126 research outputs found
Satellite techniques for determining the geopotential for sea-surface elevations
Spaceborne altimetry with measurement accuracies of a few centimeters which has the potential to determine sea surface elevations necessary to compute accurate three-dimensonal geostrophic currents from traditional hydrographic observation is discussed. The limitation in this approach is the uncertainties in knowledge of the global and ocean geopotentials which produce satellite and height uncertainties about an order of magnitude larger than the goal of about 10 cm. The quantative effects of geopotential uncertainties on processing altimetry data are described. Potential near term improvements, not requiring additional spacecraft, are discussed. Even though there is substantial improvements at the longer wavelengths, the oceanographic goal will be achieved. The geopotential research mission (GRM) is described which should produce goepotential models that are capable of defining the ocean geid to 10 cm and near-Earth satellite position. The state of the art and the potential of spaceborne gravimetry is described as an alternative approach to improve our knowledge of the geopotential
Attitude stabilization of spacecraft with geomagnetic rate damping
Attitude stabilization of spacecraft with geomagnetic rate dampin
The GEOS-3 orbit determination investigation
The nature and improvement in satellite orbit determination when precise altimetric height data are used in combination with conventional tracking data was determined. A digital orbit determination program was developed that could singly or jointly use laser ranging, C-band ranging, Doppler range difference, and altimetric height data. Two intervals were selected and used in a preliminary evaluation of the altimeter data. With the data available, it was possible to determine the semimajor axis and eccentricity to within several kilometers, in addition to determining an altimeter height bias. When used jointly with a limited amount of either C-band or laser range data, it was shown that altimeter data can improve the orbit solution
In Situ Measurement Activities at the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office
The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office has been involved in the development of several particle impact instruments since 2003. The main objective of this development is to eventually conduct in situ measurements to better characterize the small (millimeter or smaller) orbital debris and micrometeoroid populations in the near-Earth environment. In addition, the Office also supports similar instrument development to define the micrometeoroid and lunar secondary ejecta environment for future lunar exploration activities. The instruments include impact acoustic sensors, resistive grid sensors, fiber optic displacement sensors, and impact ionization sensors. They rely on different mechanisms and detection principles to identify particle impacts. A system consisting of these different sensors will provide data that are complimentary to each other, and will provide a better description of the physical and dynamical properties (e.g., size, mass, and impact speed) of the particles in the environment. Details of several systems being considered by the Office and their intended mission objectives are summarized in this paper
GEOS-3 ocean geoid investigation
A determination of the fine scale sea surface topography in the GEOS-3 calibration area using the radar altimeter data is presented. Estimates of the north-south and east-west components of the deflections of the vertical as well as values of the geoidal heights were made. Three major stages of processing were used in obtaining the final results. The first two use pass processors; in the final stage, the processor combines all the pass results to compute the final results. The results obtained compare favorably with gravimetrically determined geoids for this calibration area
Use of Thermoregulatory Models to Enhance Space Shuttle and Space Station operations and Review of Human Thermoregulatory Control
Thermoregulation in the space environment is critical for survival, especially in off- nominal operations. In such cases, mathematical models of thermoregulation are frequently employed to evaluate safety-of-flight issues in various human mission scenarious. In this study, the 225-node Wissler model and the 41-Node Metabolic Man model are employed to evaluate the effects of such a scenario. Metabolic loads on astronauts wearing the advanced crew escape suit (ACES) and liquid cooled ventilation garment (LCVG) are imposed on astronauts exposed to elevated cabin temperatures resulting from a systems failure. The study indicates that the performance of the ACES/LCVG cooling system is marginal. Increases in workload and or cabin temperature above nominal will increase rectal temperature, stored heat load, heart rate, and sweating, which could lead to deficits in the performance of cognitive and motor tasks. This is of concern as the ACES/LCVG is employed during Shuttle decent when the likelihood of a safe landing may be compromised. The study indicates that the most effective mitigation strategy would be to decrease the LCVG inlet temperature
Solid State Microdosimetry With Heavy Ions for Space Applications
This work provides information pertaining to the performance of Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) microdosimeters in heavy ion radiation fields. SOI microdosimeters have been previously tested in light ion radiation fields for both space and therapeutic applications, however their response has not been established in high energy, heavy ion radiation fields which are experienced in space. Irradiations were completed at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory at BNL using 0.6 GeV/u Fe and 1.0 GeV/u Ti ions. Energy deposition and lineal energy spectra were obtained with this device at various depths within a Lucite phantom along the central axis of the beam. The response of which was compared with existing proportional counter data to assess the applicability of SOI microdosimeters to future deployments in space missions
Micrometeoroid and Lunar Secondary Ejecta Flux Measurements: Comparison of Three Acoustic Systems
This report examines the inherent capability of three large-area acoustic sensor systems and their applicability for micrometeoroids (MM) and lunar secondary ejecta (SE) detection and characterization for future lunar exploration activities. Discussion is limited to instruments that can be fabricated and deployed with low resource requirements. Previously deployed impact detection probes typically have instrumented capture areas less than 0.2 square meters. Since the particle flux decreases rapidly with increased particle size, such small-area sensors rarely encounter particles in the size range above 50 microns, and even their sampling the population above 10 microns is typically limited. Characterizing the sparse dust population in the size range above 50 microns requires a very large-area capture instrument. However it is also important that such an instrument simultaneously measures the population of the smaller particles, so as to provide a complete instantaneous snapshot of the population. For lunar or planetary surface studies, the system constraints are significant. The instrument must be as large as possible to sample the population of the largest MM. This is needed to reliably assess the particle impact risks and to develop cost-effective shielding designs for habitats, astronauts, and critical instrument. The instrument should also have very high sensitivity to measure the flux of small and slow SE particles. is the SE environment is currently poorly characterized, and possess a contamination risk to machinery and personnel involved in exploration. Deployment also requires that the instrument add very little additional mass to the spacecraft. Three acoustic systems are being explored for this application
Microdosimetry simulations of solar protons within a spacecraft
The microdosimetric spectra derived by silicon microdosimeter in a proton radiation field traversing heterogeneous structures were simulated using the GEANT4 toolkit
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