25 research outputs found
Minor allele frequencies of CAPN10 markers in different populations.
a<p>Horikawa <i>et al.</i> (2000).</p>b<p>Vollmert <i>et al.</i> (2007).</p>c<p>Evans <i>et al.</i> (2001).</p>d<p>Gonzalez <i>et al.</i> (2004).</p>e<p>Cassell <i>et al.</i> (2002).</p>f<p>Bodhini <i>et al.</i> (2010).</p>g<p>Adak <i>et al.</i> (2010).</p>h<p>Present study.</p
Clinical profile of the PCOS cases under study.
*<p>significantly different between lean PCOS and obese PCOS cases (p≤0.002).</p>**<p>Given the lean body mass of Indian women (Asian Indian Phenotype), BMI≥25 is generally considered as cut off distinguishing the lean women from overweight/obese women albeit the WHO criteria specifies BMI>30 as obese.</p
CAPN10 haplotype frequency distribution among PCOS cases and controls.
*<p>Standard Pearson chi square value with degree of freedom = 1.</p
Pairwise LD estimates in PCOS cases and controls. Data are D′ values.
<p>Pairwise LD estimates in PCOS cases and controls. Data are D′ values.</p
Logistic regression analysis of UCSNP-44 for association with PCOS, taking age and BMI as covariates.
@<p>CI – Confidence interval.</p
Genotype frequency distribution of CAPN10 polymorphisms among PCOS cases and controls.
*<p>Standard Pearson chi square value with degree of freedom = 2.</p>#<p>Del – Deletion.</p><p>Ins – Insertion.</p
Linkage disequilibrium plot for CAPN10 polymorphisms in the entire cohort of PCOS cases and controls.
<p>D′ values are mentioned in the LD blocks.</p
Primers used for CAPN10 polymorphism genotyping.
<p>Primers used for CAPN10 polymorphism genotyping.</p
CAPN10 haplotype effect: Haplotypic OR by comparison to the reference with its 95% CI.
*<p>(in comparison to the reference haplotype 11121).</p
Allele frequency distribution of CAPN10 polymorphisms among PCOS cases and controls.
*<p>Standard Pearson chi square value with degree of freedom = 1.</p