26 research outputs found

    Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Circuit using Linear Optics Gates

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    One of the main advantages of an optical approach to quantum computing is the fact that optical fibers can be used to connect the logic and memory devices to form useful circuits, in analogy with the wires of a conventional computer. Here we describe an experimental demonstration of a simple quantum circuit of that kind in which two probabilistic exclusive-OR (XOR) logic gates were combined to calculate the parity of three input qubits.Comment: v2 is final PRA versio

    Probabilistic Quantum Encoder for Single-Photon Qubits

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    We describe an experiment in which a physical qubit represented by the polarization state of a single-photon was probabilistically encoded in the logical state of two photons. The experiment relied on linear optics, post-selection, and three-photon interference effects produced by a parametric down-conversion photon pair and a weak coherent state. An interesting consequence of the encoding operation was the ability to observe entangled three-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Investigation of a single-photon source based on quantum interference

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    We report on an experimental investigation of a single-photon source based on a quantum interference effect first demonstrated by Koashi, Matsuoka, and Hirano [Phys. Rev. A 53, 3621 (1996)]. For certain types of measurement-based quantum information processing applications this technique may be useful as a high rate, but random, source of single photons.Comment: Submitted to the New J. Phys. Focus Issue on "Measurement-based quantum information processing

    Heralded Two-Photon Entanglement from Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations on Multiple Parametric Down-Conversion Sources

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    An ideal controlled-NOT gate followed by projective measurements can be used to identify specific Bell states of its two input qubits. When the input qubits are each members of independent Bell states, these projective measurements can be used to swap the post-selected entanglement onto the remaining two qubits. Here we apply this strategy to produce heralded two-photon polarization entanglement using Bell states that originate from independent parametric down-conversion sources, and a particular probabilistic controlled-NOT gate that is constructed from linear optical elements. The resulting implementation is closely related to an earlier proposal by Sliwa and Banaszek [quant-ph/0207117], and can be intuitively understood in terms of familiar quantum information protocols. The possibility of producing a ``pseudo-demand'' source of two-photon entanglement by storing and releasing these heralded pairs from independent cyclical quantum memory devices is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, special issue on "Quantum Internet Technologies

    Quantum relays and noise suppression using linear optics

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    Probabilistic quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements can be performed using linear optics and post-selection. Here we show how QND devices of this kind can be used in a straightforward way to implement a quantum relay, which is capable of extending the range of a quantum cryptography system by suppressing the effects of detector noise. Unlike a quantum repeater, a quantum relay system does not require entanglement purification or the ability to store photons.Comment: minor changes; references adde

    All-Optical Switching Demonstration using Two-Photon Absorption and the Classical Zeno Effect

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    Low-contrast all-optical Zeno switching has been demonstrated in a silicon nitride microdisk resonator coupled to a hot atomic vapor. The device is based on the suppression of the field build-up within a microcavity due to non-degenerate two-photon absorption. This experiment used one beam in a resonator and one in free-space due to limitations related to device physics. These results suggest that a similar scheme with both beams resonant in the cavity would correspond to input power levels near 20 nW.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure