588 research outputs found

    The evolution of luminosity, colour and the mass-to-luminosity ratio of Galactic open clusters: comparison of discrete vs. continuous IMF models

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    (abridged) We found in previous studies that standard Simple Stellar Population (SSP) models are unable to describe or explain the colours of Galactic open clusters both in the visible and in the NIR spectral range. (...) We construct a numerical SSP-model, with an underlying Salpeter IMF, valid within an upper mum_u and lower mlm_l stellar mass range, and with total masses Mc=102...104mM_c=10^2...10^4\,m_\odot typical of open clusters. We assume that the mass loss from a cluster is provided by mass loss from evolved stars and by the dynamical evaporation of low-mass members due to two-body relaxation. The data for the latter process were scaled to the models from high-resolution N-body calculations. We also investigate how a change of the mlm_l-limit influences magnitudes and colours of clusters of a given mass and derive a necessary condition for a luminosity and colour flash. The discreteness of the IMF leads to bursts in magnitude and colour of model clusters at moments when red supergiants or giants appear and then die. The amplitude of the burst depends on the cluster mass and on the spectral range; it is strongly increased in the NIR compared to optical passbands. In the discrete case, variations of the parameter mlm_l are able to substantially change the magnitude-age and M/LM/L-age relations. For the colours, the lowering of mlm_l considerably amplifies the discreteness effect. The influence of dynamical mass loss on colour and magnitude is weak, although it provides a change of the slopes of the considered relations, improving their agreement with observations. For the Galactic open clusters we determined luminosity and tidal mass independent of each other. The derived mass-to-luminosity ratio shows, on average, an increase with cluster age in the optical, but gradually declines with age in the NIR. The observed flash statistics can be used to constrain mlm_l in open clusters.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way II. The catalogue of basic parameters

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    Although they are the main constituents of the Galactic disk population, for half of the open clusters in the Milky Way reported in the literature nothing is known except the raw position and an approximate size. The main goal of this study is to determine a full set of uniform spatial, structural, kinematic, and astrophysical parameters for as many known open clusters as possible. On the basis of stellar data from PPMXL and 2MASS, we used a dedicated data-processing pipeline to determine kinematic and photometric membership probabilities for stars in a cluster region. For an input list of 3784 targets from the literature, we confirm that 3006 are real objects, the vast majority of them are open clusters, but associations and globular clusters are also present. For each confirmed object we determined the exact position of the cluster centre, the apparent size, proper motion, distance, colour excess, and age. For about 1500 clusters, these basic astrophysical parameters have been determined for the first time. For the bulk of the clusters we also derived the tidal radius. We estimated additionally average radial velocities for more than 30% of the confirmed clusters. The present sample (called MWSC) reaches both the central parts of the Milky Way and its outer regions. It is almost complete up to 1.8 kpc from the Sun and also covers neighbouring spiral arms. However, for a small subset of the oldest open clusters (logt9\log t \gtrsim 9) we found some evidence of incompleteness within about 1 kpc from the Sun.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way IV. 63 new open clusters detected by proper motions

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    AIMS: In their 1st extension to the Milky Way Star Clusters (MWSC) survey, Schmeja et al. applied photometric filters to the 2MASS to find new cluster candidates that were subsequently confirmed or rejected by the MWSC pipeline. To further extend the MWSC census, we aimed at discovering new clusters by conducting an almost global search in proper motion catalogues as a starting point. METHODS: We first selected high-quality samples from the PPMXL and UCAC4 for comparison and verification of the proper motions. For 441 circular proper motion bins (radius 15 mas/yr) within ±\pm50 mas/yr, the sky outside a thin Galactic plane zone (b|b|<<5^{\circ}) was binned in small areas ('sky pixels') of 0.25×\times0.25 deg2^2. Sky pixels with enhanced numbers of stars with a certain common proper motion in both catalogues were considered as cluster candidates. After visual inspection of the sky images, we built an automated procedure that combined these representations of the sky for neighbouring proper motion subsamples after a background correction. RESULTS: About half of our 692 candidates overlapped with known clusters (46 globular and 68 open clusters in the Galaxy, about 150 known clusters of galaxies) or the Magellanic Clouds. About 10% of our candidates turned out to be 63 new open clusters confirmed by the MWSC pipeline. They occupy predominantly the two inner Galactic quadrants and have apparent sizes and numbers of high-probable members slightly larger than those of the typically small MWSC clusters, whereas their other parameters (ages, distances, tidal radii) fall in the typical ranges. As our search aimed at finding compact clusters, we did not find new very nearby (extended) clusters. (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Risk-oriented internal control: The essence, management methods at small enterprises

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    The research topic relevance is inspired by necessity to develop theoretical and methodical provisions on the internal control system, risk-based management at small enterprises and to prove application feasibility, using economic-mathematical methods its implementation. The purpose of this research is to develop theoretical and methodical approaches to internal control system formation in small businesses, generating reliable and relevant information on the commercial organization activities, enabling risks identification. The leading approach to study this problem is situational and systematic in the frame of theory and methodology internal control at small businesses in the risk-based management system, allowing to analyze the impact of various risks on small enterprises activity and to systematize obtained results. According to the study results, there were proved the implementing internal control feasibility at small businesses, presenting the author's systematization and classification of internal and external risks in small companies, identifying organizational and methodological approaches to risk-based internal control development; implemented the adaptation of existing economic-mathematical methods within risk-based internal control at small businesses. The article can be useful for practical and scientific workers in the field of company’s internal control, teachers, postgraduates, undergraduates and students, studying Economics and Management at higher educational institutions. © 2016 Piskunov et al

    Economic laws of division and changing the labor in the system of contemporary vocational education determination

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    The topical character of the problem in question is stipulated by the demand of highly skilled competitive personnel in the vocational education sphere of modern society, which is determined by the totality of objective and subjective factors of its development. The goal of the present research consists in the verification of the economic laws of division and change of the labor, that produce an immediate impact on the vocational education development strategy and a mediated impact on the requirements made to the personality of a student within this system. The primary method of investigation in the given area is the modelling method that allows to identify specific features of these laws’ operation depending on the historical period of social development and extrapolate their functioning on the present-day reality as well as make scientifically-based forecasts of its future development. Research outcomes: the article presents a structural functional model of the interaction of the economic laws of division and changing the labor during the industrial and post-industrial periods of social development; an algorithm of competently mature personality’s character formation in the modern system of vocational education. Materials of the research may prove useful to the rule-making specialists and practitioners in the educational sphere – in elaborating and upgrading educational and professional standards, in developing a model for the preparation of future competitive workers in the system of vocational education based on the objective factors of its development, such as the economic laws of division and change of the labor. © 2016 Ronzhina et al

    Explosion of heterogeneous water droplet in a high-temperature gaseous region

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    Using high-speed video recording tools (up to 10{5} frames per second) and "TEMA Automotive" and "Phantom Camera Control" software packages the experimental features of explosive disintegration, boiling and evaporation of water droplets with comparably sized solid inclusions heated in high-temperature (more than 650 K) gaseous region were determined. The necessary and sufficient conditions of explosive vapor formation achievement with the next heterogeneous water droplet disintegration were found