8 research outputs found

    Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase and hepsin as urinary prostate cancer markers

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    Background: Because of the numerous limitations of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), α-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) and hepsin have recently been suggested as potential biomarkers in prostate cancer (PC). This report presents a comparison study of the presence of AMACR and hepsin in urine collected before and after digital rectal examination (DRE) as a previously suggested diagnostic marker for PC. Methods: Seventy-six urine samples (38 before and 38 after prostate massage) from patients with benign prostatę hyperplasia (BPH) and 66 urine samples (33 before and 33 after prostate massage) from patients with PC were analyzed. PC was confirmed by prostate biopsy. Urinary levels of AMACR and hepsin were determined by ELISA and related to the tumor stage, Gleason score and PSA level. Results: AMACR and hepsin levels in urine collected after prostate massage were higher only in the PC group. There were no correlations between AMACR levels, hepsin levels, tumor stage and Gleason score. AMACR and hepsin did not differentiate between BPH and PC with better true positive and false negative rates than serum PSA. Conclusions: AMACR and hepsin were unable to diagnose PC with better true positive and false negative rates than PSA. An additional procedure combined with other markers should be applied for the reliable diagnosis of PC

    Engrailed-2 protein as a potential urinary prostate cancer biomarker: a comparison study before and after digital rectal examination

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    This study was designed to compare and evaluate the presence of engrailed-2 (EN2) protein in urine collected before and after prostate massage as a diagnostic marker for prostate cancer (PCa). We analysed and compared 76 urine samples (38 before and 38 after prostate massage) from the benign group (BPH) and 66 urine samples (33 before and 33 after prostate massage) from patients with PCa confirmed by prostate biopsy. EN2 levels from the PCa and men with BPH (age range 50–82) were related to the tumour stage, Gleason score and prostate-specific antigen. EN2 levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in urine. The median EN2 levels in urine after prostate massage were significantly different from those determined in urine before prostate massage (1.25 ng/ml in the PCa group and 0.34 ng/ml in the BPH). The mean EN2 levels in PCa patients were 3.76-fold higher than those in non-PCa patients after prostate massage. The distinct influence of prostate massage on EN2 levels was found to be related to the Gleason score and tumour stage. EN2 may be considered a marker of PCa with certain limitations, such as those related to tumour staging. The specificity and sensitivity of the protocol are highly dependent on prostate massag

    Kidney transplantation in a patient with congenital anomalies of the lower urinary tract: difficult decisions — case study and review of literature

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    Warunkiem udanego przeszczepienia nerki (PN) jest zapewnienie swobodnego odpływu moczu. W przypadku wrodzonych wad dróg moczowych (DM) konieczne jest usunięcie barier anatomicznych. W razie nieskuteczności postępowania przeprowadza się zabiegi urologiczne jednoczasowo z PN. W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjenta po licznych zabiegach urologicznych od wczesnego dzieciństwa z powodu wad wrodzonych DM, u którego podczas procedury kwalifikacji do PN nie udało się zacewnikować pęcherza moczowego (PM). Zaproponowano wówczas odprowadzenie moczu przez wytworzenie pętli Brickera podczas zabiegu PN lub cystostomię nadłonową, a następnie kalibrację cewki moczowej. W dniu transplantacji chory domagał się podjęcia próby odprowadzenia moczu po PN drogą naturalną. Podczas zabiegu operacyjnego dokonano udanej próby zacewnikowania PM cewnikiem Tiemanna 10. Okres pooperacyjny był powikłany opóźnioną czynnością NP oraz wytworzeniem krwiaka okołonerkowego. Przeprowadzono ewakuację krwiaka oraz jednoczasową biopsję otwartą NP. W badaniu histopatologicznym bioptatu stwierdzono cechy ostrego uszkodzenia nabłonka cewkowego (ATN). W USG obserwowano poszerzenie miedniczki oraz kielichów NP. Dwukrotnie wykonano zabieg uretrotomii oraz rewizję zespolenia moczowodowo-pęcherzowego, wykluczając zwężenie moczowodu. Obecnie pacjent, po ponad 24 miesiącach po PN, pozostaje pod kontrolą Poradni Transplantacji Nerek w Olsztynie ze stabilną funkcją NP (stężenie kreatyniny 1,3 mg%) i bez epizodów infekcji dróg moczowych.Successful kidney transplantation (KT) is conditioned by a free flow of urine. In the case of patients with congenital anomalies of the urinary tract (UT) it is necessary to first correct anatomical barriers. If previous treatment is ineffective, KT is performed simultaneously with corrective surgeries. This report presents a case study of a patient who had undergone many urologic corrective procedures since early childhood due to UT congenital anomalies. During the patient’s qualification for KT, the catheterization of the bladder was unsuccessful. Consequently, it was suggested that the urine flow should be obtained by means of a Bricker’s loop created during the KT procedure or a suprapubic cystostomy, followed by urethral calibration. On the day of the transplantation procedure, the patient demanded an attempt to be undertaken to ensure a natural urine flow after KT. During the surgical procedure, the bladder was successfully catheterized with a Tiemann 10 catheter. Post-operative complications included a delayed graft function and the development of renal hematoma. The hematoma was removed and an open graft biopsy was performed simultaneously. A histopathology report of the biopsy tissue revealed features of the acute tubular necrosis (ATN). A USG examination detected pyelocalycectasis of the grafted kidney. Urethrotomy was performed twice and a revision of the ureterocystotomy was necessary to eliminate ureterostenosis. Presently, above 24 months after the KT, the patient is controlled by the Kidney Transplantation Centre in Olsztyn. The graft function is stable (creatinine level: 1.3 mg%), no episodes of urinary tract infections have occurred. The patient requires further close clinical control

    Effect of the Drying Method and Storage Conditions on the Quality and Content of Selected Bioactive Compounds of Green Legume Vegetables

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the drying method (freeze-drying, air-drying), storage period (12 months), and storage conditions (2–4 °C, 18–22 °C) applied to two legume species: green beans and green peas. The raw and dried materials were determined for selected physical parameters typical of dried vegetables, contents of bioactive components (vitamin C and E, total chlorophyll, total carotenoids, β-carotene, and total polyphenols), antioxidative activity against the DPPH radical, and sensory attributes (overall quality and profiles of color, texture, and palatability). Green beans had a significantly higher content of bioactive components compared to peas. Freeze-drying and cold storage conditions facilitated better retention of these compounds, i.e., by 9–39% and 3–11%, respectively. After 12 months of storage, higher retention of bioactive components, except for total chlorophyll, was determined in peas regardless of the drying method, i.e., by 38–75% in the freeze-dried product and 30–77% in the air-dried product, compared to the raw material

    Wide-Band Optical Fibre System for Investigation of MEMS and NEMS Deflection

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    In this work the construction of experimental setup for MEMS/NEMS deflection measurements is presented. The system is based on intensity fibre optic detector for linear displacement sensing. Furthermore the electronic devices: current source for driving the light source and photodetector with wide-band preamplifier are presented

    Usefulness of Changes in the Food Safety System – on the Basis of the Audits of NIK, EC and Own Studies

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    Polski system nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem żywności jest wieloinstytucjonalny. Powołanie Państwowej Inspekcji Bezpieczeństwa Żywności, dzięki konsolidacji Inspekcji Weterynaryjnej, Państwowej Inspekcji Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa, Inspekcji Jakości Handlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczych oraz przeniesienie do nowego podmiotu części zadań z Państwowej Inspekcji Sanitarnej, Inspekcji Handlowej, a w zakresie dotyczącym kontroli stosowania i składowania nawozów także zadań Inspekcji Ochrony Środowiska, posłużyłoby ujednoliceniu procesów kontrolnych i monitorujących, ograniczyło niejasności kompetencyjne i decyzyjne oraz poprawiło bezpieczeństwo żywności w Polsce. Biorąc pod uwagę wyniki kontroli przeprowadzonych przez Najwyższą Izbę Kontroli oraz audytów Dyrekcji Generalnej ds. Zdrowia i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności Komisji Europejskiej, jak również obserwacje własne, przedstawiono celowość zmian istniejącego systemu kontroli bezpieczeństwa żywności w Polsce.The Polish system for food safety supervision comprises numerous institutions. The establishment of the State Food Safety Inspectorate (Polish: Państwowa Inspekcja Bezpieczeństwa Żywności), thanks to consolidation of the Veterinary Inspectorate, the State Inspectorate of Protection of Plants and Seeds, the Inspectorate for Trade Quality of Food Produce, as well as to the transfer of several responsibilities of the State Sanitary Inspectorate, the Trade Inspectorate and the Environment Protection Inspectorate – with regard to using and storing of fertilizers – to the new institution, would lead to unification of supervision and monitoring processes. It would also reduce the blurred competence and decision-making responsibilities, ultimately adding to the improvement of food safety in Poland. Considering the results of the audits conducted by the Supreme Audit Office and by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, as well as their own observations, the authors of the article have discussed the justifications for changes in the current food safety system in Poland

    The Prognostic Role of CDK9 in Bladder Cancer

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    Introduction: Most patients with urothelial carcinoma are diagnosed with non-invasive tumors, but the prognosis worsens with the progression of the disease. Overexpression of cyclin-dependent kinase 9 has been recently linked to increased cancer proliferation, faster progression, and worse prognosis. However, some cancers seem to contradict this rule. In this work, we explored the prognostic role of CDK9 expression in urothelial carcinoma. Materials and Methods: We performed immunohistochemical analysis on 72 bladder cancer samples. To assess a larger group of patients, the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database containing 406 cases and transcriptomics information through the Human Pathology Atlas were analyzed. Results: CDK9 is overexpressed in urothelial cancer tissues when compared to normal urothelial tissues (p < 0.05). High CDK9 expression was observed in low-stage, low-grade, and non-muscle-invasive tumors (p < 0.05). The patients with high CDK9 expression had a significantly higher 5-year overall survival rate than those with low CDK9 expression (77.54% vs. 53.6% in the TMA group and 57.75% vs. 35.44% in the TCGA group, respectively) (p < 0.05). The results were consistent in both cohorts. Multivariate Cox regression analysis indicated that low CDK9 status was an independent predictor for poor prognosis in the TCGA cohort (HR 1.60, CL95% 1.1–2.33, p = 0.014). Conclusions: High CDK9 expression predicts a favorable prognosis in urothelial carcinoma and is associated with clinicopathological features characteristic for early-stage disease. The decrease in CDK9 expression can be associated with the build-up of genetic instability and may indicate a key role for CDK9 in the early stages of urothelial carcinoma