2 research outputs found

    Rice stomatal mega-papillae restrict water loss and pathogen entry

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    Rice (Oryza sativa) is a water-intensive crop, and like other plants uses stomata to balance CO2 uptake with water-loss. To identify agronomic traits related to rice stomatal complexes, an anatomical screen of 64 Thai and 100 global rice cultivars was undertaken. Epidermal outgrowths called papillae were identified on the stomatal subsidiary cells of all cultivars. These were also detected on eight other species of the Oryza genus but not on the stomata of any other plant species we surveyed. Our rice screen identified two cultivars that had ā€œmega-papillaeā€ that were so large or abundant that their stomatal pores were partially occluded; Kalubala Vee had extra-large papillae, and Dharia had approximately twice the normal number of papillae. These were most accentuated on the flag leaves, but mega-papillae were also detectable on earlier forming leaves. Energy dispersive X-Ray spectrometry revealed that silicon is the major component of stomatal papillae. We studied the potential function(s) of mega-papillae by assessing gas exchange and pathogen infection rates. Under saturating light conditions, mega-papillae bearing cultivars had reduced stomatal conductance and their stomata were slower to close and re-open, but photosynthetic assimilation was not significantly affected. Assessment of an F3 hybrid population treated with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola indicated that subsidiary cell mega-papillae may aid in preventing bacterial leaf streak infection. Our results highlight stomatal mega-papillae as a novel rice trait that influences gas exchange, stomatal dynamics, and defense against stomatal pathogens which we propose could benefit the performance of future rice crops

    Induced genetic variations in stomatal density and size of rice strongly affects water use efficiency and responses to drought stresses

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important food crop relied upon by billions of people worldwide. However, with increasing pressure from climate change and rapid population growth, cultivation is very water-intensive. Therefore, it is critical to produce rice that is high-yielding and genetically more water-use efficient. Here, using the stabilized fast-neutron mutagenized population of Jao Hom Nin (JHN) - a popular purple rice cultivar - we microscopically examined hundreds of flag leaves to identify four stomatal model mutants with either high density (HD) or low density (LD) stomata, and small-sized (SS) or large-sized (LS) stomata. With similar genetic background and uniformity, the stomatal model mutants were used to understand the role of stomatal variants on physiological responses to abiotic stress. Our results show that SS and HD respond better to increasing CO2 concentration and HD has higher stomatal conductance (gs) compared to the other stomatal model mutants, although the effects on gas exchange or overall plant performance were small under greenhouse conditions. In addition, the results of our drought experiments suggest that LD and SS can better adapt to restricted water conditions, and LD showed higher water use efficiency (WUE) and biomass/plant than other stomatal model mutants under long-term restricted water treatment. Finally, our study suggests that reducing stomata density and size may play a promising role for further work on developing a climate-ready rice variety to adapt to drought and heat stress. We propose that low stomata density and small size have high potential as genetic donors for improving WUE in climate-ready rice