18 research outputs found

    Sense of Threat and Paradoxes of Empathy in Social Relationships

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    The article aims to show the answer for the question of a sense of security and sense of threat in relation with the issue of empathy is not easy mainly because of contemporary cultural and social conditions. There is no doubt that a person who is aware of his objectives, values, abilities and limitations deserves appreciation of his subjectivity and has the right to demand it. In the description of these issues, it is worth appealing to existential and phenomenological, phenomenological and clinical layers of interpretation of interpersonal relationships. In turn, a perspective of interpersonal relationships prevailing in a contemporary social reality is focused on the issues of effectiveness of one’s action both in an individual and social dimensions, which was shown in this article by five mainly points: Relationships with other people as a problem, Sense of security and sense of threat in social relationships, Empathy in social relationships and subject of security and Mechanisms determining low degree of empathy. In the interpretation related to the challenges, threats and risks associated to security it is worth paying attention to the issues of empathy and its paradoxes resulting from conditions of social life in the multicultural and normatively diversified world

    Tumoral calcinosis of the cervical spine in a dialysis patient. Case report and review of the literature

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    The authors present a case of tumoral calcinosis (TC) in a patient with chronic renal insufficiency. The clinical course, imaging features and microscopic findings are detailed. A 60-year-old woman with a 4-year history of hemodialysis presented with a painful mass in the right posterior cervical triangle. The neuroimaging revealed polycystic mass bulging from the C3–C5 facet joints and lamina on the right. The majority of cystic mass was excised and microscopic features of the specimen were consistent with TC. Tumoral calcinosis is a rare disease characterized by calcium salt deposits in periarticular soft tissue, which enlarge to form tumor-like cystic masses containing chalky calcareous material. TC is typically seen around large joints but rarely in the spine. Review of past publications provided six cases of TC involving the spine in dialyzed patients

    ALKBH overexpression in head and neck cancer: potential target for novel anticancer therapy

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    The nine identified human homologues of E. coli AlkB 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase, ALKBH1-8 and FTO, display different substrate specificities and diverse biological functions. Here we discovered the combined overexpression of members of the ALKBH family in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). We found direct correlation of ALKBH3 and FTO expression with primary HNSCC tumor size. We observed unidentified thus far cytoplasmic localization of ALKBH2 and 5 in HNSCC, suggesting abnormal role(s) of ALKBH proteins in cancer. Further, high expression of ALKBHs was observed not only in HNSCC, but also in several cancerous cell lines and silencing ALKBH expression in HeLa cancer cells resulted in dramatically decreased survival. considering the discovered impact of high expression of ALKBH proteins on HNSCC development, we screened for ALKBH blockers among newly synthetized anthraquinone derivatives and demonstrated their potential to support standard anticancer therapy

    Recanalisation of cerebral artery aneurysms treated endovascularly — a midterm follow-up

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    Endovascular methods of aneurysm treatment, as an alternative to neurosurgical clipping, have proved a welcome opportunity to treat patients with unruptured aneurysms or those disqualified from neurosurgical intervention. This paper presents our own experience of endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms in 107 patients. It includes clinical and technical data from the perioperative period and a 12-month radiological follow-up of 78 patients. Method. Our retrospective evaluation covered patients with intracranial aneurysms treated endovascularly. The following were analysed: age, sex, neurological symptoms, and familial burden of intracranial aneurysm. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine independent factors of recanalisation of the cerebral aneurysm 12 months after embolisation. Results. The data of 107 patients at a mean age of 61 years [57.09 ± 14.27] treated with embolisation was analysed. The indication for intervention in 16 patients was subarachnoid haemorrhage; in the remaining 91 cases, aneurysms were revealed during diagnostic procedures for different symptoms or during imaging examinations. The intracranial segment of the internal carotid artery and the anterior communicating artery were the most common locations for aneurysms. After embolisation, subarachnoid haemorrhage occurred in one patient, ischaemic stroke in two patients, and one patient died because of acute circulatory insufficiency. The functional status of 94 patients on the day of discharge from the department (on days 4-21) was very good. 78 patients completed a 12-month follow-up period. In 11 of those, a follow-up MR angiography revealed recanalisation 12 months after the intervention. Except for one patient reporting vertigo, aneurysm recanalisation procedures were asymptomatic. The only independent risk factor for recanalisation was the size of aneurysm > 10 mm; OR 3.0; CI [1.15–7.83] p = 0.0255. Conclusions. Embolisation of cerebral aneurysms is a safe method with few perioperative complications, and most of these are mild and transient.The size of the aneurysm during qualification for embolisation is a risk factor for recanalisation in the subsequent 12 months. Recanalisation of embolised cerebral aneurysms concerns less than 20% of patients in a one-year follow-up and is most often asymptomatic

    Comparative analysis of performance of ASP.NET Core MVC and Symfony 4 programming frameworks

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of popular ASP.NET Core MVC and Symfony 4 frameworks. Two web applications, containing the same functionalities and acting as a simple system for managing articles, were implemented in these technologies. The applications underwent time performance tests during typical operations performed by means of a simple form such as entering, editing, viewing and deleting data. These actions were performed automatically using commands from the Puppeteer library. The listed operations were repeated 10, 100 and 1,000 times in order to obtain precise mean times. On the basis of the obtained results, it was difficult to clearly state which of the compared programming tools is better. The ASP.NET Core MVC framework coped much better with two time-consuming operations, i.e. entering and editing data. Its results in this regard (the average from 1,000 repetitions) were respectively approximately 28% and 25% better compared to the Symphony 4 framework. However, for the two less time-consuming operations, i.e. displaying and deleting articles, the Symphony 4 framework proved to be considerably better. Its results with regard to displaying and deleting articles (the average for 1,000 measurements) were respectively 15% and 36% lower compared to the other of the tested frameworks


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    Interpretacja japońskiej koncepcji budowania bezpieczeństwa wymaga odwołania się do kategorii wartości uniwersalnych. Sandel, uznawany ostatnio za rzecznika świata wartości uniwersalnych, sugeruje, że należałoby traktować wartości i przekonania normatywne jako istotne kryteria porządku społecznego. Brak bądź niepełna ich realizacja w rozumieniu Sandela zaburza porządek społeczny i niszczy demokrację. Budowanie systemu wartości i przekonań normatywnych stanowi więc proces kluczowy dla budowania tożsamości indywidualnej podmiotu świadomego społecznie i kulturowo uniwersalnych kryteriów oceny działań człowieka. Stąd też kategoria wartości dotyczy zwykle społecznych uwarunkowań zachowania jednostki, od której inni oczekują dotrzymywania określonego wzoru zachowania niezależnie od tego, na ile wzór ten został przez nią przyswojony i zaakceptowany. W takiej interpretacji wartości zwykle będą przekazywane w obszarze kultury i pomiędzy pokoleniami jako instrument dobrego przystosowania społecznego i kulturowego


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    Interpretation of the Japanese concept of ensuring safety requires referring to the category of the universal values. Sandel, who has been lately considered a proponent of the world of the universal values suggests that normative values and beliefs should be treated as relevant criteria of social order. Lack of actions in accordance with these values and beliefs or insufficiency of such actions disturbs, in accordance to Sandel, social order and destroys the democracy. Creation of the system of normative values and beliefs constitutes for this reason a process that is crucial to creating an individual identity of an entity that is aware of the socially and culturally universal criteria of the evaluation of the actions of a human being. This is why the category of values concerns usually social determinants of behaviour of an individual from which others expect maintaining a certain behavioural pattern, regardless of whether this pattern was assimilated and accepted by the individual or not. According to such an interpretation, values shall usually be transferred as part of culture and from generation to generation as an instrument enabling proper social and cultural adjustment

    Grėsmės pojūtis elgesio ir socialinio elgesio modelių kontekste

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    For a long time action of a person in emergency situations have been of interest to social sciences. The work refers to the interpretation of one’s behaviour in emergency situations juxtaposing it with the context of sense of security. The authors put emphasis on the subjective process of experiencing threat and security which is called in psychology a sense. In search for instruments that serve coping with challenging and emergency situations the category of Type A Behaviour Pattern was indicated (TABP). It was considered a mechanism which paradoxically plays an adaptive and non-adaptive role. The factor differentiating the level of adaptation is the result of action in the form of a success or failure. The indicated mechanism was also interpreted in the context of cultural conditions. In the presented work the authors also assessed the efficiency of coping with emergency situations by people with this behavioural pattern.Socialiniuose moksluose jau seniai domimasi individo elgesiu įtampos, grėsmės kupinose situacijose. Tyrinėjant asmens saugumo svarbu suvokti, kaip paprastai individas reaguoja į grėsmę ar išskirtinę situaciją. Straipsnyje pristatoma individų elgesio pobūdžio tokiose situacijose analizė, akcentuojant, kaip šis elgesys susijęs (ar nesusijęs) su saugumo jausmu, kaip individas adaptuojasi, kokių strategijų imasi individualiu lygmeniu. Atskiriamas instinktyvus elgesys (momentinė reakcija į grėsmę) ir adaptyvus elgesys, nepalankioms aplinkybėms tęsiantis. Straipsnyje pabrėžiama, kad svarbios (gal net svarbesnės) procedūrinės žinios (tai yra žinios, esmingos elgesio kontrolei, bet jas sunku ar net neįmanoma sąmoningai (ar bent greitai) keisti), deklaratyviųjų atžvilgiu. Elgesį apibūdina dvi determinantės. Pirmoji susijusi su individo temperamentu, antroji - civilizuoto žmogaus savybės, išsilavinimas. A elgesys yra sudėtingas elgesių kompleksas, jam svarbus kontekstas, ką asmuo apibrėžia, kaip saugią aplinką, ar saugumo kultūrą

    Japanese Security Culture in the Global Village. The Budo Charter as a Modernized Element of Ancient Military Tradition

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    Authors have presented and discussed the content of the Budo Charter, positioning it in social phenomenon forming a system of security culture. This is modernized ethics canon and a kind of credo showing today’s social mission, which is implemented by the transmission of Japanese martial arts of budo. Triangulated problem analysis was carried out from three perspectives – humanist theory of martial arts, security sciences and anthropology of martial arts. It was concluded that the content contained in the Budo Charter are elements of security culture, which show continuous up-to-date ideals carried since ancient times by the honorable Samurai code bushido and its manual application, which is a collection of martial arts of budo from the Japanese Islands

    Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry

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    An analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could have an efficiency higher than a classical gas turbine cycle with a regenerator. Appropriate cycle and turbine calculations were performed for micro power plants with turbine output in the range of 10−50 kW. The best arrangements achieved very high values of overall cycle efficiency, 35%−39%. Such turbines could also work in cogeneration and trigeneration arrangements, using various fuels such as liquids, gaseous fuels, wastes, coal, or biogas. Innovative technology in connection with ecology and the failure-free operation of the power plant strongly suggests the application of such devices at relatively small generating units (e.g., “prosumers” such as home farms and individual enterprises), assuring their independence from the main energy providers. Such solutions are in agreement with the politics of sustainable development