5 research outputs found

    Current Evidence on Bisphenol A Exposure and the Molecular Mechanism Involved in Related Pathological Conditions

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the so-called endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of different morbid conditions: immune-mediated disorders, type-2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. The purpose of this review is to analyze the mechanism of action of bisphenol A, with a special focus on mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) and adipogenesis. Its uses will be assessed in various fields: dental, orthopedic, and industrial. The different pathological or physiological conditions altered by BPA and the related molecular pathways will be taken into consideration

    The INGV science theatre experiences

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    Since September 2008, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisca e Vulcanologia in Rome has started to experiment science theatre as an innovative tool to promote seismic risk awareness and earth education. Up to now two projects have been implemented within the Laboratorio di Didattica e Divulgazione Scientifica. The first one, more traditional, involving pupils of the primary school was devoted to promote seismic risk and earthquake education among children aged 6-10. The Sicilian “Colapesce” tale was rewritten and readapted to commemorate the 100 years from 1908 Messina Earthquake, to be performed in a school theatre by pupils (II and IV classes Scuola Primaria Federico Di Donato, Rome). It was as well an experiment of science without frontiers for the presence of schoolmates from different countries (Asia, Africa, South America, East Europe and Italy). The second was a pilot-project developed in collaboration with Ente Parco dei Castelli Romani and concerning the possibility to establish in the future an Ecomuseum in one of the Lazio Region areas rich of natural landscapes and history. The students of two classrooms of the Mancinelli and Falconi Institute in Velletri (III Classical Lyceum and III Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum ), aged 16, chose an itinerary in the volcanic-origin area around the Nemi Lake to be developed in three items: the Roman Ships Museum; The lake itself; and the Diana Nemorensis Temple’s ruins. The final goal was interpreting the territory with the help of scenic actions. It was a sort of opened-air theatre where history, legends and their historical figures - mainly Caligula and the Goddess Diana - described the area from the different points of view: geological, historical, naturalistic and even gastronomic. Both the projects have been evaluated, but in the second case, one of the two classrooms, being a Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum, was involved in the evaluation process under the supervision of Ingv Didactic Lab. Results from both projects, and a comparison between the two will be shown


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    Among the different methodologies to educate people to the planet sustainability, the Ecomuseum is one of the most innovative and advanced. It offers the opportunity of using different didactic modules such as drama and museography in order to obtain the full involvement of the people to be educated. In the Ecomuseum, visitors are not just the observers but also interactors and in a wide perspective even the watchmen of the territory where they live. In Italy already exist eighty Ecomuseums, two already established in the Lazio Region. One of those, the one in the Agro-pontino area, is already operating at a large scale and in a European contest with great results. Following the same path, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in Rome chose an area, the Albani Hills, to implement a pilot-project for the establishment of an Ecomuseum in one of the Lazio Region areas rich of natural landscapes and history. In collaboration with the Ente Parco dei Castelli Romani a program for Lyceum students was implemented during a year (2009-2010). The students of two classrooms of the Mancinelli and Falconi Institute in Velletri (III Classical Lyceum and III Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum ), aged 16, chose an itinerary in the volcanic-origin area around the Nemi Lake to be developed in three items: the Roman Ships Museum; The lake itself; and the Diana Nemorensis Temple’s ruins. The final goal was interpreting the territory with the help of scenic actions. It was a sort of opened-air theatre where history, legends and their historical figures - mainly Caligula and the Goddess Diana - described the area from the different points of view: geological, historical, naturalistic and even gastronomic. The project evaluation was assigned to a Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum, under the supervision of INGV Didactic Lab. Results are encouraging even if innovative way to gain students enthusiasm should be thought since only a small group of students participated actively to the project. For future experiences it is important to succeed in involving as many teachers as possible to have more hours at disposal to be dedicated also to the dramatization

    The INGV science theatre experiences

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    Since September 2008, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisca e Vulcanologia in Rome has started to experiment science theatre as an innovative tool to promote seismic risk awareness and earth education. Up to now two projects have been implemented within the Laboratorio di Didattica e Divulgazione Scientifica. The first one, more traditional, involving pupils of the primary school was devoted to promote seismic risk and earthquake education among children aged 6-10. The Sicilian “Colapesce” tale was rewritten and readapted to commemorate the 100 years from 1908 Messina Earthquake, to be performed in a school theatre by pupils (II and IV classes Scuola Primaria Federico Di Donato, Rome). It was as well an experiment of science without frontiers for the presence of schoolmates from different countries (Asia, Africa, South America, East Europe and Italy). The second was a pilot-project developed in collaboration with Ente Parco dei Castelli Romani and concerning the possibility to establish in the future an Ecomuseum in one of the Lazio Region areas rich of natural landscapes and history. The students of two classrooms of the Mancinelli and Falconi Institute in Velletri (III Classical Lyceum and III Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum ), aged 16, chose an itinerary in the volcanic-origin area around the Nemi Lake to be developed in three items: the Roman Ships Museum; The lake itself; and the Diana Nemorensis Temple’s ruins. The final goal was interpreting the territory with the help of scenic actions. It was a sort of opened-air theatre where history, legends and their historical figures - mainly Caligula and the Goddess Diana - described the area from the different points of view: geological, historical, naturalistic and even gastronomic. Both the projects have been evaluated, but in the second case, one of the two classrooms, being a Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum, was involved in the evaluation process under the supervision of Ingv Didactic Lab. Results from both projects, and a comparison between the two will be shown.UnpublishedNew Delhi, India5.9. Formazione e informazioneope


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    Among the different methodologies to educate people to the planet sustainability, the Ecomuseum is one of the most innovative and advanced. It offers the opportunity of using different didactic modules such as drama and museography in order to obtain the full involvement of the people to be educated. In the Ecomuseum, visitors are not just the observers but also interactors and in a wide perspective even the watchmen of the territory where they live. In Italy already exist eighty Ecomuseums, two already established in the Lazio Region. One of those, the one in the Agro-pontino area, is already operating at a large scale and in a European contest with great results. Following the same path, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in Rome chose an area, the Albani Hills, to implement a pilot-project for the establishment of an Ecomuseum in one of the Lazio Region areas rich of natural landscapes and history. In collaboration with the Ente Parco dei Castelli Romani a program for Lyceum students was implemented during a year (2009-2010). The students of two classrooms of the Mancinelli and Falconi Institute in Velletri (III Classical Lyceum and III Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum ), aged 16, chose an itinerary in the volcanic-origin area around the Nemi Lake to be developed in three items: the Roman Ships Museum; The lake itself; and the Diana Nemorensis Temple’s ruins. The final goal was interpreting the territory with the help of scenic actions. It was a sort of opened-air theatre where history, legends and their historical figures - mainly Caligula and the Goddess Diana - described the area from the different points of view: geological, historical, naturalistic and even gastronomic. The project evaluation was assigned to a Socio-Pedagogical Lyceum, under the supervision of INGV Didactic Lab. Results are encouraging even if innovative way to gain students enthusiasm should be thought since only a small group of students participated actively to the project. For future experiences it is important to succeed in involving as many teachers as possible to have more hours at disposal to be dedicated also to the dramatization.UnpublishedTorino5.9. Formazione e informazioneope