13 research outputs found

    Molecular characterisation of African swine fever viruses from Nigeria (2003–2006) recovers multiple virus variants and reaffirms CVR epidemiological utility

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    Samples collected from wild and domestic suids in Nigeria, over a 3-year period (2003–2006), were evaluated for African swine fever (ASF) virus genome presence by targeting three discrete genome regions, namely the 478-bp C-terminal p72 gene region advocated for genotype assignment, a 780-bp region spanning the 50-ends of the pB125R and pB646L (p72) genes and the hypervariable central variable region (CVR) encoded within the 9RL ORF (pB602L). ASF virus (ASFV) presence was confirmed in 23 of the 26 wild and domestic pigs evaluated. No evidence of ASF infection was found in two warthogs from Adamawa State; however, one bushpig from Plateau State was positive. Nucleotide sequences of the 478-bp and 780-bp amplicons were identical across all ASFV-positive samples sequenced. However, five discrete CVR variants were recovered, bringing the total number identified to date, from Nigeria, to six. The largest of the CVR variants, termed ‘Tet-36’ was identical to a virus causing outbreaks in neighbouring Benin in 1997, indicating a prolonged persistence of this virus type in Nigeria. Co-circulation of three tetramer types (Tet-36, Tet-27 and Tet-20) was found in Plateau State in July 2004, whilst in Benue State, two tetramer types (Tet-20 and Tet-21) were present in August 2005. Despite simultaneous field presence, individual co-infection was not observed. This study has reaffirmed the epidemiological utility of the CVR genome region for distinguishing between geographically and temporally constrained genotype I viruses, and has revealed the presence of multiple ASFV variants in Nigeria

    Factors Associated with Antimicrobial Stewardship Practices on California Dairies: One Year Post Senate Bill 27.

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    The current study is aimed at identifying the factors associated with antimicrobial drug (AMD) use and stewardship practices on conventional California (CA) dairies a year after CA Senate Bill 27. Responses from 113 out of 1282 dairies mailed a questionnaire in 2019 were analyzed to estimate the associations between management practices and six outcomes including producer familiarity with medically important antimicrobial drugs (MIADs), restricted use of MIADs previously available over the counter (OTC), use of alternatives to AMD, changes in on-farm management practices, changes in AMD costs, and animal health status in dairies. Producers who reported having a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) and tracking AMD withdrawal intervals had greater odds of being familiar with the MIADs. Producers who began or increased the use of preventive alternatives to AMD in 2019 had higher odds (OR = 3.23, p = 0.04) of decreased use of MIADs previously available OTC compared to those who did not. Changes in management practices to prevent disease outbreak and the use of diagnostics to guide treatment were associated with producer-reported improved animal health. In addition, our study identified record keeping (associated with familiarity with MIADs), use of alternatives to AMD (associated with management changes to prevent diseases and decreased AMD costs), and use of diagnostics in treatment decisions (associated with reported better animal health) as factors associated with AMD stewardship. Our survey findings can be incorporated in outreach education materials to promote antimicrobial stewardship practices in dairies

    A Retrospective Study of the Seroprevalence of Dengue Virus and Chikungunya Virus Exposures in Nigeria, 2010–2018

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    Arboviruses are important public health threats in many regions of the world. Nigeria has experienced outbreaks of arboviruses over the past decades, leading to concerns of widespread endemicity, which are frequently misdiagnosed. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of dengue virus (DENV) (a flavivirus) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV) (an alphavirus) infections in three major population centers of Nigeria. A convenience sample of 701 sera was collected from both healthy and febrile participants between August 2010 and March 2018. Sera were tested for prior exposure to CHIKV virus and DENV using indirect IgG ELISA. Results showed that 54.1% (379/701) of participants were seropositive for anti-DENV antibodies, 41.3% (290/701) were seropositive for anti-CHIKV antibodies, and 20.1% (141/701) had previous exposure to both. The seropositivity for prior CHIKV exposure and prior exposure to DENV and CHIKV was significantly associated with age (CHIKV: OR = 2.7 (95% CI: 1.7–4.3); DENV and CHIKV: OR = 2.2 (95% CI: 1.2–4.0) for adults compared to participants under 18 years old). Overall, the high seropositivity across all age groups suggests that arboviral infections are prevalent in Nigeria and indicates that surveillance and further epidemiological studies are required to determine the true burden of these infections and the spectrum of diseases associated with these exposures

    2018 Survey of factors associated with antimicrobial drug use and stewardship practices in adult cows on conventional California dairies: immediate post-Senate Bill 27 impact.

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    BackgroundAntimicrobial drugs (AMD) are critical for the treatment, control, and prevention of diseases in humans and food-animals. Good AMD stewardship practices and judicious use of AMD are beneficial to the preservation of animal and human health from antimicrobial resistance threat. This study reports on changes in AMD use and stewardship practices on California (CA) dairies, following the implementation of CA Senate Bill 27 (SB 27; codified as Food and Agricultural Code, FAC 14400-14408; here onward referred to as SB 27), by modeling the associations between management practices on CA conventional dairies and seven outcome variables relating to AMD use and stewardship practices following SB 27.MethodsA survey questionnaire was mailed to 1,282 grade A licensed dairies in CA in spring of 2018. Responses from 132 conventional dairies from 16 counties were included for analyses. Multivariate logistic regression models were specified to explore the associations between survey factors and six outcome variables: producers' familiarity with the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA), Silver Spring, WA, USA medically important antimicrobial drugs (MIAD) term; change in over-the-counter (OTC) AMD use; initiation or increased use of alternatives to AMD; changes to prevent disease outbreaks; changes in AMD costs; and better animal health post SB 27. We employed machine learning classification models to determine which of the survey factors were the most important predictors of good-excellent AMD stewardship practices of CA conventional dairy producers.ResultsHaving a valid veterinary-client-patient-relationship, involving a veterinarian in training employees on treatment protocols and decisions on AMDs used to treat sick cows, tracking milk and/or meat withdrawal intervals for treated cows, and participating in dairy quality assurance programs were positively associated with producers' familiarity with MIADs. Use or increased use of alternatives to AMDs since 2018 was associated with decreased use of AMDs that were previously available OTC prior to SB 27. Important variables associated with good-excellent AMD stewardship knowledge by CA conventional dairy producers included having written or computerized animal health protocols, keeping a drug inventory log, awareness that use of MIADs required a prescription following implementation of SB 27, involving a veterinarian in AMD treatment duration determination, and using selective dry cow treatment.ConclusionsOur study identified management factors associated with reported AMD use and antimicrobial stewardship practices on conventional dairies in CA within a year from implementation of SB 27. Producers will benefit from extension outreach efforts that incorporate the findings of this survey by further highlighting the significance of these management practices and encouraging those that are associated with judicious AMD use and stewardship practices on CA conventional dairies

    2018 Survey of antimicrobial drug use and stewardship practices in adult cows on California dairies: post-Senate Bill 27.

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    BackgroundA survey of California (CA) dairies was performed in spring 2018 to characterize antimicrobial stewardship practices, antimicrobial drug (AMD) use, and health management of adult cows on CA dairies since the implementation of the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) and the CA Senate Bill 27 (SB 27). Effective January 1, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) implemented regulatory changes requiring veterinary oversight for therapeutic uses of medically-important antimicrobial drugs (MIADs) administered in feed (VFD) and water (veterinary prescription). Similarly, effective January 1, 2018, the CA legislature enacted California Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) 14400-14408, formerly known as Senate Bill 27 (SB 27) requiring veterinary prescriptions for all other dosage forms of MIADs.MethodsThe questionnaire consisted of 43 questions partitioned into three sections to assess herd information, management practices, and AMD use and perspectives. The questionnaire was mailed to 1,282 grade A licensed dairies in CA and 149 responses (11.6%) were collected from 19 counties across the three defined regions of CA: Northern CA (NCA), Northern San Joaquin Valley (NSJV), and Greater Southern CA (GSCA).ResultsMost dairies reported treating all dry cows with intramammary AMD and/or teat sealant at the end of a lactation (87.2%). In 92.3% of dairies, producers relied on the veterinarian for information about AMD used to treat cows. Treatment duration for cows treated with AMD was based on the drug manufacturer's label and veterinarian's instructions in most dairies (98.6%). Most respondents to the survey confirmed having a valid veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR) for their dairies (91.7%), participated in animal welfare audit programs (81.8%) and dairy quality assurance programs (52.9%). Approximately 98.6% respondents were aware that all uses of MIADs in livestock required a veterinary feed directive (VFD) or prescription and are no longer sold over-the-counter (OTC) in CA since January 1, 2018. Multiple factor analysis (MFA) was performed and identified seven components composed of 21 variables (questions) that explained 99.7% of the total variance in the data. Hierarchical cluster analysis on the principal coordinates of the MFA based on conventional dairy survey responses identified two clusters characterized as large conventional dairies (median herd size: 1,265 cows) and mid-sized conventional dairies (median herd size: 715 cows) mostly in GSCA and NSJV. The organic dairies grouped into a single cluster of median herd size of 325 cows mostly in NCA.ConclusionsThe survey results contribute to the knowledge of AMD use and antimicrobial stewardship practices on CA dairies since the implementation of the SB 27 and VFD laws and provide useful information for future evaluation of resistance-related risk in adult cows

    2019 Survey of Antimicrobial Drug Use and Stewardship Practices in Adult Cows on California Dairies: Post Senate Bill 27.

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global issue for both human and animal health. Antimicrobial drug (AMD) use in animals can contribute to the emergence of AMR. In January 2018, California (CA) implemented legislation (Senate Bill 27; SB 27) requiring veterinary prescriptions for medically important AMD use in food animals. The objective of our survey was to characterize AMD use, health management, and AMD stewardship practices of adult cows on CA dairies since the implementation of SB 27. In 2019, we mailed a questionnaire to 1282 California dairies. We received a total of 131 (10.2%) survey responses from 19 counties in CA. Our results showed that 45.6% of respondents included a veterinarian in their decision on which injectable AMD to purchase. Additionally, 48.8% of dairy producers included a veterinarian in their decision on which AMDs were used to treat sick cows. The majority (96.8%) of dairy producers were aware that all uses of medically important AMDs require a prescription. Approximately 49% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that AMD use in livestock does not cause problems in humans. The survey documents antimicrobial use and stewardship practices in CA's dairy industry and focus areas for future research and education