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    Al-Mudharabah is differentiated into mudharabah muthlaqah, mudharabah mu­qayyadah and mudharabah musytarakah. Mudharabah in Islamic banking and BMT is imple­mented in the form of time savings, regular and special deposits, working capital financing, special investments. Mudaraba implementation in sharia insurance through premiums from participants to insurance companies and investment funds by insurance companies to entrepreneurs. mudharabah is also implemented in SBSN / Sukuk. Syirkah in Islamic economic law means the mixing of one's assets with others which begins with a contract / transaction so that it is difficult to distinguish between one part and another. The object of mixing consists of ay'n (real assets) in the form of goods and services and dayn (financial assets) in the form of money and securities. The Mixing Time consists of naqdan i.e. instant submission and ghairu naqdan later or tough submission. In practice, Syirkah / mixing can be a mixture of 'ayn with' ayn, 'ayn with dayn and dayn with dayn. syirkah has two main programs namely almusyarakah and al-mudharabah. Al-Musharaka is divided into shirkah amlak and syirkah 'uqud. musyarokah can be implemented in Islamic banking through project financing and venture capital financing. Musyarokah can also be implemented in sharia insurance products, the capital market and SBSN / Sukuk. syirkah has two main programs namely almusyarakah and al-mudharabah. Al-Musharaka is divided into shirkah amlak and syirkah 'uqud. musyarokah can be implemented in Islamic banking through project financing and venture capital financing. Musyarokah can also be implemented in sharia insurance products, the capital market and SBSN / Sukuk. syirkah has two main programs namely almusyarakah and al-mudharabah. Al-Musharaka is divided into shirkah amlak and syirkah 'uqud. musyarokah can be implemented in Islamic banking through project financing and venture capital financing. Musyarokah can also be implemented in sharia insurance products, the capital market and SBSN / Sukuk