11 research outputs found

    A multikulturalitás matematikája, avagy a „szómágiától” a robot-szakértőkig

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    A multikulturalitás önmagában is olyan kifejezés/jelenség, mely közvetlenül nem mérhető. Csak az emberi elme találékonyságának köszönheti létét minden hasonló szó. Vélelmezhetően az emberi nyelv több szóval dolgozik, mint amennyit a fogalom-alkotó mesterséges intelligenciák ugyanazon valóságélmény leképezéséhez szükségeltetnek. A robotizált modellalkotás az emberi intuíció segítségével menti át az emberi intuíció termékeit forráskódba, s teszi mindezt az operacionalizálás, az objektiválás és az optimalizálás (OOO) elveinek egyidejű alkalmazása mellett. A tanulmány minden egyes szekció/előadás tervezett címe alapján példaszerűen is demonstrálni kívánja a matematika és a „szómágia” kapcsolati formáit, ezek konkrét és elvi lehetőségeit.</jats:p

    Konzisztencia-alapú jövőkutatási modellek fejlesztése (KJM) = Development of consistency-based models for futurology

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    A konzisztencia-alapú jövőkutatási modellek fejlesztése című projekt céljait/feladatait a http://miau.gau.hu/miau/79/otkakjm2.doc tartalmazza. Az elméleti eredmények értelmében minden olyan területen lehetséges az emberi intuíció/heurisztika forráskódba zárása, vagyis tetszőleges célú robotok alkotása, ahol van tanulásra alkalmas mintázat (vö. OAM). A robot sikeressége elsődlegesen a tanulási minta mibenlétén múlik, mivel a tanulási folyamat (vö. hasonlóságelemzés) tetszőleges eszközökre támaszkodhat (pl. additív, multiplikatív, hibrid modellek), s a keresés vezérlési probléma is becsatornázható az optimalizáló algoritmusok hatékonyságot biztosító medrébe. A tanulási folyamat és az OAM értékének értelmezése önmagában is egy konzisztencia-probléma (vö. ceteris paribus elvárások). A tanulás minősítését nem célszerű a hagyományos (adatelkülönítő, mintázat-pazarló) teszteléssel végezni (http://miau.gau.hu/miau/111/chf30.doc), ehelyett univerzális (pl. több egybe hangzó érv, leghosszabb logikai lánc, ill. rendszer-stabilitási elv) és/vagy probléma-specifikus (vö. ár/teljesítmény optimum fogalma: http://miau.gau.hu/myx-free/index.php3?x=i0100) elvek alapján, több egymásra rétegződő (a valóság átfedéses aspektusait feltáró: http://miau.gau.hu/miau/116/szigma_plrf.doc) modell formájában kell biztosítani. Gyakorlati oldalról mindez online keretek között is realizálható (http://my-x.hu). A projekt megteremtette az érintett elméletek szintézisének operacionalizálási kereteit. | The document http://miau.gau.hu/miau/79/otkakjm2.doc contains the aims and topics of project 'Development of consistency-based models for futurology'. The creation of arbitrary virtual robots (based on the intuition and heuristics of human and transformed into source codes) is possible, if an OAM (including learning patterns) is given. The benefit through a robot is basically depending on the quality of the learning pattern, because the learn process (c.f. similarity analysis) can combine arbitrary resources (e.g. additive and multiplicative models) and optimizing algorithms (ensuring efficiency) can be involved as search strategy. The interpretation of an OAM and the learn process is itself a consistency-problem (c.f. ceteris paribus expectations). The quality of a learn process should not be evaluated through the classic test logic separating and wasting data. Instead of tests (http://miau.gau.hu/miau/111/chf30.doc) multi-layer analyses should be realized basing on universal principles (c.f. majority, long of logical chain, system-stability) and /or problem-specific expectation (c.f. price-performance optimum: http://miau.gau.hu/myx-free/index.php3?x=i0100) providing model overlapping effects (http://miau.gau.hu/miau/116/szigma_plrf.doc). All these services can be ensured also online (http://my-x.hu). Therefore the project make possible (c.f. operationalize) to realize synthesis of concerned theories

    Research On Agricultural E-Government: Demands Possibilities and Players In Hungary

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    The Hungarian Government started a project for supporting research groups on e-government research. There are research groups from the University of Debrecen, the Szent István University and the Technical University of Budapest. We have made a joint proposal for researching agricultural e- government. The contract is signed and the research work has already started. Within this project we study the e emphasizing economical, professional and social aspects. The targets of the research are governmental, administrative tasks and demands, expectations and IT skill of citizens. -agricultural government systems, services, strategic demands and possibilities

    Prediction of Insolvency of Hungarian Micro Enterprises

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    The aim of the study is to establish insolvency forecast model with the usage of different statistical methods and compare their efficiency. Besides this the relation and direction between indebtedness and financial distress is also part of the examination. With different approaches we nearly reached the same efficiency, the main focus was on the independent testing sample where we did not apply any modification on the dataset supposing realistic circumstances for predicting the probability of default. The research is focusing on small companies, since their number in the economy is considered high, but for this segment such insolvency forecasts are very rare. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Prediction of Insolvency of Hungarian Micro Enterprises

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    The aim of the study is to establish insolvency forecast model with the usage of different statistical methods and compare their efficiency. Besides this the relation and direction between indebtedness and financial distress is also part of the examination. With different approaches we nearly reached the same efficiency, the main focus was on the independent testing sample where we did not apply any modification on the dataset supposing realistic circumstances for predicting the probability of default. The research is focusing on small companies, since their number in the economy is considered high, but for this segment such insolvency forecasts are very rare. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Exploring relative instances of exposure in equilibrium of migration processes based on population characteristics

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    Cybernetic states of law try to plan each activity – especially migration issues. The planning process has the following question originating in socio-cybernetics in its core: Where can it be assumed that the population characteristics are higher/lower than rational? The planning levels can be different: from the continent or country levels via statistic regions or micro-regions to settlements (even at the street and house levels). Parallel to the aggregation like population density (or annual growth rate), models can also be developed for arbitrary layers of demographical statistics, like the required ratio of males and females in different age-groups and/or education categories, etc. The models can analyze time-periods (e.g., years, time intervals) to ensure that dynamic processes will not actually be covered through static evaluation. The necessary data asset (a kind of Big Data) is given by OECD/EUROSTAT, for example The questions and data assets are well-known. The modeling methodology consists of potential know-how: through estimations of staircase functions in the framework of online similarity analyses, regional norm values can be derived for targeted population characteristics. Therefore, the European strategy concerning the integration of massive volumes of migrants can be supported in an objective way. Analogue analyses with the same methodology have already been derived for parts of Germany and Hungary. Similarity analysis is an artificial intelligence-based approach with its own consistence-oriented quality assurance layers. The data-driven policy creation needs methodologies where ob-jectivity is provided through optimization in the modeling based on arbitrary phenomena. The modeling philosophy should try to ensure a kind of regional multi-layered equilibrium (sustainability, cf. Kazohinia). The outlined methodology can be seen as a sort of automated SWOT analysis where each conclusion will be derived from the raw statistics in a direct way – without the risk of human subjectivity intervening in the process. The modeling spectrum consists of three levels: (1) Explorative modeling is able to derive basic characteristics for ceteris paribus perspectives through the complex functions. The standard analytical potential works with ceteris paribus parameters, based on the appropriate literature sources. (2) Anti-discriminative modeling is capable of deriving ranks for objects without an actual learning pattern, for the so-called production functions. (3) A cybernetic state of law should be able to have robot-planning values supporting human decision processes. Therefore, 'freedom of press' is basically the capability to explore and publish objective force fields and not to catalyze the spread of subjective evaluations