27 research outputs found

    Efficient Grammatical Error Correction Via Multi-Task Training and Optimized Training Schedule

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    Progress in neural grammatical error correction (GEC) is hindered by the lack of annotated training data. Sufficient amounts of high-quality manually annotated data are not available, so recent research has relied on generating synthetic data, pretraining on it, and then fine-tuning on real datasets; performance gains have been achieved either by ensembling or by using huge pretrained models such as XXL-T5 as the backbone. In this work, we explore an orthogonal direction: how to use available data more efficiently. First, we propose auxiliary tasks that exploit the alignment between the original and corrected sentences, such as predicting a sequence of corrections. We formulate each task as a sequence-to-sequence problem and perform multi-task training. Second, we discover that the order of datasets used for training and even individual instances within a dataset may have important effects on the final performance, so we set out to find the best training schedule. Together, these two ideas lead to significant improvements, producing results that improve state of the art with much smaller models; in particular, we outperform the best models based on T5-XXL (11B parameters) with a BART-based model (400M parameters).Comment: EMNLP 202

    GEC-DePenD: Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction with Decoupled Permutation and Decoding

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    Grammatical error correction (GEC) is an important NLP task that is currently usually solved with autoregressive sequence-to-sequence models. However, approaches of this class are inherently slow due to one-by-one token generation, so non-autoregressive alternatives are needed. In this work, we propose a novel non-autoregressive approach to GEC that decouples the architecture into a permutation network that outputs a self-attention weight matrix that can be used in beam search to find the best permutation of input tokens (with auxiliary {ins} tokens) and a decoder network based on a step-unrolled denoising autoencoder that fills in specific tokens. This allows us to find the token permutation after only one forward pass of the permutation network, avoiding autoregressive constructions. We show that the resulting network improves over previously known non-autoregressive methods for GEC and reaches the level of autoregressive methods that do not use language-specific synthetic data generation methods. Our results are supported by a comprehensive experimental validation on the ConLL-2014 and Write&Improve+LOCNESS datasets and an extensive ablation study that supports our architectural and algorithmic choices.Comment: ACL 202

    Revisiting Mahalanobis Distance for Transformer-Based Out-of-Domain Detection

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    Real-life applications, heavily relying on machine learning, such as dialog systems, demand out-of-domain detection methods. Intent classification models should be equipped with a mechanism to distinguish seen intents from unseen ones so that the dialog agent is capable of rejecting the latter and avoiding undesired behavior. However, despite increasing attention paid to the task, the best practices for out-of-domain intent detection have not yet been fully established. This paper conducts a thorough comparison of out-of-domain intent detection methods. We prioritize the methods, not requiring access to out-of-domain data during training, gathering of which is extremely time- and labor-consuming due to lexical and stylistic variation of user utterances. We evaluate multiple contextual encoders and methods, proven to be efficient, on three standard datasets for intent classification, expanded with out-of-domain utterances. Our main findings show that fine-tuning Transformer-based encoders on in-domain data leads to superior results. Mahalanobis distance, together with utterance representations, derived from Transformer-based encoders, outperforms other methods by a wide margin and establishes new state-of-the-art results for all datasets. The broader analysis shows that the reason for success lies in the fact that the fine-tuned Transformer is capable of constructing homogeneous representations of in-domain utterances, revealing geometrical disparity to out of domain utterances. In turn, the Mahalanobis distance captures this disparity easily.Comment: to appear in AAAI 202

    Sinkhorn Transformations for Single-Query Postprocessing in Text-Video Retrieval

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    A recent trend in multimodal retrieval is related to postprocessing test set results via the dual-softmax loss (DSL). While this approach can bring significant improvements, it usually presumes that an entire matrix of test samples is available as DSL input. This work introduces a new postprocessing approach based on Sinkhorn transformations that outperforms DSL. Further, we propose a new postprocessing setting that does not require access to multiple test queries. We show that our approach can significantly improve the results of state of the art models such as CLIP4Clip, BLIP, X-CLIP, and DRL, thus achieving a new state-of-the-art on several standard text-video retrieval datasets both with access to the entire test set and in the single-query setting.Comment: SIGIR 202

    Artificial Text Boundary Detection with Topological Data Analysis and Sliding Window Techniques

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    Due to the rapid development of text generation models, people increasingly often encounter texts that may start out as written by a human but then continue as machine-generated results of large language models. Detecting the boundary between human-written and machine-generated parts of such texts is a very challenging problem that has not received much attention in literature. In this work, we consider and compare a number of different approaches for this artificial text boundary detection problem, comparing several predictors over features of different nature. We show that supervised fine-tuning of the RoBERTa model works well for this task in general but fails to generalize in important cross-domain and cross-generator settings, demonstrating a tendency to overfit to spurious properties of the data. Then, we propose novel approaches based on features extracted from a frozen language model's embeddings that are able to outperform both the human accuracy level and previously considered baselines on the Real or Fake Text benchmark. Moreover, we adapt perplexity-based approaches for the boundary detection task and analyze their behaviour. We analyze the robustness of all proposed classifiers in cross-domain and cross-model settings, discovering important properties of the data that can negatively influence the performance of artificial text boundary detection algorithms

    Intrinsic Dimension Estimation for Robust Detection of AI-Generated Texts

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    Rapidly increasing quality of AI-generated content makes it difficult to distinguish between human and AI-generated texts, which may lead to undesirable consequences for society. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to study the properties of human texts that are invariant over text domains and various proficiency of human writers, can be easily calculated for any language, and can robustly separate natural and AI-generated texts regardless of the generation model and sampling method. In this work, we propose such an invariant of human texts, namely the intrinsic dimensionality of the manifold underlying the set of embeddings of a given text sample. We show that the average intrinsic dimensionality of fluent texts in natural language is hovering around the value 99 for several alphabet-based languages and around 77 for Chinese, while the average intrinsic dimensionality of AI-generated texts for each language is 1.5\approx 1.5 lower, with a clear statistical separation between human-generated and AI-generated distributions. This property allows us to build a score-based artificial text detector. The proposed detector's accuracy is stable over text domains, generator models, and human writer proficiency levels, outperforming SOTA detectors in model-agnostic and cross-domain scenarios by a significant margin

    Topological Data Analysis for Speech Processing

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    We apply topological data analysis (TDA) to speech classification problems and to the introspection of a pretrained speech model, HuBERT. To this end, we introduce a number of topological and algebraic features derived from Transformer attention maps and embeddings. We show that a simple linear classifier built on top of such features outperforms a fine-tuned classification head. In particular, we achieve an improvement of about 9%9\% accuracy and 5%5\% ERR on four common datasets; on CREMA-D, the proposed feature set reaches a new state of the art performance with accuracy 80.15580.155. We also show that topological features are able to reveal functional roles of speech Transformer heads; e.g., we find the heads capable to distinguish between pairs of sample sources (natural/synthetic) or voices without any downstream fine-tuning. Our results demonstrate that TDA is a promising new approach for speech analysis, especially for tasks that require structural prediction. Appendices, an introduction to TDA, and other additional materials are available here - https://topohubert.github.io/speech-topology-webpages/Comment: Accepted to INTERSPEECH 2023 conferenc

    Acceptability Judgements via Examining the Topology of Attention Maps

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    The role of the attention mechanism in encoding linguistic knowledge has received special interest in NLP. However, the ability of the attention heads to judge the grammatical acceptability of a sentence has been underexplored. This paper approaches the paradigm of acceptability judgments with topological data analysis (TDA), showing that the geometric properties of the attention graph can be efficiently exploited for two standard practices in linguistics: binary judgments and linguistic minimal pairs. Topological features enhance the BERT-based acceptability classifier scores by 88%-2424% on CoLA in three languages (English, Italian, and Swedish). By revealing the topological discrepancy between attention maps of minimal pairs, we achieve the human-level performance on the BLiMP benchmark, outperforming nine statistical and Transformer LM baselines. At the same time, TDA provides the foundation for analyzing the linguistic functions of attention heads and interpreting the correspondence between the graph features and grammatical phenomena.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2022 Finding

    Betti numbers of attention graphs is all you really need

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    We apply methods of topological analysis to the attention graphs, calculated on the attention heads of the BERT model ( arXiv:1810.04805v2 ). Our research shows that the classifier built upon basic persistent topological features (namely, Betti numbers) of the trained neural network can achieve classification results on par with the conventional classification method. We show the relevance of such topological text representation on three text classification benchmarks. For the best of our knowledge, it is the first attempt to analyze the topology of an attention-based neural network, widely used for Natural Language Processing.Comment: This short paper was submitted to "Topological Data Analysis and Beyond" Workshop at NeurIPS 2020 at July 2020, but wasn't accepted. Later the ideas from this short paper found a rich development in arXiv:2109.04825 and arXiv:2205.0963