4 research outputs found

    Relationship between milk protein polymorphism and selected cows’ reproductive indices

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    This research sought to determine the effect of selected milk protein polymorphisms on the reproduction parameters of 598 black and white Polish Holstein–Friesian cattle. The analyzed genes were kappa-casein (CSN3) and beta-lactoglobulin (BLG). The following reproductive indexes were selected: the age at first calving, the interpregnancy period, the calving interval, and the insemination index. The influence of the identified genotypes on the course of parturition in cows was also analyzed. Source data were collected for each cow from the beginning of the herd life and reproduction to its culling from the herd or the end of its third lactation. Data on the age at first calving, the amount of semen portions for artificial insemination (insemination index), the interpregnancy period, and the calving interval for each cow were also collected. A contingency analysis was performed through contingency tables using a Pearson’s chi-squared test for each CSN3 and BLG genotype. The results show that the BB genotype of the kappa-casein gene was associated with the most favorable values of reproductive indicators. In the case of the calving interval, the values were significantly more favorable than those of other genotypes (p 0.05). No effect of beta-lactoglobulin polymorphism on the analyzed reproductive indices was observed. On the other hand, in the case of the interpregnancy period, significant statistical differences were obtained between the AA and BB genotypes. The analyzed kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin genotypes did not significantly influence the course of parturition in cows. To conclude, the genotype polymorphism BB CSN3 is the most favorable for the performance of the cows in the examined herd.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chest pain: is it always what it seems to be?

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    Pacjent w wieku 56 lat, po pilnej operacji tętniaka rozwarstwiającego aorty (AAD) (31.03.2017 r.), po udrożnieniu tętnicy biodrowej wspólnej (CIA) z powodu ostrego niedokrwienia kończyny dolnej (marzec, 2017 r.), z 70-procentowym dystalnym zwężeniem gałęzi przedniej zstępującej (LAD) (w angiografii tomografii komputerowej [angio-CT], od roku, dotąd niekwalifikowanym do koronarografii/tomografii emisyjnej pojedynczego fotonu), wydolny krążeniowo-oddechowo, przyjęty z tygodniowym wywiadem stałego bólu w klatce piersiowej, promieniującego do okolicy międzyłopatkowej, lewego barku, niezależnego od wysiłku fizycznego, bez duszności. Kolejne elektrokardiogramy: rytm zatokowy miarowy, zmienny oddechowo q III, nieswoiste zmiany odcinka ST-T w odprowadzeniach I, aVL do –0,5 mm, w odprowadzeniach V4–V6 do –1 mm, bez ewolucji. Wartości troponiny T oznaczanej metodą wysokoczułą i frakcji sercowej kinazy kreatynowej w normie. Nitrogliceryna podawana dożylnie spowodowała tylko zmniejszenie dolegliwości. Angio-CT aorty bez zmian w porównaniu z wcześniejszym badaniem (z 17.10.2017 r.): proteza bez przecieku, stare rozwarstwienie od aorty zstępującej do rozwidlenia, obejmujące CIA. Angio-CT tętnic wieńcowych: istotne długie zwężenie LAD. Bez wskazań do interwencji kardiochirurgicznej. Echokardiografia serca: frakcja wyrzutowa lewej komory 65%, dobry odległy efekt operacji naprawczej AV. Rozpoznano ostry zespół wieńcowy–dławicę piersiową (ACS-UA). Koronarografia: LAD segm. 7 długie zwężenie 80%, izolowane. Aortografia: dobry efekt protezowania aorty wstępującej. Jednoczasowo przezskórna interwencja wieńcowa (PCI)-LAD: segm. 7/IDg (bifurkacja) z implantacją stentu uwalniającego lek. Dolegliwości ustąpiły. Nietypowe bóle w klatce piersiowej u chorego z tętniakiem aorty, nawet po skutecznej operacji, mogą odpowiadać ACS, stanowiąc wskazanie do koronarografii/PCI, po wykluczeniu przyczyn ze strony aorty. Opóźniona koronarografia/PCI/leczenie przeciwpłytkowe w ACS zmniejsza szanse powodzenia leczenia. U opisanego pacjenta stwierdzono dodatni wywiad w kierunku chorób aorty, ujemne markery niedokrwienia mięśnia sercowego, ból promieniujący do typowej dla AAD lokalizacji (do pleców). Pierwszym krokiem była angio-CT w celu wykluczenia kolejnego AAD. Ból w klatce piersiowej nie zawsze jest tym, czym się wydaje. Po wykluczeniu najbardziej oczywistej przyczyny konieczne jest przeprowadzenie diagnostyki różnicowej, ponieważ leczenie terapeutyczne odpowiednie dla jednej choroby lub opóźnienie właściwego leczenia może utrudnić/uniemożliwić leczenie innej.A 56-year-old patient after emergency acute aortic dissection (AAD) surgery (31.03.2017), after common iliac artery (CIA) vascular surgery due to acute right lower limb ischemia (March 2017), with a 70% lesion in distal left anterior descending (LAD) in angiography computed tomography (angio-CT) detected a year ago (not yet qualified for coronarography/single-photon emission computed tomography), hemodynamically stable, presented to hospital due to one-week history of constant, continuous chest pain radiating to the back and left shoulder and independent of physical effort, without dyspnea. Electrocardiography (ECG) in hospital at admission (and a day ago): regular sinus rhythm, respiratory variable q III, non-specific ST-T wave abnormalities in leads I, aVL up to –0.5 mm, in leads V4–V6 up to –1 mm, no evolution. Immobilization, nitroglicerin intravenous. administration — only symptoms reduction. High-sensitivity troponin T and creatine kinase-myocardial bound mass negative. Aortic angio-CT scan: in comparison to the previous study (17.10.2017) without significant changes; no leakage signs within the prosthesis; further dissection of the aortic wall from the level of the descending aorta to the bifurcation and CIA. Coronary angio-CT: significant, long stenosis in proximal LAD. Cardiac surgeon consultation: no indications for intervention. Echocardiography: left ventricular ejection fraction 65%, aortic regurgitation trace, right ventricular systolic function preserved. Diagnosis: acute coronary syndrome–unstable angina (ACS-UA). Coronarography: in LAD segm 7 isolated 80% stenosis. Aortography confirmed good prosthetic effect of the ascending aorta. Simultaneously percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)-LAD, segm 7/IDg (bifurcation) with drug-eluting stent implantation was performed. The symptoms disappeared. Atypical chest pain in a patient with aortic aneurysm, even after successful cardiac surgery, may suggest an ACS, being an indication for coronary angiography/PCI, after exclusion aortic reasons. Delayed coronarography/coronaroplasty/antiplatelet therapy in ACS reduces the chances of successful treatment. The patient had a history of aortic diseases, negative myocardial ischemia markers, pain radiating to typical for AAD location (back pain). The first step was angio-CT to exclude another AAD. Chest pain is not always what it seems to be. After excluding the most obvious cause, it is necessary to perform differentia diagnostics, because therapeutic approach appropriate for one disease or delay in proper treatment may make it difficult/impossible to treat another one

    Polymorphism of the PGLYRP1 gene, the value of selected performance and functional traits, and causes of culling in Holstein-Friesian red-white cows

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    This research paper addresses the hypothesis that the peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 (PGLYRP1) gene polymorphism (Tyr76His; dbSNP ID: ss104796364) has an influence on some performance traits and causes of culling in Polish Holstein-Friesian red-white cows. The study involved 134 cows kept on a farm in the south-west of Poland. PGLYRP1 genotypes TT, CT, and CC were detected. It was shown that compared with cows with genotypes CT and TT, the individuals with genotype CC were characterised by higher lifetime yields and higher amounts of lactation milk, fat, and protein. A beneficial effect of genotype CC, compared with genotype TT, was also noted in the case of the lifespan and, consequently, the length of the productive life and the average number of lactations. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (genotypes CC and TT) and disorders of the reproductive system (genotype CT) were the most common causes of culling. An essential practical observation was the potentially higher susceptibility of cows with genotype CC to mastitis, which resulted in the necessity to cull over one-fifth of the animals in this group. Simultaneously, no cows in this group were culled due to low performance or metabolic, gastrointestinal, and respiratory diseases. Therefore, the PGLYRP1 gene seems to be a promising potential herd health marker; however, to consider it the main gene, it is necessary to extend the investigations to include more individuals and other breeds of dairy cattle