4 research outputs found

    Amicrobial pustulosis of the folds związany z przeciwciałami przeciwko peroksydazie tarczycowej

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    Amicrobial pustulosis of the folds (APF) is a rare neutrophilic dermatosis, co-existing with autoimmune disorders, especially systemic lupus erythematosus. The disease is characterized by the presence of sterile pustules localized in the skin folds, intraepidermal pustules with mainly neutrophilic infiltrate on histology, negative microbial cultures from an unopened pustule and the presence of circulating autoantibodies or autoinflammatory diseases. Due to its rare incidence, data on effective therapeutic options are limited to individual clinical cases. We present a 69-year-old man with disseminated pustular lesions in the main skin folds, focusing on the clinical, histopathological and immunological characteristics of the disease. Based on the clinical presentation and laboratory investigation, amicrobial pustulosis of the folds was diagnosed with an accompanying increased concentration of anti-thyreoperoxidase antibodies with compensated thyroid hormones. After 2 weeks of treatment with local glucocorticosteroids, skin lesions disappeared, leaving post-inflammatory discoloration. The patient remains without recurrence of any skin lesions during the five-month observation. In conclusion, in the diagnosis of this rare disease, the clinicopathological correlation plays a crucial role as well as the investigation for co-existing autoimmune disorders.Amicrobial pustulosis of the folds (APF) jest rzadką dermatozą neutrofilową, wspołistniejącą z zaburzeniami autoimmunologicznymi, zwłaszcza toczniem rumieniowatym układowym. Choroba charakteryzuje się obecnością: 1. jałowych środnaskorkowych krost zlokalizowanych w fałdach skornych, 2. odczynow zapalnych neutrofilowych w skorze właściwej, przy negatywnych posiewach mikrobiologicznych oraz 3. obecnością krążących autoprzeciwciał lub wspołistnieniem chorob autozapalnych. W związku z rzadkim występowaniem, dane dotyczące skutecznych opcji terapeutycznych ograniczają się do opisow pojedynczych przypadkow klinicznych. Prezentujemy przypadek 69-letniego mężczyzny z rozsianymi zmianami krostkowymi w fałdach i ich otoczeniu, skupiając się na obrazie klinicznym, histopatologicznym oraz immunologicznym choroby. Na podstawie wykonanych badań, w oparciu o obraz kliniczny, u pacjenta rozpoznano amicrobial pustulosis of the folds z towarzyszącym wzrostem stężenia przeciwciał przeciwko tyreoperoksydazie, przy wyrownanych hormonach tarczycy. Po dwutygodniowej terapii miejscowymi glikokortykosteroidami uzyskano ustąpienie zmian skornych, z pozostawieniem przebarwień pozapalnych. Pacjent pozostaje w remisji w trakcie 5-miesięcznego okresu obserwacji. W podsumowaniu, w rozpoznaniu tej rzadkiej jednostki chorobowej dużą rolę odgrywa korelacja kliniczno-patologiczna i poszukiwanie wspołistniejących zaburzeń autoimmunologicznych

    The Potential Role of Platelet-Related microRNAs in the Development of Cardiovascular Events in High-Risk Populations, Including Diabetic Patients: A Review

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    Platelet activation plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, which often leads to potentially fatal ischemic events at later stages of the disease. Platelets and platelet microvesicles (PMVs) contain large amounts of microRNA (miRNA), which contributes largely to the pool of circulating miRNAs. Hence, they represent a promising option for the development of innovative diagnostic biomarkers, that can be specific for the underlying etiology. Circulating miRNAs can be responsible for intracellular communication and may have a biological effect on target cells. As miRNAs associated to both cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes mellitus can be measured by means of a wide array of techniques, they can be exploited as an innovative class of smart disease biomarkers. In this manuscript, we provide an outline of miRNAs associated with platelet function and reactivity (miR-223, miR-126, miR-197, miR-191, miR-21, miR-150, miR-155, miR-140, miR-96, miR-98) that should be evaluated as novel biomarkers to improve diagnostics and treatment of CVD


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    <p>Platelet activation plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, which often leads to potentially fatal ischemic events at later stages of the disease. Platelets and platelet microvesicles (PMVs) contain large amounts of microRNA (miRNA), which contributes largely to the pool of circulating miRNAs. Hence, they represent a promising option for the development of innovative diagnostic biomarkers, that can be specific for the underlying etiology. Circulating miRNAs can be responsible for intracellular communication and may have a biological effect on target cells. As miRNAs associated to both cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes mellitus can be measured by means of a wide array of techniques, they can be exploited as an innovative class of smart disease biomarkers. In this manuscript, we provide an outline of miRNAs associated with platelet function and reactivity (miR-223, miR-126, miR-197, miR-191, miR-21, miR-150, miR-155, miR-140, miR-96, miR-98) that should be evaluated as novel biomarkers to improve diagnostics and treatment of CVD.</p


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    <p>Platelet activation plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, which often leads to potentially fatal ischemic events at later stages of the disease. Platelets and platelet microvesicles (PMVs) contain large amounts of microRNA (miRNA), which contributes largely to the pool of circulating miRNAs. Hence, they represent a promising option for the development of innovative diagnostic biomarkers, that can be specific for the underlying etiology. Circulating miRNAs can be responsible for intracellular communication and may have a biological effect on target cells. As miRNAs associated to both cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes mellitus can be measured by means of a wide array of techniques, they can be exploited as an innovative class of smart disease biomarkers. In this manuscript, we provide an outline of miRNAs associated with platelet function and reactivity (miR-223, miR-126, miR-197, miR-191, miR-21, miR-150, miR-155, miR-140, miR-96, miR-98) that should be evaluated as novel biomarkers to improve diagnostics and treatment of CVD.</p