31 research outputs found

    Socle pairings on tautological rings

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    We study some aspects of the λg\lambda_g pairing on the tautological ring of MgcM_g^c, the moduli space of genus gg stable curves of compact type. We consider pairing kappa classes with pure boundary strata, all tautological classes supported on the boundary, or the full tautological ring. We prove that the rank of this restricted pairing is equal in the first two cases and has an explicit formula in terms of partitions, while in the last case the rank increases by precisely the rank of the λgλg−1\lambda_g\lambda_{g - 1} pairing on the tautological ring of MgM_g.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure; v3: journal version; v2: minor revisions to sections 1.1 and 4.1, results unchange

    Sequences with small subsum sets

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    AbstractA conjecture of Gao and Leader, recently proved by Sun, states that if X=(xi)i=1n is a sequence of length n in a finite abelian group of exponent n, then either some subsequence of X sums to zero or the set of all sums of subsequences of X has cardinality at least 2n−1. This conjecture turns out to be a simple consequence of a theorem of Olson and White; we investigate generalizations that are not implied by this theorem. In particular, we prove the following result: if X=(xi)i=1n is a sequence of length n, the terms of which generate a finite abelian group of rank at least 3, then either some subsequence of X sums to zero or the set of all sums of subsequences of X has cardinality at least 4n−5

    Face vectors of subdivided simplicial complexes

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    Brenti and Welker have shown that for any simplicial complex X, the face vectors of successive barycentric subdivisions of X have roots which converge to fixed values depending only on the dimension of X. We improve and generalize this result here. We begin with an alternative proof based on geometric intuition. We then prove an interesting symmetry of these roots about the real number -2. This symmetry can be seen via a nice algebraic realization of barycentric subdivision as a simple map on formal power series in two variables. Finally, we use this algebraic machinery with some geometric motivation to generalize the combinatorial statements to arbitrary subdivision methods: any subdivision method will exhibit similar limit behavior and symmetry. Our techniques allow us to compute explicit formulas for the values of the limit roots in the case of barycentric subdivision.Comment: 13 pages, final version, appears in Discrete Mathematics 201

    Holomorphic anomaly equations and the Igusa cusp form conjecture

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    Let SS be a K3 surface and let EE be an elliptic curve. We solve the reduced Gromov-Witten theory of the Calabi-Yau threefold S×ES \times E for all curve classes which are primitive in the K3 factor. In particular, we deduce the Igusa cusp form conjecture. The proof relies on new results in the Gromov-Witten theory of elliptic curves and K3 surfaces. We show the generating series of Gromov-Witten classes of an elliptic curve are cycle-valued quasimodular forms and satisfy a holomorphic anomaly equation. The quasimodularity generalizes a result by Okounkov and Pandharipande, and the holomorphic anomaly equation proves a conjecture of Milanov, Ruan and Shen. We further conjecture quasimodularity and holomorphic anomaly equations for the cycle-valued Gromov-Witten theory of every elliptic fibration with section. The conjecture generalizes the holomorphic anomaly equations for ellliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds predicted by Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri, and Vafa. We show a modified conjecture holds numerically for the reduced Gromov-Witten theory of K3 surfaces in primitive classes.Comment: 68 page