5,492 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of various herbicides on Hoegrass resistant wild oats. Effect of herbicides on Hoegrass resistant annual ryegrass. Growth of cereals planted in simazine treated soil. Growth of wheat one year after simazine. Glean use on drier alkaline soils.

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    86N0113, 86N0114, 86N0115, 86N0116, 86N0102, 86N0103, 86N0103, 86N0104, 86N0105, 85WH54, 85ME56, 85N27, 86WH51, 86N34, 85N30, 86WH52, 86N33, 86WH53, 86SG25

    Hoegrass, herbicide, plant growth and soil activity of glyphosate

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    Hoegrass tolerant ryegrass. Herbicide incorporation. Plant growth one season after herbicide use. Soil activity of glyphosate. Growth of lupins on plots treated with herbicide for each of the two previous seasons - Trials carried out at Geraldton, Wongan Hills and Wickepin measured the amount of pasture produced on plots that had been treated with herbicides while in crop the previous season

    Economics of summer weed control.

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    Aims: To test various chemical options for summer weed control; measuring their efficacy, the amount of soil moisture conserved, and follow-up crop yield. A full season cost-benefit could then be produced. Summer rains were widespread in 1990, and summer weed sites were plentiful. Trial 90A3 Location: Avondale. This site had adequate moisture for most of the summer. Weeds were growing well when sprayed, and were readily controlled. (df. Wongan Hills). 2,4-D/diuron gave excellent control at the time of spraying but follow-up germinations marred the result. Trial 90M6 Location: Merredin. All treatments have failed at this site. Large doublegee and melons dominate each plot. Clover is also present om significant numbers. 1-1.21/ha glyphosate + 1-2g/ha Ally would be required before sowing. The weed density was such that sub-soil moisture was not measured on this site. Trial 90N6 Location: Newdegate Research Station. This site was the only one where summer weed control was probably not necessary. the site was a wheat stubble, and volunteer wheat was the dominant weed. these quickly ran to seed and died off. thus they would not have interfered with seeding. the site also became very dry and thus any fallowing effects was minimal. Overall yields were so low that any yield benefit from the fallowing was not cost effective. 90WH12 Location: Wongan Hills. This site dried quickly after each germinating rain, and by the time of spraying the weeds were under moisture stress. Thus the Roundup was much less effective than at Avondale as it was not translocated effectively by the target plants. Sprayseed was very effective when applied at a sufficient rate (1-1/ha), but 500 ml/ha was not adequate. Again 2,4-D/diuron was initially effective but the end result was marred by later germinations

    Residue trials, herbicide incorporation and leaching of chlorsulfuron

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    Residue Trials: Breakdown rates have been established for trifluralin at Wongan Hills and Avondale over the past two seasons. The decay curve follows a hyperbolic curve rather than the expected exponential curve with constant half life, probably due to the considerable loss of chemical by volatalization in the first few days, before biological decomposition takes over as the main breakdown factor. b) Herbicide Incorporation. Du Pont Zl96 fluorescent orange powder at 30 g/m2 could be readily seen when illuminated by 400 yw/cm2 of 365 nm UV radiation, and was successfully photographed on Ektachrome 400 ASA film with a 4 sec. exposure (at night, and with no more than 1/4 moon). c) Leaching of Chlorsulfuron. Leaching has also been shown to occur in Wongan, Avondale and Newdegate soil columns, but these tests have only been done on 15 cm cores, and the limit of leaching is not certain. d) Pasture regeneration. Trials have been laid down at Geraldton, Wongan and Wickepin to measure the regeneration of pasture following the use of herbicides in-crop. The aim is to separate any effect of the herbicide into a residue carry-over and a reduced seed set component, and to see if re-seeding of pastures may be a necessary adjunct to herbicide use. e) Onion weed control. Pre-germination of weeds gave reasonable weed control, some control plots remaining weed free for 3 weeks after seeding. Combined with Stomp ( 1 litre) the results were excellent, with almost complete control of weeds for over 6 weeks. By this stage the onions had passed the 3 leaf stage and would tolerate all post-emergent herbicides

    Herbicide residues

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    Pea growth following Sulphonyl urea herbicide, 88SG28, 88SG29. Medic regeneration following Sulphonyl urea herbicide, 88SG30, 88SG31, 88LG68, 88LG69, 88LG70

    Overeducation, gender, income and life satisfaction. Panel evidence from Korea

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    One reason often put forward for South Korea’s rapid economic growth has been the rising level of educational attainment of its workforce. Correspondingly, the proportion of Koreans who complete tertiary education has also rapidly increased (and is also considerably higher than the OECD average). Such increases raise the possibility of overeducation if the amount of jobs which require such education do not increase at a similar pace. Among the consequences of overeducation are reduced life satisfaction and underutilised human capital. Given that Korean females are better educated than males, and they also face more discrimination in the labour market, the consequences of overeducation are likely to differ by gender. Using Korean panel data and both a subjective and objective measure of overeducation, the results are consistent with females having lower aspirations despite their high levels of education, and indicate that a more female friendly labour market could address the country’s currently underutilised human capital, for the benefit of the females themselves, as well as males, and the Korean economy

    Heaven knows I’m miserable now: overeducation and reduced life satisfaction

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    This study is an investigation into relative overeducation and life satisfaction using British longitudinal data. The focus is on young people rather than the whole of the life cycle, an arguably more homogenous group. Such a focus means that the overeducation variable does not simply capture the increased participation in Higher Education of the young. The hypothesis is that there is a negative relationship between being overeducated and life satisfaction. Overeducation is measured using the realised matches approach, a statistical measurement comparing an individual’s years of schooling with the average for one of two employment based reference groups. Using dynamic panel analysis, to account for the presence of serial correlation, such an association is found: the relatively overeducated seem to be relatively less happy

    Public-private partnerships: Strategies for economic development

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    Lease Deposits in Washington

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    When a lessee deposits with his lessor a sum of money under an agreement that the lessor will return it or apply it in a specified manner if the lessee fully performs his covenants, at least three legal problems may arise. First, in the event that the tenant fails to give full performance, how much of the deposit can the landlord keep? Second, is the obligation of the landlord to return or otherwise apply the deposit a covenant running with the land? Third, when does the landlord pay taxes on the deposit

    Origin of the n-type conductivity of InN: the role of positively charged dislocations

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    As-grown InN is known to exhibit high unintentional n-type conductivity. Hall measurements from a range of high-quality single-crystalline epitaxially grown InN films reveal a dramatic reduction in the electron density (from low 1019 to low 1017 cm–3) with increasing film thickness (from 50 to 12 000 nm). The combination of background donors from impurities and the extreme electron accumulation at InN surfaces is shown to be insufficient to reproduce the measured film thickness dependence of the free-electron density. When positively charged nitrogen vacancies (VN+) along dislocations are also included, agreement is obtained between the calculated and experimental thickness dependence of the free-electron concentration
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