15 research outputs found

    Modeling with FCA-based model of microstructure evolution in ultra-thin wires of MgCa0.8 alloy during hot drawing

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    Magnesium alloys are widely applied in medicine due to their high biocompatibility and solubility in human body. For example, they could be applied for surgical threads used for integration of tissue [1,2]. This application requires wires diameter of 0.1 mm and smaller. A new manufacturing process of thin wires, including drawing in heated dies, was developed by Authors [3,4] for biocompatible Mg alloys. An occurrence of recrystallization is the main condition of such a process, which does not use intermediate annealing between the deformations. Because the trial and error method is very expensive and ineffective, a numerical modeling was applied for process design and its optimization. A model of recrystallization of MgCa0.8 alloy in macro scale was developed previously [5]. This model allows for prediction and optimization of drawing process parameters. However, basing on the results of the study [5], we conclude that some microstructural phenomena should be additionally considered in the case of ultra-thin wire drawing in the heated tools. An analysis of the effect of the wire diameter on recrystallization kinetics was an object of interest, especially when wire diameter is comparable with grain size. Study of influence of such a geometrical parameter was fulfilled with use of FCA-based model. The modelling shows that an approaching of the wire diameter to the grain size elongates the recrystallization process with other conditions the same. For example, a decrease of the diameter from 200 to 20 µm extends the recrystallization time by 30%. From the practical point of view, the results detached such a geometrical parameter can be implemented into simpler models of recrystallization, e.g. JMAK-based models

    Numerial model of warm drawing of the biocomptible MG alloys accounting for ductility of the material

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    Due to high compatibility and solubility in human organism, special magnesium alloys are applied in bioengineering. Production of surgical threads to integration of tissue can be application of these types of alloys. This sort of application calls for fine wires with diameters from 0.1 to 0.9 mm. The warm drawing process in heated dies was proposed to increase the workability of the Mg alloys. The purpose of this paper is development and experimental validation of a mathematical model of a warm drawing process of wires made of MgCa0.8, Ax30 and ZEK100 alloys and determination of optimal parameters with the objective function defined as maximum of workability. The first part of investigation is focused on development of a numerical model, which is based on FE solution. The second part of paper is focused on experimental upsetting and tensile tests. Basing on these tests the flow stress and fracture models were obtained. The materials models are implemented into the Authors’ FE code, which is dedicated to modelling of drawing processes. For experimental verification of model the thermo visual analysis of wire drawing and tests of mechanical properties of wire were performed. With help of model the dependence between technological parameters of drawing and ductility function was obtained. The technical problem defined as determination of optimal drawing velocity, which is helpful to obtain the temperature in deformation zone taking into account fracture criterion, was solved. The optimum drawing schedule for Mg alloys was proposed

    Experimental and Numerical Study of Surface Roughness of Thin Brass Wire Processed by Different Dieless Drawing Processes

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    This paper examines the surface roughness of a thin brass wire (140–200 microns in diameter) after two dieless drawing (DD) processes, i.e., conventional dieless drawing (CDD) and incremental dieless drawing (IDD). In incremental dieless drawing, small increments in deformation were applied in several passes. It has been proven that the IDD process not only has a greater efficiency but also enables obtaining a wire with significantly lower surface roughness. The explanation for these effects is based on the results of the numerical modeling of both compared processes. The developed numerical model takes into consideration the initial roughness of the wire surface, shape and dimensions of grains, and their diversified mechanical properties. Nanoindentation measurements, microstructure, and plastometric studies allowed us to find the effective flow stress distribution in the grains. The IDD process was found to be much more stable and develop a much more uniform distribution of grain strain than the CDD process. More homogeneous deformation results in surface roughness reduction. Approximately 25–30% reduction in surface roughness of the wire produced by the IDD process was predicted by simulations and confirmed experimentally

    Model of Residual Stresses in Hot-rolled Sheets with Taking into Account Relaxation Process and Phase Transformation

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    AbstractThe problem of calculations the residual stresses in hot-rolled sheets is considered in the paper. Residual stresses become of practical importance when the laser cutting of sheets is applied. The main factors influencing the residual stresses are the non uniform distribution of elastic-plastic deformations in the volume and unloading of the sheet material during cooling, phase transformation occurring during cooling and relaxation of the stresses. The goal of this paper is development of a model of residual stresses in hot-rolled sheets based on the elastic-plastic material model, taking into account the above factors. In this work the individual models for cooling of hot rolled sheets in the laminar cooling line and in the coil were developed. Elastic-plastic properties of the material were determined experimentally using tests on GLEEBLE 3800. Model of the thermal deformation during cooling was obtained on the basis of the dilatometric test. Thermal model was based on the solution for two dimensional cross-section of the sheet and the roll longitudinal section. Experimental verification of the thermal model was performed in industrial conditions

    Modeling with FCA-based model of microstructure evolution in ultra-thin wires of MgCa0.8 alloy during hot drawing

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    Magnesium alloys are widely applied in medicine due to their high biocompatibility and solubility in human body. For example, they could be applied for surgical threads used for integration of tissue [1,2]. This application requires wires diameter of 0.1 mm and smaller. A new manufacturing process of thin wires, including drawing in heated dies, was developed by Authors [3,4] for biocompatible Mg alloys. An occurrence of recrystallization is the main condition of such a process, which does not use intermediate annealing between the deformations. Because the trial and error method is very expensive and ineffective, a numerical modeling was applied for process design and its optimization. A model of recrystallization of MgCa0.8 alloy in macro scale was developed previously [5]. This model allows for prediction and optimization of drawing process parameters. However, basing on the results of the study [5], we conclude that some microstructural phenomena should be additionally considered in the case of ultra-thin wire drawing in the heated tools. An analysis of the effect of the wire diameter on recrystallization kinetics was an object of interest, especially when wire diameter is comparable with grain size. Study of influence of such a geometrical parameter was fulfilled with use of FCA-based model. The modelling shows that an approaching of the wire diameter to the grain size elongates the recrystallization process with other conditions the same. For example, a decrease of the diameter from 200 to 20 µm extends the recrystallization time by 30%. From the practical point of view, the results detached such a geometrical parameter can be implemented into simpler models of recrystallization, e.g. JMAK-based models

    Opracowanie nowej polskiej metody analizy przepustowości odcinków autostrad i dróg ekspresowych

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    The paper presents development of the new Polish method for performing capacity analysis of basic segments of dual carriageway roads (motorways and expressways). The method is based on field traffic surveys conducted at 30 motorway and expressway sites (class A and S roads) in Poland. Traffic flows, composition and travel times were observed in 15-min intervals at each site using ANPR filming method. These data were used to calibrate a family of traffic speed-flow relationships for different roads, based on Van Aerde model. Free flow speed of traffic and road class are the basic parameters defining the speed-flow relationship and the value of capacity per lane in pcu/h. Traffic density was adopted as the measure of effectiveness for defining the level of service. The paper describes derivation of formulae for estimation of free flow speed for different types of roads as well as determination of equivalent factors for converting vehicles to passenger car units. The method allows us to determine capacity and the level of service based on existing or forecasted traffic flow.Referat przedstawia badania, które doprowadziły do powstania nowej polskiej metody analizy przepustowości odcinków międzywęzłowych autostrad i dróg ekspresowych. Metoda została opracowana w ramach projektu badawczego RID-I-50 pt. „Nowoczesne metody obliczanie przepustowości i oceny warunków ruchu dla dróg poza aglomeracjami miejskimi, w tym dla dróg szybkiego ruchu”. Celem projektu była nowelizacja polskiej metody oceny warunków ruchu i szacowania przepustowości dla dróg o ruchu nieprzerywanym. Projekt był współfinansowany przez Generalną Dyrekcję Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad oraz Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju w ramach programu Rozwój Innowacji Drogowych. Projekt został zrealizowany przez konsorcjum trzech uczelni: Politechniki Krakowskiej, Politechniki Gdańskiej i Politechniki Warszawskiej. Opisana w artykule część projektu dotyczy dróg o klasie funkcjonalnej A (autostrady) i S (drogi ekspresowe). Obie klasy to drogi dwujezdniowe o ograniczonym dostępie. Metoda powstała na podstawie badań terenowych na 30 odcinkach tych dróg. Podczas pomiarów ruch był filmowany na obu końcach odcinka pomiarowego a przy pomocy metody automatycznej identyfikacji numerów rejestracyjnych ANPR określano czas przejazdu odcinka przez poszczególne pojazdy. Dla każdego interwału 15-minutowego określano natężenie i strukturę ruchu oraz średnią prędkość

    Microstructure and in vitro evaluation of extruded and hot drawn alloy MgCa0.7 for biodegradable surgical wires

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    The MgCa0.7 alloy may be a promising material for biodegradable surgical wires. In this paper, the technology for producing surgical wires from this alloy has been developed, based both on finite element modelling and experimental study. In particular, the extrusion and hot-drawing effects on the mechanical properties, microstructures, in-vitro rates of biocorrosion, and cytotoxicity to human cancer cells (SaOS-2) and healthy (hPDL) ones, have been determined. An approximately 30-40% increase in corrosion rate due to increasing hot-drawing temperature was observed. An effect of hot-drawing temperature on cytotoxicity was also found. Notably, at various stages of the final wires’ production, the MgCa0.7 alloy became toxic to cancer cells. This cytotoxicity depended on the alloys’ processing parameters and was maximal for the as-extruded rod and for the wires immediately after hot drawing at 440 C^{\circ}C. Thus, the careful selection of processing parameters makes it possible to obtain a product that is not only a promising candidate for biodegradable surgical wires, but one which also has intrinsic bioactive properties that produce antitumor activity

    Ni–Cr Powders Modified with Rhenium as a Novel Coating Material—Physical Properties, Microstructure, and Behavior in Plasma Plume

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    The aim of this work was to develop a new coating material based on Ni20Cr alloy modified with up to 50%wt. rhenium. The modification was carried out by the mechanical mixing of the base powder and ammonium perrhenate with the subsequent thermoreduction in an H2 atmosphere. The obtained powder consists of a nickel–chromium core surrounded by a rhenium shell. The characterization of the powders—including their microstructure, phase and chemical composition, density, flowability, particle size distribution, and specific surface area—was performed. The influence of plasma current intensity and hydrogen gas flow on in-flight particle temperature and velocity were investigated. The results indicate that there is interdiffusion between the base Ni20Cr and the rhenium shell, resulting in intermediary solid solution(s). The modified powders have a higher specific surface area and a lower flowability, but this does not prevent them from being used as feedstock in plasma spraying. In-flight measurements reveal that increasing the content of rhenium allows for the higher temperature of particles, though it also reduces their speed