633 research outputs found

    Almost classical solutions to the total variation flow

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    The paper examines one-dimensional total variation flow equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Thanks to a new concept of "almost classical" solutions we are able to determine evolution of facets -- flat regions of solutions. A key element of our approach is the natural regularity determined by nonlinear elliptic operator, for which x2x^2 is an irregular function. Such a point of view allows us to construct solutions. We apply this idea to implement our approach to numerical simulations for typical initial data. Due to the nature of Dirichlet data any monotone function is an equilibrium. We prove that each solution reaches such steady state in a finite time.Comment: 3 figure

    The incompressible navier-stokes equations in vacuum

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    We are concerned with the existence and uniqueness issue for the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations supplemented with H^1 initial velocity and only bounded nonnegative density. In contrast with all the previous works on that topics, we do not require regularity or positive lower bound for the initial density, or compatibility conditions for the initial velocity, and still obtain unique solutions. Those solutions are global in the two-dimensional case for general data, and in the three-dimensional case if the velocity satisfies a suitable scaling invariant smallness condition. As a straightforward application, we provide a complete answer to Lions' question in [25], page 34, concerning the evolution of a drop of incompressible viscous fluid in the vacuum

    Incompressible flows with piecewise constant density

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    We investigate the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable density. The aim is to prove existence and uniqueness results in the case of discontinuous ini- tial density. In dimension n = 2, 3, assuming only that the initial density is bounded and bounded away from zero, and that the initial velocity is smooth enough, we get the local-in-time existence of unique solutions. Uniqueness holds in any dimension and for a wider class of velocity fields. Let us emphasize that all those results are true for piecewise constant densities with arbitrarily large jumps. Global results are established in dimension two if the density is close enough to a positive constant, and in n-dimension if, in addition, the initial velocity is small. The Lagrangian formula- tion for describing the flow plays a key role in the analysis that is proposed in the present paper.Comment: 32 page

    Compressible Navier-Stokes equations with ripped density

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    Here we prove the all-time propagation of the Sobolev regularity for the velocity field solution of the two-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations, provided the volume (bulk) viscosity coefficient is large enough. The initial velocity can be arbitrarily large and the initial density is just required to be bounded. In particular, one can consider a characteristic function of a set as an initial density. Uniqueness of the solutions to the equations is shown, in the case of a perfect gas. As a by-product of our results, we give a rigorous justification of the convergence to the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations when the volume viscosity tends to infinity. Similar results are proved in the three-dimensional case, under some scaling invariant smallness condition on the velocity field