76 research outputs found

    Refractive Index Dynamics Of Quantum Dot Based Waveguide Electroabsorbers

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    The refractive index dynamics of InAs/GaAs quantum dot based waveguide absorbers is studied using heterodyne pump-probe measurements. Absorption reduction due to the pump can be accompanied by either positive or negative refractive index changes depending on the wavelength used. This change in sign of the phase amplitude coupling can be understood by considering the atomlike nature of the quantum dot transitions involved

    Porting marine ecosystem model spin-up using transport matrices to GPUs

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    We have ported an implementation of the spin-up for marine ecosystem models based on transport matrices to graphics processing units (GPUs). The original implementation was designed for distributed-memory architectures and uses the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) library that is based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. The spin-up computes a steady seasonal cycle of ecosystem tracers with climatological ocean circulation data as forcing. Since the transport is linear with respect to the tracers, the resulting operator is represented by matrices. Each iteration of the spin-up involves two matrix-vector multiplications and the evaluation of the used biogeochemical model. The original code was written in C and Fortran. On the GPU, we use the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) standard, a customized version of PETSc and a commercial CUDA Fortran compiler. We describe the extensions to PETSc and the modifications of the original C and Fortran codes that had to be done. Here we make use of freely available libraries for the GPU. We analyze the computational effort of the main parts of the spin-up for two exemplar ecosystem models and compare the overall computational time to those necessary on different CPUs. The results show that a consumer GPU can compete with a significant number of cluster CPUs without further code optimization

    Delay Induced Excitability

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    We analyse the stochastic dynamics of a bistable system under the influence of time-delayed feedback. Assuming an asymmetric potential, we show the existence of a regime in which the systems dynamic displays excitability by calculating the relevant residence time distributions and correlation times. Experimentally we then observe this behaviour in the polarization dynamics of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser with opto-electronic feedback. Extending these observations to two-dimensional systems with dispersive coupling we finally show numerically that delay induced excitability can lead to the appearance of propagating wave-fronts and spirals.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Phase dynamics of InAs/GaAs quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    The gain and phase dynamics of InAs/GaAs quantum dot amplifiers are studied using single and two-color heterodyne pump probe spectroscopy. The relaxation of the wetting layer carrier density is shown to have a strong effect on the phase dynamics of both ground and excited state transients, while having a much weaker effect on the gain dynamics. In addition, the dynamical alpha factor may also display a constant value after an initial transient. Such behavior is strongly encouraging for reduced pattern effect operation in high speed optical networks. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.(DOI: 10.1063/1.2823589

    Carrier capture dynamics of InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    Carrier dynamics of a 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum dot amplifier is studied using heterodyne pump-probe spectroscopy. Measurements of the recovery times versus injection current reveal a power law behavior predicted by a quantum dot rate equation model. These results indicate that Auger processes dominate the carrier dynamics. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics. (DOI:10.1063/1.2715115

    Electron and hole dynamics of InAs/GaAs quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    Single-color and two-color pump-probe measurements are used to analyze carrier dynamics in InAs/GaAs quantum dot amplifiers. The study reveals that hole recovery and intradot electron relaxation occur on a picosecond time scale, while the electron capture time is on the order of 10 ps. A longer time scale of hundreds of picoseconds is associated with carrier recovery in the wetting layer, similar to that observed in quantum well semiconductor amplifiers. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics. (DOI:10.1063/1.2771374

    Electron and Hole Dynamics of InAs∕GaAsInAs∕GaAs Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

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    Single-color and two-color pump-probe measurements are used to analyze carrier dynamics in InAs∕GaAs quantum dot amplifiers. The study reveals that hole recovery and intradot electron relaxation occur on a picosecond time scale, while the electron capture time is on the order of 10ps. A longer time scale of hundreds of picoseconds is associated with carrier recovery in the wetting layer, similar to that observed in quantum well semiconductor amplifiers

    Ultrafast response of tunnel injected quantum dot based semiconductor optical amplifiers in the 1300 nm range

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    The ultrafast gain and refractive index dynamics of tunnel injected quantum dot based semiconductor optical amplifiers in the 1300 nm range are investigated using a heterodyne pump probe technique. In the gain regime, ground state wavelengths exhibit full gain recovery in less than 10 ps up to 3 times transparency, attributed to enhanced carrier refilling via the injector layer. The effect of the injector can also been seen in unusual phase dynamics at excited state wavelengths at this injection level. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. (doi:10.1063/1.3686901

    The influence of depression on risk development of acute cardiovascular diseases in the female population aged 25–64 in Russia

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    Background. Recent studies showed that depression was an independent predictor of mortality from cardio-vascular disease in healthy women. Objective. To explore the effect of depression (D) on relative risk (RR) of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke for 16 years (1995–2010) in the female population aged 25–64 years from Novosibirsk, Russia. Materials and methods. Under the third screening of the WHO “MONICA-psychosocial” (MOPSY) programme, a cohort of women aged 25–64 years (N=560) was surveyed. Women were followed for 16 years for the incidence of MI and stroke (1995–2010). D was measured at the baseline examination by means of test “MOPSY”. Participants having stroke, MI, arterial hypertension, coronary artery diseases and diabetes in their medical history at the baseline were excluded from this analysis. Results. The prevalence of D in women aged 25–64 years was 55.2%. With the growth of D levels, positive self-rated health reduced and almost 100% of those women have complaints about their health, but considered the care of their health insufficient. Women with major D significantly extended negative behavioural habits: smoking and unsuccessful attempts to give up, low physical activity, and less likely to follow a diet (healthy food). Major D associated with high job strain and family stress. Relative risk (RR) of MI development in women with D during 16 years of study was higher in 2.53 cases (p<0.05) and risk of stroke was higher in 4.63 cases (p<0.05). Conclusions. The prevalence of D in women aged 25–64 years was >50%. Women with D had a 2.53-fold risk of MI and 4.63-fold risk of stroke during the 16 years of follow-up