1 research outputs found

    Measuring students´ e-learning satisfaction and flexibility impacts in individual performance during covid-19 in higher education institutions

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementRapid digital transformation has never been so important as during the Covid-19 pandemic for Higher Education Institutions. Institutions for Higher Education had to experience a prompt digital transformation; they also had to transform their business models in innovative ways, or they could not offer further services to students once a face-to-face lecture was suddenly forbidden due to a worldwide pandemic. After two years of a worldwide pandemic, it is possible to analyse how Higher Education Institutions have adapted themselves and how their customers, namely students, view and experience e-learning in the emergency remote teaching context. Furthermore, this thesis aims to analyse which factors statistically influence students’ satisfaction, perceived flexibility, and individual impacts in Higher Education Institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic