3 research outputs found

    Astrocyte arborization enhances Ca2+ but not cAMP signaling plasticity

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    The plasticity of astrocytes is fundamental for their principal function, maintaining homeostasis of the central nervous system throughout life, and is associated with diverse exposomal challenges. Here, we used cultured astrocytes to investigate at subcellular level basic cell processes under controlled environmental conditions. We compared astroglial functional and signaling plasticity in standard serum‐containing growth medium, a condition mimicking pathologic conditions, and in medium without serum, favoring the acquisition of arborized morphology. Using opto−/electrophysiologic techniques, we examined cell viability, expression of astroglial markers, vesicle dynamics, and cytosolic Ca(2+) and cAMP signaling. The results revealed altered vesicle dynamics in arborized astrocytes that was associated with increased resting [Ca(2+)](i) and increased subcellular heterogeneity in [Ca(2+)](i), whereas [cAMP](i) subcellular dynamics remained stable in both cultures, indicating that cAMP signaling is less prone to plastic remodeling than Ca(2+) signaling, possibly also in in vivo contexts

    Astrocyte arborization enhances Ca2+^{2+} but not cAMP signaling plasticity

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    The plasticity of astrocytes is fundamental for their principal function, maintaining homeostasis of the central nervous system throughout life, and is associated with diverse exposomal challenges. Here, we used cultured astrocytes to investigate at subcellular level basic cell processes under controlled environmental conditions. We compared astroglial functional and signaling plasticity in standard serum-containing growth medium, a condition mimicking pathologic conditions, and in medium without serum, favoring the acquisition of arborized morphology. Using opto−/electrophysiologic techniques, we examined cell viability, expression of astroglial markers, vesicle dynamics, and cytosolic Ca2+^{2+} and cAMP signaling. The results revealed altered vesicle dynamics in arborized astrocytes that was associated with increased resting [Ca2+^{2+}]i_i and increased subcellular heterogeneity in [Ca2+^{2+}]i_i, whereas [cAMP]i_i subcellular dynamics remained stable in both cultures, indicating that cAMP signaling is less prone to plastic remodeling than Ca2+^{2+} signaling, possibly also in in vivo contexts

    Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR)

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    Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) spectroscopy has been known for 70 years. It is suitable for the study of measured (poly)crystalline chemical compounds containing quadrupole nuclei (nuclei with spin I ≥ 1) where the characteristic NQR frequencies represent the fingerprints of these compounds. In several cases, 14^{14}N NQR can distinguish between the polymorphic crystalline phases of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). In order to further stimulate 14^{14}N NQR studies, we review here several results of API polymorphism studies obtained in Ljubljana laboratories: (a) In sulfanilamide, a clear distinction between three known polymorphs (α, β, γ) was demonstrated. (b) In famotidine, the full spectra of all seven different nitrogen positions were measuredtwo polymorphs were distinguished. (c) In piroxicam, the 14^{14}N NQR data helped in confirming the new polymorphic form V. (d) The compaction pressure in the tablet production of paracetamol, which is connected with linewidth change, can be used to distinguish between producers of paracetamol. We established that paracetamol in the tablets of six different manufacturers can be identified by 14^{14}N NQR linewidth. (e) Finally, in order to get an extremely sensitive 14^{14}N NQR spectrometer, the optical detection of the 14^{14}N NQR signal is mentioned