128 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effects of Anger and Guilt on Unethical Behavior:A Dual-Process Approach

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    Although emotion has become one of the most popular research areas within organizational scholarship, few studies have considered its connection with unethical behavior. Using dual-process theory, we expand on the rationalist perspective within the field of behavioral ethics by considering the process through which two discrete emotions, anger and guilt, influence unethical behavior. Across two studies using different methodologies, we found that anger increases unethical behavior whereas guilt reduces unethical behavior. These effects were mediated by impulsive and deliberative processing. Overall, our results shed light on distinct mechanisms through which emotions can influence unethical behavior. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    UAV-spray application in vineyards: Flight modes and spray system adjustment effects on canopy deposit, coverage, and off-target losses

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    Improvements in the spray application of plant protection products enhance agricultural sustainability by reducing environmental contamination, but by increasing food quality and human safety. Currently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are raising interest in spray applications in 3D crops. However, operational configurations of UAV-spray systems need further investigation to maximise the deposition in the canopy and minimise the off-target losses. Our experimental research focused on investigating the effects on the canopy spray deposition and coverage due to different UAV-spray system configurations. Twelve configurations were tested under field conditions in an experimental vineyard (cv. Barbera), derived from the combination of different UAV flight modes (band and broadcast spray applications), nozzle types (conventional and air inclusion), and UAV cruise speeds (1 and 3 m s-1). Also, the best treatment, among those tested, by using the UAV-spray system and a traditional airblast sprayer were compared. The data was analysed by testing the effects of the three operational parameters and their two- and three-way interactions by means of linear mixed models. The results indicated that the flight mode deeply affects spray application efficiency. Compared to the broadcast spray modes, the band spray mode was able to increase the average canopy deposition from 0.052 to 0.161 μL cm-2 (+ 309 %) and reduce the average ground losses from 0.544 to 0.246 μL cm-2 (- 54 %). The conventional airblast sprayer, operated at a low spray application rate, showed higher canopy coverage and lower ground losses in comparison to the best UAV-spray system configuration

    \u201cGive, but Give until It Hurts\u201d: The Modulatory Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence on the Motivation to Help

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    Two studies investigated the effect of trait Emotional Intelligence (trait EI) on people\u2019s moti- vation to help. In Study 1, we developed a new computer-based paradigm that tested partic- ipants\u2019 motivation to help by measuring their performance on a task in which they could gain a hypothetical amount of money to help children in need. Crucially, we manipulated partici- pants\u2019 perceived efficacy by informing them that they had been either able to save the chil- dren (positive feedback) or unable to save the children (negative feedback). We measured trait EI using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire\u2013Short Form (TEIQue-SF) and assessed participants\u2019 affective reactions during the experiment using the PANAS-X. Results showed that high and low trait EI participants performed differently after the presen- tation of feedback on their ineffectiveness in helping others in need. Both groups showed increasing negative affective states during the experiment when the feedback was negative; however, high trait EI participants better managed their affective reactions, modulating the impact of their emotions on performance and maintaining a high level of motivation to help. In Study 2, we used a similar computerized task and tested a control situation to explore the effect of trait EI on participants\u2019 behavior when facing failure or success in a scenario unre- lated to helping others in need. No effect of feedback emerged on participants\u2019 emotional states in the second study. Taken together our results show that trait EI influences the impact of success and failure on behavior only in affect-rich situation like those in which people are asked to help others in need

    ISReal: An Open Platform for Semantic-Based 3D Simulations in the 3D Internet

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    Abstract. We present the first open and cross-disciplinary 3D Internet research platform, called ISReal, for intelligent 3D simulation of real-ities. Its core innovation is the comprehensively integrated application of semantic Web technologies, semantic services, intelligent agents, ver-ification and 3D graphics for this purpose. In this paper, we focus on the interplay between its components for semantic XML3D scene query processing and semantic 3D animation service handling, as well as the semantic-based perception and action planning with coupled semantic service composition by agent-controlled avatars in a virtual world. We demonstrate the use of the implemented platform for semantic-based 3D simulations in a small virtual world example with an intelligent user avatar and discuss results of the platform performance evaluation.
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