13 research outputs found

    The effect of enzyme preparations and number of PFI mill revolutions on the weighted average fiber length.

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    <p>The effect of enzyme preparations and number of PFI mill revolutions on the weighted average fiber length.</p

    Effects of enzyme treatment and PFI revolutions number on pulp freeness (a), water retention value (b) and fines content (c).

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    <p>Effects of enzyme treatment and PFI revolutions number on pulp freeness (a), water retention value (b) and fines content (c).</p

    Microscopic images (electron scanning microscope, 50 ÎŒm bar enables estimation of the fibres’ size) illustrating the effect of enzymatic pulp treatment on the appearance of fibres before and after refining.

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    <p>Microscopic images (electron scanning microscope, 50 ÎŒm bar enables estimation of the fibres’ size) illustrating the effect of enzymatic pulp treatment on the appearance of fibres before and after refining.</p

    The effect of enzymatic pulp treatment on the number of PFI mill revolutions required to achieve the freeness of 30°SR.

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    <p>The effect of enzymatic pulp treatment on the number of PFI mill revolutions required to achieve the freeness of 30°SR.</p

    The impact of the three enzyme preparations on refined pulp and paper parameters (for pulp freeness of 30°SR).

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    <p>The impact of the three enzyme preparations on refined pulp and paper parameters (for pulp freeness of 30°SR).</p

    Effects of enzyme treatment and PFI mill revolutions number on breaking length (a) and tear resistance (b) of paper.

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    <p>Effects of enzyme treatment and PFI mill revolutions number on breaking length (a) and tear resistance (b) of paper.</p

    The impact of the dose of enzymatic preparation and pretreatment time on the selected pulp and paper properties.

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    <p>The impact of the dose of enzymatic preparation and pretreatment time on the selected pulp and paper properties.</p

    Successive steps of hydrogen bonds formation between fibres in paper.

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    <p>A) bonding via a multimolecular water layer, B) bonding via a monomolecular layer of water, C) hydrogen bonds.</p