10 research outputs found
Comparative study of the Progesterone T (65 ÎŒg daily) and Copper 7 IUD
In a randomized clinical trial 146 Progesterone T IUDs were compared to 149 Copper 7 IUDs. The clinical performance of both devices was very similar. The pregnancy rates were 1.4 and 1.5 per 100 woman-years, respectively; medical removal rates 2.8 and 3.0; expulsions 4.2 and 5.8; and continuation rates at 12 months 87.2% and 84.6%. All medical removals in the Copper 7 group were for excessive bleeding. Irregular bleeding was higher in the Copper 7 group (13.4%) than in the Progesterone T group (7.5%). The disadvantage of the Progesterone T both for the patient and health services is the need for removal and reinsertion of the device at approximately yearly intervals but it has the advantage that the menstrual blood loss is reduced as compared to preinsertion blood loss. © 1977
Survey for antibodies to pestivirus and herpesvirus in sheep, goats, alpacas (Lama pacos), llamas (Lama glama), guanacos (Lama guanicoe) and vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) from Chile. Pesquisa de anticuerpos seroneutralizantes para pestivirus y herpesvirus en ovinos, caprinos y camélidos sudamericanos de Chile
Microtitration serum virus-neutralization tests were used to determine antibody titres for pestivirus: bovine viral diarrhea virus (NADL strain) and herpesvirus: bovine herpes virus 1 (Los Angeles strain) in 321 sheep, 322 goats, 74 alpacas (Lama pacos), 43 llamas (Lama glama), 48 guanacos (Lama guanicoe) and 34 vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna), from several Regions of Chile. Antibodies to pestivirus were found in 60 (18,7%) sheep, in 21 (6,5%) goats, in 8 (10,8%) alpacas and in 6 (14%) llamas. The guanacos and vicuñas did not have antibodies to pestivirus. Antibodies to herpesvirus were found in 8 (2,5%) sheep and in 62 (19,3%) goats. The alpacas, llamas, guanacos and vicuñas did not antibodies to herpesvirus. From the seropositive animals to pestivirus, the sheep flocks were located in the Metropolitan Region and XII Region of Chile with 7,1 % to 82,1% positive serum samples, with titres between 11 to 1024, and 5 (22,7%) positive flocks; The goat flocks were located in in the IV Region and the Metropolitan Region with 6,7% to 100% positive serum samples, with titers between 4 to 512, and 3 (13,6%) positive flocks. The alpacas and llamas flocks were located in the Metropolitan Region (where they live with other ruminants). Alpacas 10,8% serum samples from 2 flocks and 14% serum sample of llamas from 1 flock, were positive, with titers between 32 to 2048. From the seropositive animals to herpesvirus, only one sheep flock was positive and it was located in VI Region of Chile with 28,6% positive serum samples, with titers between 2 to 5,6; The goat flocks positive to herpesvirus were located in the IV Region and the Metropolitan Region with 4,2% to 66,7% positive serum samples, with titers between 2 to 45, and 14 (63,6%) positive flocks. The serum samples from guanacos and vicunas were obtained from their natural Regions, guanacos from the IV and XII Regions and vicuñas from the I Region. The findings of our study confirm that pestivirus infections of sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas and herpesvirus infections of sheep and goats occur in Chil
Reemergence of H3N8 Equine Influenza A virus in Chile, 2018
© 2018 Blackwell Verlag GmbH A new outbreak of equine Influenza A virus (IAV) was reported in Chile in January 2018, 6 years after its last report in 2012. Equine IAV was detected by rtRT-PCR, followed by virus isolation and full genome sequencing. Genetic characterization of equine IAV classified the virus within clade 1 of the Florida sublineage. Although this is the same sublineage that caused an outbreak in Chile in 2012, the virus has a high similarity to other cocirculating viruses that were recently identified in Europe and Asia. The Chilean 2018 equine influenza (EI) outbreak was caused by an H3N8 strain circulating globally that spread through horse movements