11 research outputs found
Peru Cacao Alliance: Carbon sequestration as a co-benefit of cacao expansion
The agricultural development project, Peru
Cacao Alliance (PCA), has contributed to climate
change mitigation. Estimated carbon
sequestration from perennial crop expansion,
which was –211,467 tCO2e metric tonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent per year, more than
offset increased greenhouse gas emission
(GHG) from fertilizer and pesticide management
(10,286 tCO2e). The net difference, –201,180
tCO2e, is equivalent to the carbon content of
465,774 barrels of oil.
The agroforestry system promoted by PCA
included cacao and shade trees. Since PCA
could not provide definitive data detailing the
presence of existing shade trees compared to
the planting of new shade trees, this analysis did
not include carbon dynamics of shade trees. If
new trees were planted for shade, there would
be greater carbon uptake by the system than
presented in this analysis.
PCA reduced emissions intensity for cacao
(CO2e emitted per kg production) through
improved carbon sequestration and increased
yields. PCA improved cacao postharvest
handling (proper pod selection, storage, drying
and fermentation methods) by building
knowledge and capacity in producer
Accelerating Agriculture Productivity Improvement in Bangladesh: Mitigation co-benefits of nutrients and water use efficency
Analysis of potential mitigation in the
development project Accelerating Agriculture
Productivity Improvement (AAPI) in Bangladesh
showed a 2% reduction in greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, driven by urea deep
placement (UDP) and alternate wetting and
drying (AWD) in flooded rice systems. Given
high emissions associated with conventional
irrigated rice production, this represents a
substantial reduction in emissions.
AAPI promotes UDP, a fertilization practice
known to increase nitrogen uptake efficiency.
Based on the project plan and progress of
implementation, UDP adoption was anticipated
on 1.1 million ha of aman rice and 700,000 ha of
boro rice. UDP is an example of the absolute
emission reductions that are possible when a
practice is widely implemented.
AAPI promotes AWD, an irrigation practice for
rice that reduces the amount of water used and
results in decreased emissions. AAPI tested
AWD on a pilot scale (21,000 ha). Climate
change mitigation benefits would increase
dramatically if adoption of AWD were more
Due to increased rice yields, UDP and AWD
reduce the emission intensity (CO2e emitted per
kg production) from rice production by 10–48%
ACCESO in Honduras: Mitigation co-benefits of perennial crop expansion, soil management, and livestock improvements
The agricultural development project ACCESO
reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and
led to net carbon sequestration due to perennial
crop expansion.
Increased fertilizer use was a moderate source
of emissions that was more than offset by
reduced emissions from other ACCESOsupported
practices, including improvements in
soil, water, and fertilizer management, and in
feed and grassland use by dairy cows.
Compared to conventional practices, ACCESOsupported
activities reduced emission intensity
(GHG emissions per kilogram of output) for
carrots (-106%), cabbages (-99%), maize
(-99%), and potatoes (-98%) compared to
conventional production methods. Emission
intensity increased due to greater fertilizer use
for plantain (55%) and coffee (247%)
Better Life Alliance in Zambia: Climate change mitigation as a co-benefit of improved landscape, agroforestry, soil, and fertilizer management
Analysis of agricultural activities in the Better
Life Alliance (BLA) project in Zambia showed
potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
(GHG), mostly (85%) due to avoided savanna
degradation and conversion. The GHG impact
due to BLA’s interventions is estimated at
–902,531 tCO2e/yr, equivalent to saving
2,089,550 barrels of oil.
BLA’s business model linked prevention of
degradation and conversion of shrubland to
market-based incentives for agricultural crops,
thereby providing farmers with economic
incentives for conservation and climate change
BLA promoted a comprehensive approach to soil
fertility management. It promoted agroecological
approaches such as recycling farm
organic resources, planting nitrogen-fixing trees,
minimal tillage, and cover crops.
BLA reduced postharvest loss (PHL) through
improved product processing, storage, and
packaging. Changes in PHL were estimated for
groundnuts (–100%), maize (–40%), rice
(–80%), and soybeans (–67%), which
contributed to decreases in emission intensity
(GHG emissions per unit of production) for each
of these products
Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion (PRIME) in Ethiopia: Mitigation co-benefits of livestock productivity
Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement
through Market Expansion (PRIME) showed a
notable decrease in emission intensity (GHG
emissions per unit of meat or milk). PRIME
enabled farmers to increase production
significantly, between 24% and 96%, which led
to a decrease in emission intensity ranging from
-4% to -42%.
Due to improvements in feed quantity, PRIME
projected an increase in average animal weight
for all livestock (8.3 million head), which resulted
in an increase in GHG emissions by an
estimated 1.5 million tCO2e/yr.
PRIME empowered stakeholders collectively to
design and establish plans for effective
management of pastures and water. The project
supported soil and water conservation
measures, enclosing degraded pastures,
selective bush thinning, and clearing the
invasive plant Prosopis. These practices
improved pasture plant quality and reduced bare
soil and overgrazing, which resulted in increased
sequestration of soil carbon. These grassland
improvements were estimated to sequester -0.1
million tCO2e/yr
A methodology for greenhouse gas emission and carbon sequestration assessments in agriculture: Supplemental materials for info series analyzing low emissions agricultural practices in USAID development projects
As many countries are increasing commitments to address climate change, national governments are exploring how they could best reduce the impact of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Agriculture is a major contributor to GHG emissions, especially in developing countries, where this sector accounts for an average of 35% of all GHG emissions. Yet many agricultural interventions can also help to reduce GHG impacts. This paper presents the methodology to estimate impacts of agricultural interventions on GHG emissions and carbon sequestration. This methodology is used in an analysis of several development projects supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and presented as a series of case studies. The methodology allows users to estimate (1) GHG impacts at project scale, (2) GHG emissions by agricultural practice, and (3) GHG emissions per unit of output (i.e., GHG emission intensity). The presented approach is a rapid assessment technique that is well suited to provide an indication of the magnitude of GHG impacts and to compare GHG impact strength of different field activities or cropping systems. It is well adapted to a context of data scarcity, as is common in agricultural investment planning where aggregate data on agricultural land use and management practices are available but where field measurements of GHG and carbon stock changes are missing. This approach is instrumental to inform agricultural investment, project, and policy planners about challenges and opportunities associated with achieving and accounting for GHG emission reductions in agricultural development projects
Reducing food loss in agricultural development projects through value chain efficiency
Food loss and waste (FLW) reduces the amount of food available for distribution and consumption, decreases food security, and increases the environmental burden of food production. Combating FLW addresses the key pillars of climate-smart agriculture for farmers by increasing productivity, promoting adaption to climate change, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Although studies of interventions to reduce FLW exist, almost no research systematically investigates FLW interventions across value chains or in multiple countries, most likely due to challenges in collecting and synthesizing multi-country estimates. Our research team investigated changes in FLW in projects supported by the United States Government’s global hunger and food security initiative: Feed the Future. This provided a unique opportunity to conduct ex-ante estimates of the impacts of interventions across 20 value chains in 12 countries based on interviews with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and project staff. We provide specific examples of interventions used in each value chain and country context. The results provide an evidence base of interventions that successfully decreased FLW at multiple points along the food value chain, from upstream producer-dominated stages to downstream consumer-dominated stages. Results also show
that no single FLW solution or intervention works across agriculture sub-sectors, value chain stages, and countries. Amongst the sub-sectors studied, results showed that FLW interventions directed at extensive dairy systems could provide meaningful greenhouse mitigation. In the dairy supply chain, FLW estimates ranged from 5-50% in the business-as- usual approach and declined 4-10% as a result of intervention
Agricultural development addresses food loss and waste while reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Food loss and waste (FLW) reduce food available for consumption and increase the environmental burden of production. Reducing FLW increases agricultural and value-chain productivity and may reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with feeding the global population. Although studies of interventions that reduce FLW exist, almost no research systematically investigates FLW interventions across multiple value chains or countries, most likely due to challenges in collecting and synthesizing data and estimates, let alone estimating greenhouse gas emissions. Our research team investigated changes in FLW in projects supported by the United States Agency for International Development\u27s (USAID) global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future. This was a unique opportunity to conduct ex-ante estimates of the impacts of FLW interventions across 20 value chains in 12 countries, based on project documents and interviews with USAID and project staff. This paper describes specific interventions in each value chain and country context, providing insight to interventions that decrease FLW at multiple points along food value chains, from upstream producer-dominated stages to downstream consumer-dominated stages. Amongst the sub-sectors studied, FLW interventions directed at extensive dairy systems could decrease FLW by 4–10%, providing meaningful greenhouse gas mitigation, since these systems are both emission-intensive and experience high FLW. More modest emissions reductions were found for other key agricultural products, including maize, rice, vegetables, fruits and market goods
Analyzing the greenhouse gas impact potential of smallholder development actions across a global food security program
This article analyses the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact potential of improved management practices and technologies for smallholder agriculture promoted under a global food security development program. Under \u27business-as-usual\u27 development, global studies on the future of agriculture to 2050 project considerable increases in total food production and cultivated area. Conventional cropland intensification and conversion of natural vegetation typically result in increased GHG emissions and loss of carbon stocks. There is a strong need to understand the potential greenhouse gas impacts of agricultural development programs intended to achieve large-scale change, and to identify pathways of smallholder agricultural development that can achieve food security and agricultural production growth without drastic increases in GHG emissions. In an analysis of 134 crop and livestock production systems in 15 countries with reported impacts on 4.8 million ha, improved management practices and technologies by smallholder farmers significantly reduce GHG emission intensity of agricultural production, increase yields and reduce post-harvest losses, while either decreasing or only moderately increasing net GHG emissions per area. Investments in both production and post-harvest stages meaningfully reduced GHG emission intensity, contributing to low emission development. We present average impacts on net GHG emissions per hectare and GHG emission intensity, while not providing detailed statistics of GHG impacts at scale that are associated to additional uncertainties. While reported improvements in smallholder systems effectively reduce future GHG emissions compared to business-as-usual development, these contributions are insufficient to significantly reduce net GHG emission in agriculture beyond current levels, particularly if future agricultural production grows at projected rates
Interventions that reduce FLW and have a large mitigation impact
Meeting on food loss and waste as a climate change mitigation strategy
November 14, 2018
Hosted by CCAFS Low Emissions Development as part of its Learning Platform on Low Emission Option