14 research outputs found

    Dielectric nanohole array metasurface for high-resolution near-field sensing and imaging

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    Dielectric metasurfaces support resonances that are widely explored both for far-field wavefront shaping and for near-field sensing and imaging. Their design explores the interplay between localised and extended resonances, with a typical trade-off between Q-factor and light localisation; high Q-factors are desirable for refractive index sensing while localisation is desirable for imaging resolution. Here, we show that a dielectric metasurface consisting of a nanohole array in amorphous silicon provides a favourable trade-off between these requirements. We have designed and realised the metasurface to support two optical modes both with sharp Fano resonances that exhibit relatively high Q-factors and strong spatial confinement, thereby concurrently optimizing the device for both imaging and biochemical sensing. For the sensing application, we demonstrate a limit of detection (LOD) as low as 1 pg/ml for Immunoglobulin G (IgG); for resonant imaging, we demonstrate a spatial resolution below 1 µm and clearly resolve individual E. coli bacteria. The combined low LOD and high spatial resolution opens new opportunities for extending cellular studies into the realm of microbiology, e.g. for studying antimicrobial susceptibility


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    DNA from 20 Italian haemophilia B patients was analysed by the Southern blotting technique and hybridisation to a factor IX cDNA probe. A large deletion of factor IX gene was detected in one patient with antibodies to the infused factor; the EcoRI pattern of the other 19 subjects examined was normal

    Toward Prediction of the Local Onset of Alternans in the Heart

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    A beat-to-beat variation in the cardiac action potential duration is a phenomenon known as alternans. Alternans has been linked to ventricular fibrillation, and thus the ability to predict the onset of alternans could be clinically beneficial. Theoretically, it has been proposed that the slope of a restitution curve, which relates the duration of the action potential to the preceding diastolic interval, can predict the onset of alternans. Experimentally, however, this hypothesis has not been consistently proven, mainly because of the intrinsic complexity of the dynamics of cardiac tissue. It was recently shown that the restitution portrait, which combines several restitution curves simultaneously, is associated with the onset of alternans in isolated myocytes. Our main purpose in this study was to determine whether the restitution portrait is correlated with the onset of alternans in the heart, where the dynamics include a spatial complexity. We performed optical mapping experiments in isolated Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts in which alternans was induced by periodic pacing at different frequencies, and identified the local onset of alternans, Bonset. We identified two regions of the heart: the area that exhibited alternans at Bonset (1:1alt) and the area that did not (1:1). We constructed two-dimensional restitution portraits for the epicardial surface of the heart and measured the spatial distribution of three different slopes (the dynamic restitution slope, SdynRP, and two local S1-S2 slopes, S12 and S12max) separately for these two regions. We found that the S12 and S12max slopes differed significantly between the 1:1alt and 1:1 regions just before the onset of alternans, and SdynRP slopes were statistically similar. In addition, we found that the slopes of the dynamic restitution curve Sdyn were also statistically similar between these two regions. On the other hand, the quantitative values of all slopes were significantly different from the theoretically predicted value of one. These results demonstrate that the slopes measured in the restitution portrait correlate with the onset of alternans in the heart

    The Rate- and Species-Dependence of Short-Term Memory in Cardiac Myocytes

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    Short-term memory is an intrinsic property of paced cardiac myocytes that reflects the influence of pacing history, and not just the immediately preceding diastolic interval (DI), on the action potential duration (APD). Although it is recognized that short-term memory affects the dynamics of cardiac myocytes in general, and the onset of irregular cardiac rhythm in particular, its has never been adequately quantified or measured directly in experiments or numerical simulations, mainly due to the absence of appropriate techniques. As a result, very little is known about the rate- and species dependent behavior of short-term memory. In this study, we introduce a new approach that allows one to estimate how much short-term memory, MS, is present in the cardiac myocyte at different pacing rates. The new quantification is based on the fact that pacing history affects not only the APD, but the entire dynamics of paced cardiac myocytes, in particular the restitution curve. Using the patch clamp technique and numerical simulations, we measured short-term memory restitution—the dependence of MS on the cycle length—in isolated rabbit and guinea pig ventricular myocytes. In both species, MS is rate- and species-dependent, displaying a biphasic behavior as a function of cycle length. Moreover, our results indicate that there is a significant difference in MS measured between both species at small cycle lengths. Numerical simulations suggest that the kinetics of the rapidly activating delayed rectifier potassium current IKr is partially responsible for this difference