25 research outputs found

    Speech Communication

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    Contains reports on five research projects.C.J. Lebel FellowshipNational Institutes of Health (Grant 5 T32 NS07040)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS04332)National Science Foundation (Grant 1ST 80-17599)U.S. Navy - Naval Electronic Systems Command Contract (N00039-85-C-0254)U.S. Navy - Naval Electronic Systems Command Contract (N00039-85-C-0341)U.S. Navy - Naval Electronic Systems Command Contract (N00039-85-C-0290

    Speech Communication

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    Contains reports on five research projects.C.J. Lebel FellowshipNational Institutes of Health (Grant 5 T32 NSO7040)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS04332)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS21183)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 P01 NS13126)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 PO1-NS23734)National Science Foundation (Grant BNS 8418733)U.S. Navy - Naval Electronic Systems Command (Contract N00039-85-C-0254)U.S. Navy - Naval Electronic Systems Command (Contract N00039-85-C-0341)U.S. Navy - Naval Electronic Systems Command (Contract N00039-85-C-0290)National Institutes of Health (Grant RO1-NS21183), subcontract with Boston UniversityNational Institutes of Health (Grant 1 PO1-NS23734), subcontract with the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmar

    Speech Communication

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    Contains table of contents for Part IV, table of contents for Section 1 and reports on five research projects.Apple Computer, Inc.C.J. Lebel FellowshipNational Institutes of Health (Grant T32-NS07040)National Institutes of Health (Grant R01-NS04332)National Institutes of Health (Grant R01-NS21183)National Institutes of Health (Grant P01-NS23734)U.S. Navy / Naval Electronic Systems Command (Contract N00039-85-C-0254)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-82-K-0727

    Manifesto per un'educazione civica alla scienza

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    Le principali sfide della contemporaneità – dal clima alla salute globale – hanno sia una dimensione sociale e politica sia una dimensione scientifica e tecnologica. I decisori politici non possono fare a meno del sapere specialistico, ma la scienza a disposizione è spesso ambigua, incompleta e multidisciplinare. Nico Pitrelli e Mariachiara Tallacchini propongono un nuovo approccio al rapporto fra il sapere scientifico e le regole comuni di convivenza, un’educazione civica alla scienza che tenga conto di ruoli, diritti e responsabilità dei cittadini, di chi fa ricerca e di chi prende decisioni. Perché la democrazia, oggi, è soprattutto un problema di conoscenza

    Twenty years of the SISSA Master\u2019s Degree in Science Communication. A case study

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    In 2013 the Master\u2019s Degree in Science Communication of the International School of Advanced Studies of Trieste (Italy) celebrated its 20th birthday. Born in 1993 thanks to an open, dialectical collaboration between scientists and science journalists, this two years long programme offers a mixture of professional training and cultural empowerment not limited to the equipment of students with communication skills and a good understanding of basic scientific knowledge, it aims at empowering them to explore the countless connections that are incessantly developing between science, technology and society. Interdisciplinarity, a complete panorama of science communication areas (publishing, museums development, science writing, data journalism etc.) and close contacts with the Italian job market are the assets of the longest running Italian training in science communication. The paper presents the history and the challenges that the Master\u2019s Degree of Trieste is now facing, and some result from the last survey on the opinions of former students on the programme\u2019s effectiveness and their current occupation


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    Nuova scienza, nuova politica. Per una democrazia della conoscenza

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    La comunit\ue0 scientifica \ue8 in gran parte convinta che la nostra epoca, in particolare nel nostro paese, sia caratterizzata da nuove forme di oscurantismo. Questa reazione \ue8 comprensibile. Il dibattito che ha sovente accompagnato l\u2019opposizione agli Ogm, al nucleare, alla sperimentazione animale, alle politiche sui cambiamenti climatici; e, per venire a tempi e vicende nostrane recenti ma di rilievo internazionale, il caso Stamina e il processo dell\u2019Aquila, sembrano giustificare pienamente riflessi difensivi. Tuttavia, se dietro a molte questioni che hanno toccato il nostro paese esiste la colpevole assenza di una cultura di politica della scienza e la tematizzazione precisa dei rapporti tra scienza, diritto e scelte democratiche, le narrazioni che hanno attribuito la responsabilit\ue0 di tali eventi all\u2019ignoranza del pubblico hanno dipinto la comunit\ue0 scientifica come l\u2019ancora di salvezza contro le irrazionalit\ue0 della politica e proposto scenari esplicativi profondamente riduzionistici, che amputano ampie aree di informazione e riflessione. Dietro le apparenti resistenze all\u2019innovazione si nascondono realt\ue0 e ragioni complesse e in parte inedite per la democrazia e per la produzione di conoscenza, e certamente peculiari della nostra era digitale

    Intonational phrasing is constrained by meaning, not balance

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    This paper evaluates two classes of hypotheses about how people prosodically segment utterances: (1) meaning-based proposals, with a focus on Watson and Gibson's (2004) proposal, according to which speakers tend to produce boundaries before and after long constituents; and (2) balancing proposals, according to which speakers tend to produce boundaries at evenly spaced intervals. In order to evaluate these proposals, we elicited naïve speakers’ productions of sentences systematically varying in the length of three postverbal constituents: a direct object, an indirect object (a prepositional phrase), and a verb phrase modifier, as in the sentence, The teacher assigned the chapter (on local history) to the students (of social science) yesterday/before the first midterm exam. Mixed-effects modelling was used to analyse the pattern of prosodic boundaries in these sentences, where boundaries were defined either in terms of acoustic measures (word duration and silence) or following the ToBI (Tones and Break Indices) prosodic annotation scheme. Watson and Gibson's (2004) meaning-based proposal, with the additional constraint that boundary predictions are evaluated with respect to local sentence context rather than the entire sentence, significantly outperformed the balancing alternatives.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant No. 0218605