39 research outputs found
Stężenia parathormonu w surowicy oznaczane metodą chemiluminescencji i elektrochemiluminescencji — czy wyniki są porównywalne u hemodializowanych chorych na przewlekłą chorobę nerek?
Introduction: Secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT) is one of the most common abnormalities found in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Measurement of serum PTH concentrations is crucial in diagnosis and treatment of sHPT. Different methods of serum PTH measurement may provide diverse results. This may have a significant impact on the therapeutic approach if under- or over-diagnosis of sHPT occurs. The aim of this study was to compare the results of serum PTH concentrations measured with two commonly used methods — chemiluminescence (CHL) and electrochemiluminescence (ECL).
Material and methods: Seventy-seven haemodialysis patients with CKD were enrolled into the study. Blood samples were collected before haemodialysis, in the middle of the week. In all patients, serum PTH concentrations were measured using two methods: CHL and ECL.
Results: Serum PTH concentration measured with CHL was significantly higher than that assessed with ECL: 455 pg/mL (352–559) pg/mL vs. 383 pg/mL (243–523) pg/mL; p < 0.0001. Six patients from the studied cohort were treated with cinacalcet. In these patients, the serum PTH concentration was also significantly higher when measured with CHL than with ECL: 755 pg/mL (294–1216) pg/mL and 607 pg/mL (199–1015 pg/mL); p = 0.027, respectively). In three cases serum PTH concentration assessed with CHL method exceeded 300 pg/mL, whereas when measured with ECL it was below 300 pg/mL. Lower serum PTH concentrations could give the rationale to lower cinacalcet dose or to stop such treatment.
Conclusions: 1. Serum PTH concentrations in haemodialysis patients with CKD measured by CHL and ECL methods differ significantly. 2. The choice of method for measurement of serum PTH concentration in these patients may have important clinical implications. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 219–223)
Wstęp: Wtórna nadczynność przytarczyc jest jednym z najczęstszych następstw przewlekłej choroby nerek (CKD). Pomiar stężenia PTH w surowicy jest niezbędny dla prawidłowego diagnozowania i leczenia wtórnej nadczynności przytarczyc. Poszczególne metody oznaczania stężenia PTH w surowicy mogą dawać zróżnicowane wyniki, co może mieć istotny wpływ na decyzje terapeutyczne, jak zbyt szybkie lub zbyt późne rozpoznanie choroby. Celem pracy było porównanie stężeń PTH w surowicy oznaczanych przy pomocy dwóch powszechnie wykorzystywanych metod — chemiluminescencji (CHL) i elektrochemiluminescencji (ECL).
Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 77 hemodializowanych chorych z CKD. Krew do badań pobierano przed zabiegiem hemodializy, w środku tygodnia. Stężenie PTH w surowicy oznaczono w tej samej próbce metodą CHL i ECL.
Wyniki: Stężenia PTH w surowicy oznaczane przy użyciu CHL były znamiennie wyższe niż, uzyskane przy pomocy ECL: 455 pg/ml (352–559) pg/ml wobec 383 (243–523) pg/ml; p < 0,0001. Sześciu chorych leczono cynakalcetem. U tych chorych stężenia PTH w surowicy oznaczane przy użyciu CHL były także znamiennie wyższe, niż oznaczane metodą ECL: 755 pg/ml (294–1216) pg/ml i 607 pg/ml (199–1015 pg/ml); p = 0,027. U trzech z tych sześciu chorych stężenie PTH w surowicy oznaczane metodą CHL przekraczało 300 pg/ml, podczas gdy oznaczane metodą ECL było niższe niż 300 pg/ml. Niższe stężenie PTH w surowicy mogłoby być podstawą do podjęcia decyzji o obniżeniu dawki lub zaprzestaniu leczenia cynakalcetem.
Wnioski: 1. Stężenia PTH w surowicy u hemodializowanych chorych na CKD oznaczane przy pomocy metody CHL lub ECL różnią się znamiennie. 2. Wybór metody oznaczenia stężenia PTH w surowicy u hemodializowanych chorych z CKD może mieć istotne implikacje kliniczne. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 219–223)
Wyłaniające się odmiany kapitalizmu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: przegląd badań
The article contains a review of the most representative theoretical and empirical studies on the emerging varieties/models of capitalism in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). A critical appraisal was made of standard and non-standard approaches found in the subject literature. Specific features of the institutional structure existing in the CEE countries have been indicated which make it difficult to apply the theoretical framework used in the developed capitalist countries. Possible directions of further research on the models of capitalism emerging in CEE have also been delineated together with some proposals of modification and extension of the theoretical and methodological framework of this research
Wyłaniające się odmiany kapitalizmu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: przegląd badań
The article contains a review of the most representative theoretical and empirical studies on the emerging varieties/models of capitalism in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). A critical appraisal was made of standard and non-standard approaches found in the subject literature. Specific features of the institutional structure existing in the CEE countries have been indicated which make it difficult to apply the theoretical framework used in the developed capitalist countries. Possible directions of further research on the models of capitalism emerging in CEE have also been delineated together with some proposals of modification and extension of the theoretical and methodological framework of this research
Predicting Competitive Swimming Performance
The aim of this study was to present the results of analyses conducted by means of complementary analytic tools in order to verify their efficacy and the hypothesis that Kohonen’s neural models may be applied in the classification process of swimmers. A group of 40 swimmers, aged 23 ±5 years took part in this research. For the purpose of verification of usefulness of Kohonen’s neural models, statistical analyses were carried out on the basis of results of the independent variables (physiological and physical profiles, specific tests in the water). In predicting the value of variables measured with the so called strong scale regression models, numerous variables were used. The construction of such models required strict determination of the endogenous variable (Y – results for swim distances of 200 m crawl), as well as the proper choice of variables in explaining the study’s phenomenon. The optimum choice of explanatory variables for the Kohonen’s networks was made on the grounds of regression analysis. During statistical analysis of the gathered material neural networks were used: Kohonen’s feature maps (data mining analysis). The obtained model has the form of a topological map, where certain areas can be separated, and the map constructed in this way can be used in the assessment of candidates for sports training
Wyłaniające się modele kapitalizmu w Polsce i krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej na tle Europy Zachodniej
This article presents the results of the study which aims to enrich the empirical picture and to better understand the nature of capitalism emerging in Poland and other new EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE11). Our main research goal is to assess the degree of similarity of Poland and other CEE11 countries toward each of the four models of capitalism in Western Europe distinguished by Bruno Amable. Each of these models is
represented by an “ideal-typical” western European country. At the average level for the whole analyzed group, the CEE11 countries show the greatest similarity to the Mediterranean model of capitalism, represented by Spain/Italy. At the same time, these countries also exhibit quite high institutional proximity to the continental model of capitalism, represented by