11 research outputs found

    Drinking water quality as a health factor of meat processing workers

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    Introduction. Drinking water quality is a key issue due to the impact of chemical and microbiological parameters on the population health, and, in particular, on the health of employees of meat, poultry and egg safety branch (MPES). MPEs must be provided with a sufficient amount of water of a guaranteed quality for technological, hygienic and drinking water needs and comply with the Law no. 182 of 19.12.2019 on drinking water quality. The adverse effects of chemical or microbiological indicators of the water quite vary and depend not only on the biological characteristics of the human body, but also on the values and the period of action. Material and methods. The purpose of the study was to assess the laboratory test findings of drinking water quality from the MPEs during 2018-2021. Results. Currently, the drinking water for the four studied MPEs (Anenii Noi district – no. 1 and 4, Soroca – no. 2, and Bălți – no. 3) is provided from their own wells, thus not supplying drinking water to the population of the above-mentioned localities. The evaluation of the laboratory results of the water quality from the MPEs showed that the underground sources under study revealed various values of the chemical indicators. The average concentrations of iron content found in the sample from MPE no.4 ranged between 0.3±0.2 mg/L, compared to 0.2±0.03 mg/Lin the sample from MPE nr.1. At the same time, while comparing the mean iron content in water from MPE no. 1, it was 2 times higher compared to MPE no. 2(95%, CI – 0.1-0.05; p=0.0008). At the same time, there was an excess of iron concentration at MPE no.4, viz. about 3 times higher compared to MPE no.2 or (95%, CI – 0.4-0.008; p=0.05). The ammonium content in water exceeded the maximum permissible limits in MPE no. 2 and MPE no.4, being of 0.46±0.04 mg/Land 1.6±1.5 mg/L, respectively. While comparing the mean values of the ammonium concentration between these MPEs, MPE no. 4 exceeded the average ammonium concentration by 3.5 times compared to MPE no. 2 (95%, CI – 2.6-0.4; p=0.12).The values of hydrogen sulfide were as following: at MPE no. 1–146.4±106.6 mg/L, MPE no. 2 – 97.6±2.1 mg/L, MPE no.3 –96.6±2.7mg/Land MPE no.4 – 96.4±3.4 mg/L. While comparing the mean values of hydrogen sulfide concentration, a 1.5-time fold increase was found at MPE no.1 compared to the enterprise no.4 (95%, CI –159.9-59.9; p=0.3). Higher values of iron, ammonium and hydrogen sulphide content in the water from the wells of the studied meat processing enterprises did not affect the health status of the workers, thus no health manifestations were attested and hence the employees did not seek medical care. Conclusions. The results of the study of the water quality from the wells of the meat processing enterprises showed that the average values of the iron content were 3 times higher at the MPE no.4 compared to MPE no.2, while the ammonium content was 3.5 times higher compared to the same MPE no. 2, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide at MPE no.1 was 1.5 times higher compared to MPE no.4. Multi-sectoral coordination, including the involvement of economic operators, are needed to ensure the meat processing enterprises with drinking quality water

    Prevention of acute non-professional chemical poisonings in the Republic of Moldova

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    National Agency for Public Health, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Chemicals are present in the national economy and bring benefits on which modern society is completely dependent, but they can also present risks if they are not correctly managed. Recently, in the world, the chemicals have significantly increased in use, especially household products used in daily life, which poses a potential risk to public health, caused by their irrational use. An important aspect in the prevention of acute nonprofessional chemical poisonings (ANPCP) is the awareness of the population about the dangers of inappropriate use of chemicals and the diseases they can generate. Material and methods. A descriptive and retrospective study was performed. Data from the Statistical Form f. 50-san "Statistical report on health promotion and health education", f. 18-san. "Statistical report on state surveillance and control of public health in the district, municipality", Model report on the organization of the National Week for combating of acute non-professional chemical poisonings were analysed. Results. Statistical data analysis showed that, since 2013, the Republic of Moldova, together with several states, have organized International Campaigns to prevent lead poisoning. At the same time, since 2018, was carried out National Prevention Week of acute non-professional chemical poisonings by public health specialists, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MHLSP), territorial medical institutions together with specialists of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. In 2021, according to the joint Order of MHLSP and the National Agency for Food Safety no. 237/127 of 19.03.2021, for the first time was organized the National Health Promotion Week through the rational application of phytosanitary products. Several events (seminars, public lessons, round tables) were organized during this week, aimed at public informing and raising awareness on the health effects of chemicals exposure, by increasing the level of knowledge and raising society's awareness on avoidance of using toxic chemicals, especially veterinary drugs in treatment of humans. Thus, more than 2,000 people were informed and trained on how to properly handle and store chemicals, as well as on measures to prevent chemical poisonings etc. The assessed statistical data established that, in the country, a total of 30,323 cases of ANPCP were registered during 2012-2020, including 912 deaths. Most cases occurred in 2013, of which 6292 were affected and 219 led to death. Since 2014, it can be noted a decreasing trend of cases, when were reported 5619 poisonings, reaching 2145 cases in 2018 and 1494 cases in 2020. Conclusions. The organization of Health Promotion Weeks in chemical risks field, of has a positive impact on population health, with a decrease in the level of morbidity associated with chemicals products. The cases of acute non-occupational chemical poisonings has decreased from 6292 cases in 2013 to 1494 cases in 2020. With the aim to improve the situation in this field and increase the level of knowledge of the citizens, it is necessary to continue the health promotion measures in this field

    Occupational health hazards among prehospital care emergency medical services in Republic of Moldova

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    National Agency for Public Health, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Globally, the activities of healthcare workers are associated with exposure to countless occupational hazards, including biological, chemical, physical and psychological hazards. In the Republic of Moldova, prehospital emergency medical care services are organized as to ensure the availability, efficiency and quality of medical care provided to the population, though, from a hygienic point of view, some obstacles are created to control working conditions, employee morbidity, which have not been studied and improved for decades. Material and methods. A meta-analysis of studies on the impact of occupational risk factors on Prehospital Care Emergency Medical Services (PCEMS) workers was conducted. Statistics from the database on „Evidence of infection with the COVID-19 virus in the Republic of Moldova” during the coronavirus pandemic period were analyzed and systemized. Results. The reviewed literature emphasizes that emergency healthcare workers are constantly facing a number of work-related hazards, such as contact with sick people, responsibility for the health and life of the patient, night and round-the-clock service, unpredictable atmosphere, sometimes long-distance travel, as well as intellectual and psycho-emotional stressful situations. It was also confirmed that occupational risk factors have a negative impact not only on health, but also on the quality of medical care provided to the population. Statistical data analysis indicated that, in Republic of Moldova, a total of 13,895 medical workers were infected with the COVID-19 virus during 20.07.20-07.04.21, of which 135 cases (0.9%) were fatal. Among PCEMS workers 782 COVID-19 cases were registered (5.6% of the total number of infected medical workers), including 5 people who died (3.7% of 135 deaths). At the same time, data analysis of COVID-19 infection among PCEMS, by geographical distribution, revealed the dominance in certain regions of the country: Chisinau – 243 infected medical staff, Cahul – 34 people, Balti – 30 infected workers, Causeni and Orhei – 28 cases per each. As regarding the age distribution of the infection cases, the most affected age group among PCEMS workers were aged between 49 to 58 years old – 239 registered cases, then 196 infected workers aged 39 – 48 years and 119 cases were included in the group of people aged 59-68 years old. However, a significant number of cases were also registered in young workers: 117 cases were aged between 29- 38 years, 85 cases – aged 19-28 etc. Currently, the PCEMS workers face physical and emotional exhaustion, which can lead to medical errors, lack of empathy in patient care, decreased productivity and family problems. Conclusions. Due to the stress, unpredictability and often life-threatening nature of the tasks that PECMS healthcare workers face on a daily basis the quality of working life has become an inevitable challege and one of the stringent problems of society as a whole. In addition, given the work-related hazards and current conditions caused by the pandemic, work conditions and quality of life, there is a more urgent need to analyze activities in this field and to improve the overall well-being and quality of life of workers

    Rolul borului în prevenirea bolilor osteoarticulare și distribuția acestuia pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova

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    Introduction. Boron is a trace mineral that is supposed to be essential for human health. Organic plant based boron compounds are highly bioavailable for humans and can positively influence minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and act in synergy with vitamin D, which are beneficial for osteoarticular health. Material and methods. We made an analysis of 126 bibliographic sources and mapped the Republic of Moldova to the content of boron in deep water and to the adults’ prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthropathy. Results. Boron is important for osteogenesis and its deficiency can lead to impaired growth and abnormal bones development. It supports bone health in postmenopausal women by reducing urinary loss of the minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone building. In countries where soil was depleted of boron and daily intake of this mineral was 1 mg or lower, the incidence of arthritis was between 20 and 70%. In Moldova, in the regions where boron concentration in deep drinking water were low (0.28 mg/L in well water and 0.51 mg/L in artesian well water) in Soroca in 2019, the prevalence with the rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthropathy were high (51.6 per 10000 inhabitants) with one exception, UTA Gagauzia (35.1 per 10000 inhabitants), where we found a high boron concentration in deep drinking water (2.05 mg/L in well water and 2.2 mg/L in artesian well water) in 2015. Conclusions. Boron can affect bone metabolism. In regions where boron concentration in deep drinking water is low, the osteoarticular morbidity can be higher with the exception of UTA Gagauzia, where we suppose that dietary pattern can be a cause of these results. In the future we will study eating habits in this region and a clearer conclusion will be made.Introducere. Borul este un microelement probabil esențial pentru oameni. Compușii organici ai borului au o biodisponibilitate înaltă pentru oameni și pot influența pozitiv metabolismul calciului, fosforului și al magneziului, acționând în sinergie cu vitamina D, în mod pozitiv pentru oase. Material și metode. Pentru realizarea studiului au fost analizate 126 de surse bibliografice, a fost cartografiată Republica Moldova după concentrația borului în apa potabilă de profunzime și după prevalența adulților prin artrită reumatoidă și poliartropatiile inflamatorii. Rezultate. Borul este important pentru osteogeneză, iar deficiența acestuia poate compromite creșterea și dezvoltarea oaselor. El susține sănătatea osoasă a femeilor aflate în menopauză prin reducerea pierderii urinare a calciului, magneziului și a fosforului. În țările în care solul este privat de bor, iar aportul zilnic al acestui mineral este de 1 mg și mai puțin, incidența artritei este cuprinsă între 20 și 70%. În Moldova, în regiunile în care concentrația borului în apa potabilă de profunzime a fost joasă (0,28 mg/l în apa din fântâni și 0,51 mg/l în apa din sondele arteziene în Soroca în 2019), prevalența prin artrită reumatoidă și poliartropatii inflamatorii a fost înaltă (51,6 pentru 10000 locuitori), cu o singură excepție – UTA Găgăuzia (35,1 pentru 10 000 locuitori), unde am depistat o concentrație înaltă a borului în apa potabilă de profunzime (2,05 mg/l în apa din fântâni și 2,2 mg/l în apa din sondele arteziene) în anul 2015. Concluzii. Borul poate afecta metabolismul osos. În regiunile în care concentrația borului în apa potabilă de profunzime este joasă, morbiditatea osteoarticulară poate fi înaltă, cu excepția UTA Gagauzia, unde presupunem că deprinderile alimentare ale locuitorilor pot cauza aceste rezultate. Astfel, modul de alimentație al locuitorilor din această zonă se impune a fi studiat în profunzime și doar atunci vom putea trasa concluzii mai clare

    Conception and organization of a poison center

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    Introduction. Poison Center (PC) provides poison prevention and safety information, professional education, and assistance in diagnosing and treating poisoning incidents according to the monographs and database information. By addressing different types of poisonings, PCs save money and lives by reducing unnecessary healthcare expenses. PCs are accessible 24/7 and provide information or advice regarding actual or potential poisoning exposures. They also serve as a triage function by either providing information or referring calls to appropriate agencies. PCs have evolved a common set of activities to deal with these needs, primarily centered around telephone lines staffed by specialists with training in clinical toxicology, a wide range of consultants, and extensive collaborations with public health agencies. Aim. This study aims to assess the need for creating a PC in the Republic of Moldova and to develop its own organizational concept. Material and methods. The study involved visiting two PCs to understand their capacities and needs, which could serve as a model for the Republic of Moldova's PC. Results. PCs operate 24/7, providing information related to poisonings and chemical agents to the public and healthcare professionals. They play a critical role in the prevention and management of poisonings. The benefits of PCs include accessible and affordable healthcare, reduced healthcare costs and unnecessary hospitalizations for mild and moderate poisonings, toxicological surveillance, public and professional education, and research on product safety and toxicity. PCs also reduce emergency department visits for poisonings and shorten hospital stays for poisoned patients. The services of a PC are provided free of charge to the caller. During the study visit to PCs in Estonia and Hungary, the researchers gained insight into their operations, including their databases on chemicals such as pesticides, industrial chemicals, consumer products, and other hazardous materials. The number of staff working in the centers varies depending on the volume of calls received. In Estonia, the staff employed at the PC have nursing qualification, while in Hungary, the staff includes biologists, chemists, and pharmacists. Poison control centers possess an efficient, real-time surveillance mechanism. During the study tour the main documents required for creating and managing a PC were presented, including the actors involved in ensuring its functionality and development, the availability and supply of antidotes, and the ability to respond quickly to incidents and chemical emergencies. Conclusions. The study tour of these successful models of PCs clearly demonstrated the need for the establishment of a PC in the Republic of Moldova. The first step is to assess the existing national capacities and develop a concept for the creation of a PC. It is important to note that PCs improve the efficiency of healthcare expenditure and contribute to the sustainability of the healthcare system. Investing in PCs leads to significant cost savings for the healthcare system while improving public health outcomes. Therefore, establishing a PC in the Republic of Moldova should be considered a valuable investment for the health of the public

    The role of boron and its compounds in preventing osteoarticular diseases

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    National Agency for Public Health, Republic of Moldova, Bioboron Research Institute, Craiova, RomaniaIntroduction. Boron is a trace mineral that is supposed to be essential for human health. Organic boron compounds, which can be found in vegetable products are highly bioavailable for humans and can positively influence minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and act in synergy with vitamin D, which are known to be beneficial for osteoarticular health. The aim of this study was to research the literature to determine the role of boron in preventing osteoarticular diseases. Material and methods. This present paper analyzed 126 bibliographic sources that highlighted the boron and its compounds functions, as well as their role in preventing osteoarticular diseases. Results. Boron is important for osteogenesis and its deficiency can lead to impaired growth and abnormal bones development. It supports bone health in postmenopausal women by reducing urinary loss of the minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone building. Boron supplementation can decrease calcitonin blood levels and increase levels of calcium and vitamin D at the same time. According to recently published researches, people older than 40 can prevent and/or correct arthritis, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis by taking boron to or higher than 3 mg per day. In countries where soil was depleted of boron and daily intake of this mineral was 1 mg or lower, the incidence of arthritis was between 20 and 70%. Contrary to this, in countries where daily boron intake was 3 to 10 mg per day, the incidence of arthritis ranged from 0 to 10%. A low serum level of boron was found in individuals with both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Low serum levels of this mineral were correlated with higher levels of rheumatoid factor, the antibody that causes destruction of the joints in both diseases. Studies that were done in the Middle East demonstrate that patients with rheumatoid arthritis have 50% lower serum boron than controls. This may suggest that boron can play a role in pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and their severity. Boron, as well as zinc, manganese, magnesium and aluminum, is present in the mineralized and non-mineralized portion of bones, although their role in bone functioning is not completely understood. Following these, one study has shown that boron levels were reduced in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip. Calcium fructoborate, the most studied bioactive boron compounds, could be effective in reducing joint discomfort and stiffness, as well as in helping to reduce the need for use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It can significantly improve knee discomfort during a 2-week period when compared to placebo. Additionally, it synergizes with dexamethasone to increase the bone mineralization. Conclusions. Boron can affect bone metabolism. An adequate intake of minimum 3 mg of boron per day is particular important for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or osteoporosis and even more important for individuals who are at high risk of developing these conditions

    Estimation of alcohol poisonings in children

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    National Agency for Public Health, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction Alcohol abuse is the seventh leading risk factor for both death and the burden of disease and injury. According a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) worldwide, 3 million deaths each year result from harmful alcohol consumption, accounting for 5.3% of all deaths (25% in aged 15-29). The average age teen boys first try alcohol is age 10, for teen girls it’s 11. Persons aged 12-17 years consume alcohol weekly. Childhood alcoholism is most often diagnosed between the ages of 10-14. In Russia, out of 2 million alcoholics, 60000 are children under 14 years. According to the Global Report on Alcohol Consumption and Health, in Republic of Moldova consumption in 2016 was equal to 15.2 litres of pure alcohol consumed per person aged 15 years or older (males: 25.2 litres, females: 6.1 litres).Purpose Estimation of cases of harm to children through alcohol consumption. Material and methods Statistical Forms 18-san.“Statistical report on state surveillance and control of public health in the district, municipality” and no. 360-1/e „Register of persons with acute exogenous non-professional poisonings of chemical etiology” were analyzed during the 2015-2019.During the 2015-2019, 13657 cases of acute chemical poisonings were registered of which 3705 were intoxications with alcohol. Alcohol abuse is the second leading cause of chemical poisonings. In the period under review, excessive alcohol consumption affected 2937 (79.3%) adults and 768 (20.7%) children, being a risk factor for severe antisocial behaviors (aggression, murder, accidents), abuse, addictionRegarding alcohol abuse, compared with women, men consume more alcohol. Thus, 70% of alcohol poisonings were registered among men and 30% of women. Reasons for consumption: self-affirmation -55%, peer influence -30%, indisposition -10%, 5% - accidentally (figure 4). Approximately 35% of those who poisoned the first time, consumed alcohol at home, being produced in their household and 2% of intoxicated children were diagnosed with alcoholic coma.Conclusions The situation of alcohol consumption is a life threatening. Annually 27.1% of persons have alcohol poisonings. Thus, the limit of alcohol access, education of children about the harm of alcohol, the involvement of parents, authorities-all of this are essential for achieving a healthy society

    The role of boron in the functioning of the osteoarticular system

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    National Agency for Public Health, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, BioBoron Research Institute, Craiova, RomaniaBackground: Boron was classified by the World Health Organization as ‘possible essential elements for human health’. It can be found in different forms in the environment, has beneficial effects on bones and its deprivation can impair calcium and magnesium metabolism and bone development, their health and maintenance. Dietary boron supplementation can help prevent and manage degenerative and inflammatory bones and articular diseases, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Relevant articles were identified in PubMed, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Scopus databases published until June 2021, describing the role of boron in the functioning of the osteoarticular system. Conclusions: From organic and inorganic boron forms that can enter the human body, organic plant based boron compounds are highly bioavailable. In the functioning of the osteoarticular system boron acts by regulation of calcium and magnesium metabolism, enhancing the vitamin D activation process and influencing serum steroid hormone levels. A boron intake equal to or higher than 3 mg per day can help prevent/or correct arthritis, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Calcium fructoborate can reduce pain, joint discomfort and increase endogenous vitamin D level in patients with osteoarthritis. Boron may play a role in pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis and its severity and a supplementation with boron element may be useful

    Acute Chemical Poisonings in the Republic of Moldova: 5 Years Review

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    The incidence and the type of acute chemical poisoning in Republic of Moldova during 2011-2015 were assessed. Records show 22458 cases of poisonings, including 919 death cases. The analysis of poisoning cases involving various types of chemical substances causing the intoxication reveals that the medicines-related poisoning accounts for the highest record of cases (6971), followed by alcohol poisoning, 6556 cases, gas poisoning is the third, with 1860 cases, and pesticide-related poisoning, with 707 cases. Age and gender characteristics of chemical poisonings and ways of exposure to chemicals are discussed

    Pesticides Level Determination in Vegetables and Fruits Commonly Used in Republic of Moldova and Estimation of Human Intake

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    A total of 5206 samples from twenty one different vegetables and fruits were collected. Residues of pesticides in concentrations exceeding the maximum residue levels were found in 22.9% of analysed samples. Thirteen insecticides, four fungicides, two acaricides and one herbicide were detected in the analysed samples. The highest value of hazard index was calculated for diazinon – 0.15. The obtained results show that the long-term consumption of vegetables and fruits could pose a health risk for the population of the Republic of Moldova