159 research outputs found


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    This article is the result of seeking to investigate and understand the process of implementation of educational laws that act on black and black lives in the formal education process. Outlines this is the gap between the proclaimed and planned and reality. Thus, we understand that the laws studied here represent a movement of tension towards democratization of the curriculum and the school itself, because it allows less visible populations and valued in this institution and in their social practices are recognized in their stories, take voice, actively participate constant construction and reconstruction of school routine. Recebido em: 06/10/2016.Aprovado em: 24/02/2017.O presente artigo é o resultado da busca por investigar e compreender o processo de implementação das legislações educacionais que atuam nas vidas de negros e negras no processo de educação formal. Neste delineia-se a defasagem entre o apregoado e o planejado e a realidade. Dessa forma, entendemos que aslegislações aqui estudadas representam um movimento de tensionamento rumo à democratização do currículo e da própria escola, pois possibilita que populações menos visíveis e valorizadas nessa instituição e em suas práticas sociais sejam reconhecidas em suas histórias, tomem voz, participem ativamente da constante construção e reconstrução do cotidiano escolar. Recebido em: 06/10/2016.Aprovado em: 24/02/2017

    Kinetic Analysis of Substrate Utilization by Native and TNAP-, NPP1-, or PHOSPHO1-Deficient Matrix Vesicles

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    During the process of endochondral bone formation, chondrocytes and osteoblasts mineralize their extracellular matrix by promoting the formation of hydroxyapatite seed crystals in the sheltered interior of membrane-limited matrix vesicles (MVs). Here, we have studied phosphosubstrate catalysis by osteoblast-derived MVs at physiologic pH, analyzing the hydrolysis of ATP, ADP, and PPi by isolated wild-type (WT) as well as TNAP-, NPP1- and PHOSPHO1-deficient MVs. Comparison of the catalytic efficiencies identified ATP as the main substrate hydrolyzed by WT MVs. The lack of TNAP had the most pronounced effect on the hydrolysis of all physiologic substrates. The lack of PHOSPHO1 affected ATP hydrolysis via a secondary reduction in the levels of TNAP in PHOSPHO1-deficient MVs. The lack of NPP1 did not significantly affect the kinetic parameters of hydrolysis when compared with WT MVs for any of the substrates. We conclude that TNAP is the enzyme that hydrolyzes both ATP and PPi in the MV compartment. NPP1 does not have a major role in PPi generation from ATP at the level of MVs, in contrast to its accepted role on the surface of the osteoblasts and chondrocytes, but rather acts as a phosphatase in the absence of TNAP. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Blood gas and serum biochemical RIs for healthy newborn Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Background: There is a lack of published work on RIs for newborn buffaloes. Establishing blood gas and serum biochemical RIs for newborn buffaloes is important for monitoring health. Objectives: This study establishes blood gas and serum biochemical RIs of newborn buffaloes. Methods: Twenty‐eight newborn buffaloes, 10–30 days old, were selected. Thirty blood biochemical variables were analyzed. The Anderson–Darling test was used to assess the normality of the distribution. The Dixon test and the Tukey test were used to identify outliers. The RI and 90% CI were determined using standard and robust methods and the Box–Cox transformation. Results: A total of 30 RIs for healthy buffalo calves have been reported in this study. RIs for blood gas variables were reported for pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), saturation of O2 (SO2), bicarbonate (cHCO3−), base excess (BE), total carbon dioxide (ctCO2), and anion gap (AG). RIs for serum biochemical variables were reported for glucose (GLU), direct bilirubin (DB), total bilirubin (TB), AST, ALP, GGT, CK, LDH, creatinine (CREA), urea, cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TG), Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, iCa, Cl, iron, total protein (TP), and albumin (ALB). Conclusions: This is the first reported study covering complete serum chemistry and blood gas RIs for healthy 1‐month‐old Murrah buffaloes

    Effect of the substitution of soybean meal by dehydrated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as protein source in diets to weaned piglets on the weight of digestive tract organs and activity of pancreatic enzymes

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    The effects of the substitution of crude protein (CP) of soybean meal (SBM) by CP of dehydrated yeast Spray dry (DYSD) on the weight and development of the digestive organs and the activities of pancreatic enzymes were evaluated in this research. For this purpose 60 twenty one days old weaned pigs were distributed according to randomized blocks design with a factorial arrangement 5x4 (5 levels of substitution: 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % of the SBM crude protein by DYSD crude protein in the diet x 4 periods of time: 0, 4, 8 and 12 days post weaning). The DYSD did not have any influence on daily weight gain, weight of stomach and daily feed intake (DFI), however the intestinal weight increased quadraticaly and the weight of pancreas decreased linearly. The activity of tripsin did not change, on the other hand lipase (measured as activity units/g pancreas) and amylase decreased in a quadratic and linear sequence respectively with de increase of DYSD in the diet. Evaluated the weaning periods, it may be concluded that a decrease in the protein content and the growth rate of pancreas, associated with a low DFI found in the first days of post weaning, they may be the causes of shortening in the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes

    Effect of the substitution of soybean meal by dehydrated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a protein source in diets for weanling piglets on the intestinal digestive enzymes

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    The effects produced by the substitution of the crude protein (CP) of the soybean meal (SBM) by CP of the dehydrated yeast in "spray dry" (DYSD) on the morphology of the small intestine mucosa and the activity of the intestinal digestive enzymes was studied. For this purpose, 60 weaned piglets twenty one days old were distributed according to a design of blocks at random with factorial arrangement 5x4 (5 substitution levels: 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % of SBM crude protein by DYSD crude protein in the diet x 4 periods of time: 0, 4, 8 and 12 days after the weaning). The DYSD in the diet only did cause a reduction of the intestinal villi size in the first segment of the small intestine, promote a lineally increase in the activity of the sacarase and maltase, and at the same time the dipeptidases showed a quadratic response

    Agentes tróficos na dieta de leitões desmamados sobre a atividade das enzimas digestivas e o desempenho

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    It was evaluated the effect of the addition of glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids or cellular wall of yeast to the diet of weaned pigs on the activity of the pancreatic enzymes (lipase, amylase and trypsin) and the intestinal mucous membrane (dipeptidase, sucrase and maltase) and on the performance. Forty-five weaned pigs were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline, with four diets (T1 - basal diet (BD); T2 - BR + 1% glutamine; T3 - BD + 0,2% cellular wall of yeast; T4 - BD + 5% fish oil) and two slaughter ages (seven and 14 days post weaning). The performance was measured in the first two weeks post-weaning. The addition of 1% glutamine in the diet of pigs increased the specific and total activity of the amylase, and total activity of the trypsin in the second week post weaning. The others supplements not change the activity of the digestive enzymes in the pigs. Also an increase was observed in the total activity of the lipase, and specific activity of the trypsin and maltase in function of the age post-weaning. In general, the activities of the digestive enzymes were correlated positively, except for the dipeptidase that was not correlated with any other enzyme. Positive correlation was observed between weight gain and activity of the lipase and of the amylase. The supplements included in the diet not influence the performance of weaned pigs.Foi avaliado o efeito da adição de glutamina, ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ou parede celular de levedura à dieta de leitões desmamados sobre a atividade das enzimas pancreáticas (lipase, amilase e tripsina) e da mucosa intestinal (dipeptidase, sacarase e maltase) e sobre o desempenho. Foram utilizados 45 leitões desmamados e distribuídos em delineamento em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial, com quatro dietas (T1 - dieta basal (DB); T2 - DB + 1% de glutamina; T3 - DB + 0,2% de parede celular de levedura; T4 - DB + 5% de óleo de peixe) e duas idades de abate (sete e 14 dias pós-desmame). O desempenho foi medido nas duas primeiras semanas pós-desmame. A adição de 1% de glutamina na dieta dos leitões aumentou a atividade específica e total da amilase, e atividade total da tripsina na segunda semana pós-desmame. Os demais aditivos não alteraram a atividade das enzimas digestivas nos leitões. Também foi observado aumento na atividade total da lipase, e atividade específica da tripsina e maltase em função da idade pós desmame. De modo geral, as atividades das enzimas digestivas estiveram correlacionadas positivamente, com exceção da dipeptidase que não se correlacionou com nenhuma outra enzima. Foi observada correlação positiva entre ganho de peso e atividades da lipase e da amilase. Os aditivos incluídos na dieta não influenciam o desempenho dos leitões no pós-desmame