic rays near the knee of the spectrum at several PeV. Here we present the first results using this experiment from the measurement of the average location of the depth of shower maximum, , in the atmosphere as a function of particle energy. The value of near the instrument threshold of ~0.1 PeV is consistent with expectations from previous direct measurements. At higher energies there is little change in composition up to ~5 PeV. Above this energy is deeper than expected for a constant elemental composition implying the overall elemental composition is becoming lighter above the knee region. These results disagree with the idea that cosmic rays should become on average heavier above the knee. Instead they suggest a transition to a qualitatively different population of particles above 5 PeV.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, two eps figures, aas2pp4.sty and epsf.sty included, accepted by Ap.J. Let

    Influence of Angular Orientation of the Embedded Highly Birefringent Fiber on Pmd Changes Under Axial Stress

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    In the paper we present results of the research on polarization mode dispersion changes inside the polarimetric optical fiber sensors based on highly birefringent optical fibers embedded into composite materials with different angular orientations of the optical axes. Based on measurements made for different types of highly birefringent optical fiber sensors we have shown that strain sensitivities after lamination process are different in comparison to the data obtained before lamination. Our results indicate that polarization mode dispersion in side-hole highly birefringent fibers under axial stress strongly depends on fiber orientation in the composite material suggesting that orientation of the polarization axes of the highly birefringent fiber can be responsible for behavior of the fiber inside the composite material

    Proposal for an experimental test of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics

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    The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics predicts the formation of distinct parallel worlds as a result of a quantum mechanical measurement. Communication among these parallel worlds would experimentally rule out alternatives to this interpretation. A procedure for ``interworld'' exchange of information and energy, using only state of the art quantum optical equipment, is described. A single ion is isolated from its environment in an ion trap. Then a quantum mechanical measurement with two discrete outcomes is performed on another system, resulting in the formation of two parallel worlds. Depending on the outcome of this measurement the ion is excited from only one of the parallel worlds before the ion decoheres through its interaction with the environment. A detection of this excitation in the other parallel world is direct evidence for the many-worlds interpretation. This method could have important practical applications in physics and beyond.Comment: 17 pages, standard LaTex, no pictures, comments welcome, revised version corrects typing error in mixing tim

    Lower Energy Consequences of an Anomalous High-Energy Neutrino Cross-Section

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    A new strong-interaction has been postulated for neutrinos above ~10^{19} eV to explain the production of highest-energy cosmic ray events. We derive a dispersion relation relating the hypothesized high-energy cross-section to the lower-energy neutrino-nucleon elastic amplitude. Remarkably, we find that the real forward amplitude becomes anomalous seven orders of magnitude lower in energy than does the total cross-section. We discuss possible measurable consequences of this early onset of new neutrino physics, and conclude that a significantly enhanced elastic \nu-N scattering rate may occur for the neutrino beams available at Fermilab and CERN.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Simultaneous X-Ray and TeV Gamma-Ray Observations of the TeV Blazar Markarian 421 during February and May 2000

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    In this paper we present the results of simultaneous observations of the TeV blazar Markarian 421 (Mrk 421) at X-ray and TeV Gamma-ray energies with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and the stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope system of the HEGRA (High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy) experiment, respectively. The source was monitored from February 2nd to February 16th and from May 3rd to May 8th, 2000. We discuss in detail the temporal and spectral properties of the source. Remarkably, the TeV observations of February 7th/8th showed statistically significant evidence for substantial TeV flux variability on 30 min time scale. We show the results of modeling the data with a time dependent homogeneous Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) model. The X-ray and TeV gamma-ray emission strengths and energy spectra together with the rapid flux variability strongly suggest that the emission volume is approaching the observer with a Doppler factor of 50 or higher. The different flux variability time scales observed at X-rays and TeV Gamma-rays indicate that a more detailed analysis will require inhomogeneous models with several emission zones.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ, 21 Pages, 5 Figure

    Rejection of the hypothesis that Markarian 501 TeV photons are pure Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The energy spectrum of the Blazar type galaxy Markarian 501 (Mrk 501) as measured by the High-Energy-Gamma-Ray Astronomy (HEGRA) air Cerenkov telescopes extends beyond 16 TeV and constitutes the most energetic photons observed from an extragalactic object. A fraction of the emitted spectrum is possibly absorbed in interactions with low energy photons of the diffuse extragalactic infrared radiation, which in turn offers the unique possibility to measure the diffuse infrared radiation density by TeV spectroscopy. The upper limit on the density of the extragalactic infrared radiation derived from the TeV observations imposes constraints on models of galaxy formation and stellar evolution. One of the recently published ideas to overcome severe absorption of TeV photons is based upon the assumption that sources like Mrk 501 could produce Bose-Einstein condensates of coherent photons. The condensates would have a higher survival probability during the transport in the diffuse radiation field and could mimic TeV air shower events. The powerful stereoscopic technique of the HEGRA air Cerenkov telescopes allows to test this hypothesis by reconstructing the penetration depths of TeV air shower events: Air showers initiated by Bose-Einstein condensates are expected to reach the maximum of the shower development in the atmosphere earlier than single photon events. By comparing the energy-dependent penetration depths of TeV photons from Mrk 501 with those from the TeV standard-candle Crab Nebula and simulated air shower events, we can reject the hypothesis that TeV photons from Mrk 501 are pure Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published by ApJ Letters, revised version (simulation results added

    The TeV Energy Spectrum of Mkn 501 Measured with the Stereoscopic Telescope System of HEGRA during 1998 and 1999

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    During 1997, the BL Lac object Mkn 501 went into an extraordinary state of high X-ray and TeV gamma-ray activity, lasting more than 6 months. In this paper we report on the TeV emission characteristics of the source in the subsequent years of 1998 and 1999 as measured with the Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope System of HEGRA (La Palma, Canary Islands). Our observations reveal a 1998-1999 mean emission level at 1 TeV of 1/3 of the flux of the Crab Nebula, a factor of 10 lower than during the year of 1997. A dataset of 122 observations hours with the HEGRA telescope system makes it possible to assess for the first time the Mkn 501 TeV energy spectrum for a mean flux level substantially below that of the Crab Nebula with reasonable statistical accuracy. Excluding the data of a strong flare, we find evidence that the 1998--1999 low-flux spectrum is substantially softer (by 0.44+-0.1(stat) in spectral index) than the 1997 time averaged spectrum. The 500 GeV to 10 TeV energy spectrum can well be described by a power law model with exponential cutoff: dN/dE ~ E^(-alpha) exp(-E/E0) with alpha=2.31+-0.22(stat), and E0=5.1 (-2.3+7.8)(stat) TeV. Within statistical accuracy, also a pure power law model gives an acceptable fit to the data: dN/dE ~ E^(-Gamma) with Gamma=2.76+-0.08(stat). After presenting the 1998-1999 TeV characteristics of the source we discuss the implications of the results.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, on August 4th, 200

    Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Clusters of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We present a numerical code designed to conduct a likelihood analysis for clusters of nucleons above 10**19 eV originating from discrete astrophysical sources such as powerful radio galaxies, gamma-ray bursts or topological defects. The code simulates the propagation of nucleons in a large-scale magnetic field and constructs the likelihood of a given observed event cluster as a function of the average time delay due to deflection in the magnetic field, the source activity time scale, the total fluence of the source, and the power law index of the particle injection spectrum. Other parameters such as the coherence length and the power spectrum of the magnetic field are also considered. We apply it to the three pairs of events above 4X10**19 eV recently reported by the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA) experiment, assuming that these pairs were caused by nucleon primaries which originated from a common source. Although current data are too sparse to fully constrain each of the parameters considered, and/or to discriminate models of the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, several tendencies are indicated. If the clustering suggested by AGASA is real, next generation experiments with their increased exposure should detect more than 10 particles per source over a few years and our method will put strong constraints on both the large-scale magnetic field parameters and the nature of these sources.Comment: 11 latex pages, 8 postscript figures included, uses revtex.sty in two-column format and epsf.sty. Submitted to Physical Review
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